JoinedTopics Started by WuzLovesDubs
He brought her INTO MY HOUSE!
by WuzLovesDubs inim stuck in hell here...im stuck in a house i cant get sold, to get the money so that i can get the divorce and get away from this cheatin ass jw im married to.
i know every single time he goes out he goes to be with her ("but only in groups") and even though he was told by the elders to not have contact with her because its inappropriate he continues to do so unabated.
last week i went across the state to attend my sons final state marching competition as a senior...which he never went to ever.
Governing Body = Enron
by WuzLovesDubs insorry i cant seem to get rid of the false start topic :) this sudden decision by the gb to elevate themselves to the right hand of god and in essence demote the entire rest of the remnant reminds me of what the executives of enron did to its employees, yanking their retirement and benefits and jobs out from under them and floating off into the sunset with their golden parachutes.
never giving a flying f*ck about anybody but themselves or the repercussions of their decisions and greed on anybody else.
they only did this because they got tired of getting letters asking "if the remant are all in the faithful slave class, and the fsc writes the watchtower why arent any of the rest of the remnant asked to write articles and why arent they polled if they all are spirit infused by jehovah?.
Proof of adultery no longer needed to be spiritually free to remarry
by WuzLovesDubs inso this is what my soon to be ex says to me today...the same person who is courting wooing and flirting with a sister and has been for a very long time even way before i told him i wanted a divorce.
he tells me that they "dont spy on people any more to get proof" that my just telling him i did or him telling the elders that i did is "sufficient" for him to be free.
he also said hes not allowed to talk to said sister any more because she is "spiritually free" but not divorced yet!
"we were just talking...shes not free to remarry...we werent flirting or doing anything wrong"
by WuzLovesDubs inthats what my soon to be exhusband just said to me.
i finally after 25 years of dealing with him and the jws and a litany of other shit, told him two weeks ago i want out.
he wrote me a letter this week and made a list of allllll the things he hates: about my beliefs, the fact that i left jehovah, broke my vows to god, my hobbies, celebrations, what i watch on tv, my parenting, keeping the kids out of the jws, not having any friends....and then said well i dont hate "you".
Something changed...and not for the better
by WuzLovesDubs ini was away over the weekend....came back monday.
jw dh is acting more strange than he usually is to me.
he went to the meeting tuesday night which he never does.
Waco....omg what did our government DO there?
by WuzLovesDubs ini know this happened in 1993...but i was reminded of it a few days ago.
if you have time to sit through this documentary you should.
i know i always thought the branch davidians pulled a heavens gate and killed themselves instead of being taken.
Legitimate question maybe a lesbian could answer for me?
by WuzLovesDubs inup front and first off....some of my bestest friends on the planet are lesbian and i love them to death so this has nothing to do with acceptance or not of it.
im all over same sex marriage and respecting all human beings' rights to live their lives as they see fit.
i was wondering...and i have wondered this for awhile....why some lesbians, who obviously dont like men, then choose to dress in men's clothes, have men's haircuts, wear men's shoes, flatten their chests, wear no makeup and look and act like men.
zombies at the door
by WuzLovesDubs ini left to go out for my morning walk this morning and saw two men in ties with briefcases walking with an umbrella.
(it is south florida after all) and of course i knew who they were immediately.
i passed three more "groups" on the way out of the complex walking their baby carriages wearing their long dresses and practical shoes with their hair up in buns going maybe 1mph....and i couldnt leave fast enough.
$1000 for a foreclosed house? Are these for real? Is there a catch?
by WuzLovesDubs inseriously...i know there are a ton of foreclosed on houses in florida.
can you really buy one for $1000???