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JoinedPosts by JesusFreak88
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
I also am a christian, I came on to expose the watch tower for the hoax that it is.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
I've given you what you need draw your own conclusion
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
I ain't look'in for threats I just want answers
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
For real
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
"jesus' existence and jesus' godship are two very very different issues if you ask me. personally i just think of the bible as a nice piece of historical fiction, but to each his own....but you do know most of us here don't believe the Watchtower to be inspired of god, right?"
IN the Bible prophets of God used miracles to verify there message, the ultimate proof of Jesus's deity was his own ressurection from the dead. The Bible is historically accurate about the ressurection of Christ as other various historians have shown.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
"Seriously, the WT claims authority (and is recognized as such by JWs) by virtue of its unique understanding of Bible principles, termed the "truth". Many JWs refuse to look elsewhere because they believe the WT uniquely holds the "truth" and will not even consider other organizations unless you can prove that they have the "truth". "
What makes the watch tower any more credible to hold the truth than any other organization?
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
There is no point in believing someone whos only proof is there own claim.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
"yes exactly. JesusFreak--who other than the Bible told you it was inspired of the only true god? who other than the god of the Bible told you that he was the only true one? "
It is a well documented fact, that Jesus existed. Joesphous recorded many things about jesus, also it is a historical fact that Jesus Christ was crucified. The roman govaner titus, made mentoin of him and his trial in the roman records. it is also an irifutable statement, to say that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Because had he not rose from the dead, then the cheif preists and teachers of the law, and jewish government would surely have produced his body to squash the would have been cult with the truth.
Question to all JW
by JesusFreak88 in.
what makes the watch tower organization the authority of the scriptures?
the bible does not say any thing about a watch tower.
"As long as people believe what they teach, that provides them with authority."
Just because you believe in something does not make it right.
I am wondering where they get the authority to originally say that they are right.