I NEVER believed that only less than 10 million people would be saved
People today are confused due to the fact that there are too many religions. Christianity itself has over 40,000 denominations! It is NOT the fault of people that they are confused. Therefore, it does NOT make sense to believe that everyone who is not a JW would be destroyed!
My reasoning was that after the downfall of false religion, it would be obvious to right hearted ones that JW's have the truth. After false religion is no more, it would narrow things down a lot and then the choice between serving Jehovah or Satan would not be difficult to make. Jehovah would make the truth more convincing to people at that time, as he is the God of love & mercy and does not desire for any to be destroyed. Subsequently, many more millions, or even billions, would be able to take sides with Jehovah and be saved! =)
I always believed that this reasoning should be the correct one instead as it made more sense