You don't owe it to the elders to confess anything to them, so don't. What would it achieve anyway, since you already feel it's not the truth?
Anyway, here's what made me leave:
1. False prophecies / doctrinal flip-flops / changes in teachings / enforcement of nonsensical man-made rules / hypocrisy
2. The blood issue (based on a glaring misapplication of scripture) which has claimed the lives of thousands
3. Finding out that the organization actually forbade organ transplants in the past, again resulting in the unnecessary deaths of many who blindly obeyed (they changed their stand later)
4. The shocking prevelance of child abuse cases in the organization & the subsequent cover-up of these
5. Lack of love / shallow & conditional love / lack of true friends
6. Constant judging / guilt-tripping
7. When I observed the other brothers & sisters, I realized that most of them are not happy. Many are burdened-down, depressed, downhearted, absolutely miserable. Also, I found that many who seem to be happy are actually only putting on a front & are not genuinely happy
8. Jesus said that his yoke is kindly & his load is light. The exact opposite is true as a JW!
9. Why is "the truth" so unconvincing & why can it be so easily challenged & disproved?
10. I could not bring myself to believe "the truth" anymore. I could not go out knocking on doors telling people a message that I no longer believed in. I do not believe that if there really is a loving God, he would be so shallow-minded as to destroy people who do not believe in him, not because they do not want to believe in him, but simply because they are not convinced. The idea of good people being destroyed simply because they have another belief is totally illogical to me!
I am delighted to say that I am much happier now after leaving. Wish the same for you too! =)