This study article poses questions that we should ask ourselves. Don't have time to analyze the whole thing, so will start from paragraph 8:
8 Do God’s promises seem less real to me now than they once did? For instance, God has promised to destroy the present system of things. Yet, are we distracted by the world’s array of entertainment options, thus weakening our faith in God’s promise? We might start to doubt that the end is really near. (Hab. 2:3) Here is another example. God promises to forgive us on the basis of the ransom. If, though, we became obsessed with guilt over our past mistakes, we could begin to doubt whether Jehovah has really “blotted out” all our sins. (Acts 3:19) Consequently, we could lose our joy in God’s service and become inactive.
Totally irrelevant. I lost my joy & became inactive because it became evident to me that the organization
does not have the truth
9 Am I as diligent in God’s service as I once was? The apostle Paul showed that working hard for Jehovah leads to our having “the full assurance of the hope down to the end.” However, what could happen if we began to focus our efforts on personal pursuits, such as by taking a job that pays well but that interferes with our worship? Our faith could weaken, and we could “become sluggish,” doing less for Jehovah than our circumstances allow.—Heb. 6:10-12.
This is ironic. The previous paragraph tells us not to become obsessed with guilt. Yet, this paragraph is designed to guilt-trip! Also, take a look at this sentence: "Doing less for Jehovah than our circumstances allow". The problem here is that we are never able to do enough for Jehovah! No matter what we do, we are always told to do more. If we are not pioneering, can we do more & pioneer? If we are auxiliary pioneering, can we do more & regular pioneer? If we are regularly pioneering, can we do more & become a special pioneer? Preach to more people, do more return visits, start more studies? Nothing is ever enough!
10 Do I struggle to forgive personal offenses? When others offend or hurt us, we could focus on how we feel and then be tempted to tell them off or to cut them off by not speaking to them. On the other hand, if we forgive, we show our faith in Jehovah. How so? Those who sin against us owe us a debt, just as our sins put us in debt to God. (Luke 11:4) When we forgive others, we have to trust that gaining God’s favor by doing so is worth more than making them pay back their debt. Jesus’ disciples recognized that forgiving others requires faith. When he told them to forgive even those who had sinned against them repeatedly,they begged: “Give us more faith.”—Luke 17:1-5.
So cutting people off by not speaking to them is wrong. This would mean that shunning is wrong!
11 Do I chafe at Scriptural counsel? Instead of looking for a way to benefit from the counsel, we might be focusing on some defect in the counsel or in the counselor. (Prov. 19:20) We might thus miss an opportunity to bring our thinking into line with God’s.
What if the defect in the counsel or counselor is valid? What if there is clear evidence that the counsel given is invalid? (blood transfusions, 2 witness rule, etc,?)
12 Do I murmur against appointed brothers in the congregation? When the Israelites focused on the bad report of the ten faithless spies, they began to murmur against Moses and Aaron. Jehovah then asked Moses: “How much longer will they not put faith in me?” (Num. 14:2-4,11) Yes, the Israelites’ murmuring actually showed a lack of trust in God, who had appointed Moses and Aaron. Likewise, if we constantly grumble about those whom God is using to lead his people, is this not an indication that our faith in God has weakened?
Moses & Aaron were able to perform miracles which proved that they had God's backing. What signs have the Watchtower leaders / GB performed to show that they have God's backing? What evidence is there that the Watchtower leaders / GB
do not have God's backing?
Paragraphs 16 - 20 offers some solutions for our problems. What are these? Personal study, meditation, prayer, association, meetings, ministry. Same old useless advice! Been there, tried that, done that, repeatedly, many times, didn't work! Ended up fading instead... LOL