design means designer.
And designer means design which means designer of designer which means designer of designer of designer which means... (continues on endlessly)
many people point to the irrationality in the depiction of god by the religions and their scriptures, hence jump into the bottomless pit of atheism.
in either camp, god is not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents god, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without god).
it is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong; or it is like saying mathematics itself is wrong because you found out your mathematics teacher made a mistake.
design means designer.
And designer means design which means designer of designer which means designer of designer of designer which means... (continues on endlessly)
i have thought long and hard about this, you know in those midnight hours.. you will probably string me alive in what i say, but here you go-.
i feel that the jw's do have the truth.
i do agree with the doctrines and biblical exgenesis they propound.i do feel that they have the 'truth' i do understand they are imperfect, and i think they have had to 'refine' their teachings as time has gone on-and change accordingly- i see nothing wrong with this.
I have thought long and hard about this, you know in those midnight hours.
Obviously not long and hard enough
wednesday, november 22 .
draw close to god, and he will draw close to you.—jas.
by continuing to ponder over spiritual things, we will maintain our enthusiasm for the truth.
return of parakeet:
Scripture edited (and improved) by the parakeet: "If God draws close to you, you will draw close to him."
Why doesn't God take the first step for a change? Is he shy? Why must we do all the work?
Some relationships just aren't worth the hassle.
Exactly! Why does the burden fall on us since we are supposedly lower beings with lesser intelligence & capabilities? Why would a loving God make drawing close to him so unnecessarily difficult & unachievable? Why distance himself to the extent that even his very existence can be questioned & doubted? It doesn't make sense & neither does the JW cult which has no satisfying answers to all these critical & fundamental questions
wednesday, november 22 .
draw close to god, and he will draw close to you.—jas.
by continuing to ponder over spiritual things, we will maintain our enthusiasm for the truth.
Wednesday, November 22
Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8.
By continuing to ponder over spiritual things, we will maintain our enthusiasm for the truth. Thus we will be a source of refreshment to our brothers and to the interested ones we meet in the field service. Meditating deeply on God’s greatest gift, the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, will help us to cherish the privilege of having a close relationship with our Holy Father, Jehovah. (Rom. 3:24) Mark, a South African who spent three years in prison because of his Christian neutrality, said: “Meditation can be compared to an exciting adventure. The more we meditate on spiritual things, the more we discover new things about our God, Jehovah. At times when I’m feeling a little discouraged or anxious about the future, I pick up the Bible and meditate on a passage of Scripture. I feel that it really calms me down.” w15 10/15 4:15
Any of you ever felt close to Jehovah? I can honestly say that I definitely haven't, even when I was fully in. How can I be expected to draw close to someone who does not interact with me??? Keep in mind that we are already at a great disadvantage by not being able to see or meet Jehovah, so the VERY LEAST he could do is to find a way to interact with us. Unfortunately, he does not do so but still expects us to draw close to him. Does this even make any sense???
We are asked to draw close to Jehovah by prayer. The problem is that we live in a scientifically advanced age where communication is instantaneous. For example, when I send a WhatsApp message to another person, I would see 2 blue ticks as proof to indicate that my message has been read. When I pray, however, what proof do I receive that my prayer has been heard by Jehovah??? None at all!!!
JW's say that we receive proof when Jehovah answers prayers. In all my years as a JW, however, I can't recall a single instance whereby I received irrefutable proof that my prayer was answered by Jehovah. Anything viewed as an "answer" could simply be attributed to coincidence rather than something definite & undeniable which can be clearly attributed to Jehovah's hand in the matter. There was no hard evidence at all!
Speaking about evidence, with the obvious lack of communication & interaction, there is no evidence at all that Jehovah exists in the first place when such proof is critically needed during our time! We are at a very unfair disadvantage. Think about it according to the biblical story:
Adam & Eve: Perfect human beings who were able to communicate with Jehovah & thus had proof that he existed
Us: Imperfect human beings with no such proof at all!
By being asked to "draw close to God" in the absence of any irrefutable proof that he exists, we are in fact being asked to put the cart before the horse. Logically speaking, Jehovah should first of all convince us beyond all doubt that he exists BEFORE asking us to draw close to him! I do not want to turn this into a debate about whether God exists or not, but based on what we were taught as JW's, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE for a "loving" God to NOT convince people beyond all doubt that he exists then proceed to destroy them for not believing in him!
one of the things i don’t like about witness gatherings is the way everything you have to do or say has to be witness related.
the songs played at a party couldn’t be played if the lyrical content was “worldly”, and also hearing the same phrases.
a conversation about something in the news and someone will say “well, we’re living in the last days” or “we’re in this wicked system of things, everything is horrible”.
Also, many fun games were often left aside in favour of Bible games. Ever felt the urge to punch the person who says: "Let's play a Bible game!" when those were the LAST games that you wanted to play???
have we heard of the sin of omission?.
it refers to a situation where someone deliberately withholds some relevant or pertinent information from an investigation or enquiry.. in a criminal situation someone may purposely neglect to mention he was present, or involved in something.
it may lead the other person to a conclusion that is not accurate...and yet the person under investigation never actually lied.. now think of a jw "judicial committee" .
According to the bible, omission existed from the very beginning of human creation when god DID NOT disclose to Adam & Eve that the powerful spirit creature Satan was in existence & would be actively seeking to tempt then in various cunning & deceptive ways!
So yes, the WT Society / GB / JW's are GUILTY of omission, and the god they worship did it first & set the example for them!
i'm gobsmacked.. the 7 rock star popes in warwick know darned well that the 2 witness rule allows child rapists to get away with their crime.. geoff (whacko jacko) jackson was at the australian royal commission and should have seen first hand what a vile man made law the 2 witness rule is.. my question is, why do they still insist on this pervert protecting rule?.
i know it's a highly controlling cult but still...........................stuff my old boots, mate!.
the above is more a rhetorical question.
Just answer the question asked by Dubstepped, Fisherman. Why are you being so evasive???
Do you personally have the opinion that Jehovah's Witnesses handle child sexual abuse allegations in a way that protects children to the best of human abilities? If not, where do you think they fall short? If you do, please highlight the ways in which they best serve children in these cases through their policies.
i had a conversation with an old jw friend and he spent a good part of the evening preaching to me.
as i am “inactive”, i am forced to stay low, thus, i was not argumentative.
yet, at one moment, he said that angels protect jws in field service and other situations.
The very fact that we are all ex-JW's is proof that we have been subjected to treatment beyond what we can bear & the JW god (who I no longer believe in) did nothing to stop it
tuesday, october 24. wisdom is good for you.
if you find it, you will have a future.—prov.
24:14.. as parents, you want your teenage children to remain spiritually healthy.
The emphasis on teenage children is there obviously because more & more teenagers are rebelling & leaving the org. Blackmailing them in the above-mentioned ways would only make them hate the borg more & is a desperate measure that would not succeed or might only work in the short-term until the children leave home
i have never reviewed a product before, but having purchased a hitachi 50 inch full hd lcd tv at the weekend, i thought i'd share my experience.
hitachi tv's are now made in turkey, and not by the hitachi company.
the uk's sole supplier is the argos company.
Haven't seen a Hitachi TV for ages where I'm at. The local TV market is dominated by Samsung, the most aggressive market player. The main Japanese players are Panasonic & Sony, which have lost a lot of market share to Samsung in recent years