More rumblings of a muppet-shuffle?
What would a consolidation of big-wigs look like I wonder...a production of priscilla queen of the desert maybe?
a reliable source has informed me that a bethel contact has informed them that paul gillies - a london branch committee heavyweight - is moving to warwick to join the legal department there.
anyone else aware of this?.
during the recent court case in russia, he posed for a photograph with the gb member and the rest of the wt a-team..
More rumblings of a muppet-shuffle?
What would a consolidation of big-wigs look like I wonder...a production of priscilla queen of the desert maybe?
i don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
That pic of the guy in the JC is just awful. I know women are often thought of as the oppressed WT victims but there is enough oppression to go round for both sexes in that destructive cult.
WT loves to emasculate and humiliate men just as much as it loves to devalue women. I just want to see a pic of a JC where the guy stands up and tells them to go f**k themselves.
i was watching a fascinating ted-ex video on hypnosis and hypnotism with a friend.
my friend wondered if the jws new music might have a hypnotic suggestion buried somewhere in it which gets everyone in attendance to listen and absorb stuff that is totally irrational for the entire program.
ending with a second subliminal message in the final song along the lines of "you will snap out of this state when you next hear the word amen.
I agree with xanthippe. JW minds run on a kind of economy mode all the time switching to "sleep" mode at meetings. The songs, like the meetings are boring, repetitive and unstimulating iow designed to make sure you stay "asleep" mentally.
i mentioned this to the two ladies who came by yesterday.
they indicated to me through bible readings (like 2 timothy 3 and another) that jw's are not what are called "christian zionists.
" is this true because if it is not (that jw's actually do support israel), i want no part of the jehovah's witnesses.
Oh and btw JWs are a cult and generally don't think and when they do it's only what their leaders tell them to think.
i mentioned this to the two ladies who came by yesterday.
they indicated to me through bible readings (like 2 timothy 3 and another) that jw's are not what are called "christian zionists.
" is this true because if it is not (that jw's actually do support israel), i want no part of the jehovah's witnesses.
Individual JWs and the org would not have an opinion on this or any other political issue "hot potatoe" or otherwise as they are commanded by their leaders to be politically neutral, not even voting. What and who the behind the scenes WT elite support, think and do behind closed doors is another thing and something we will never know. They recruited Jared Kushner to do a complimentary fluff piece endorsing them but then removed it later so go figure. Maybe it was part of the deal that came with buying the old WT HQ properties but strange behavior from "neutral people of God" considering he is Jewish and associated closely with Trump make of it what you will. They were also part of the UN as an NGO for ten years so go figure. Their old WT president wrote letters to Hitler so go figure.
today in liverpool the cart witnesses were in their usual speck in bold street holding out their wafer thin rags and books that they literally can't even give away.
but today the city centre was flooded with some sort of black church handing out their leaflets and little invitations to a "special event" this sunday.
i took a leaflet off them as they handed it to me and they were very smiley and cheerful.
Yes, I was glad for every opportunity to talk to anybody that wanted to talk out in FS even so-called opposers from other religions. I know that I was different and most sisters I worked with did not share my enthusiasm at all. They would pull on my arm and try to wrap up the conversation, their body language would get all stiff and defensive.
I could never understand this closed off attitude of many of my fellow witness "comrades" but seems they're all like it now. And it seems the WT never actually wanted witnesses like me that liked talking with people rather than at people.
what single big change do you think could back fire and bring the cult down ?.
me: tithing..
Any change either implemented by WT themselves or imposed upon them by outside forces that would bring about a massive class action law suit or seriously impact cushy tax exemption could in theory cause them to take a fatal monetary and/or reputational hit. We live in hope.
i’ve been here for many years.
the tone seems to be different in this place.
not so many pissed off exjws .
You have been here a while minimus,16 years is a long time to be an "ex" anything.
Anyway, the question.
No I'm not. If you keep moving forward in your waking up process rage is only a temporary part of it, kind of like the stages of grief. It's not healthy to maintain anger, in fact how angry I get when I run into some JW I know is how I gauge my progress. My goal is neutrality and I'm almost there. Of course, some people, the ones I had more to do with, will trigger more of an emotional reaction than others so it's a work in progress I 'm only human after all, if you prick me do I not bleed....sorry I digress.
I am absolutely still passionate and interested in seeing WT and all controlling religions that interfere with peoples personal rights and decisions undergo serious reform or disappear altogether.
ive just watched on youtube the b.i.t.e model of cult mind control by steve hassan.
all 23 steps apply to the wts.
its awful knowing i was tricked and how subtly it was done without me even knowing.
Yes very useful book, he explains the techniques employed by cults and the mechanisms of mind control ie thought reform very well.
in the movie the wizard of oz, while the whole yellow brick road gang was being addressed by the great and powerful wizard of oz, the dog toto ran off to the side, pulled back on a curtain, and showed that a normal-looking humbug of a person was operating cranks and levers.
for a short while, the normal-looking man kept yanking levers and cranking cranks, and said into the microphone (which made the great and powerful wizard speak the same words) "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
i am the great and powerful wiz .
We can now see their ugly mugs but that's about it. They haven't come out from behind any curtain or closet or revealed anything. Most of what the GB and WTBTS do is still well and truly hidden from JWs. Even us as researching apostates only have glimpses of the tip of the iceberg re their business dealings, associates, back of backroom discussions, how they do things, to who and how much they pay for this and that, where the money is going where the money is coming from, the real reason behind new light, the legal department the real estate side of things, their plans for the future for the website etc... A full 360 degree of view? We don't know the half of it.