Best wishes on your journey.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Goodbye my friends.
by StephaneLaliberte infor almost 12 years now, i have been coming to this site on a regular basis and in the last 5, i “faded out”.
i never regretted this and never will.
unfortunately though, yesterday, i realized that, until i can publically tell all my old acquaintances why i have left, i will never be truly free.
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the proliferation of websites, youtube channels, books and other forms of media attention focusing on the extreme policies, teachings and scandals of the watchtower bible and tract society; where does this now leave the governing body's credibility?.
There has been the odd local story and two minute mentions here and there of the ARC and a convention but really nothin much at all.
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the proliferation of websites, youtube channels, books and other forms of media attention focusing on the extreme policies, teachings and scandals of the watchtower bible and tract society; where does this now leave the governing body's credibility?.
Their credibility with who the gov, media the public or with JWs themselves?
Coz nobody where I live talking about the terrible horrible no-good very bad JWorg except ex-jws on the internet. So I'd say their cred is still intact by the default of nobody giving a shit.
Jw carts
by Jrjw ini was just thinking it would be funny if apostates set up jwfacts carts and placed them in areas where the jws do their metropolitan witnessing to unwitness to people the witnesses have spoken to.
it would probably get the jws backs up like or it would stop the cart witnessing altogether.
Everything triggers JW snowflakes into armageddon thinking. Polite questions "trigger" them. Seeing an apostate out shopping "triggers" them. Getting a text from an inactive relative "triggers" them. Seeing a news report "triggers" them. Christmas "triggers" them. Office parties "trigger" them.......
There's a term for that it's called emotional blackmail.
Jw carts
by Jrjw ini was just thinking it would be funny if apostates set up jwfacts carts and placed them in areas where the jws do their metropolitan witnessing to unwitness to people the witnesses have spoken to.
it would probably get the jws backs up like or it would stop the cart witnessing altogether.
It would have an effect - one of causing the JW cart people to run away. If setting up carts becomes so "triggering" for them maybe they won't want to do it anymore.
Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - San Diego Reader (California, US), Friday, January 12, 2018
by darkspilver injehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
Been saying it for while with ya Morpheous.
Jehovah's Witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - San Diego Reader (California, US), Friday, January 12, 2018
by darkspilver injehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
My opinion is that WT is by their own design changing direction not failing.
Attention!! There will be sex in heaven
by James Mixon inwell i thought i had heard it all but, the mercury columns "will christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain.
how can god allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage??
in heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(wow!!!
Aren't heavenly beings asexual non-gender (sounds like leftist heaven to me) and isn't that why they had to become human and male to get some - according to the bible anyway. Lol btw.
New to the truth
by MatthewHewey ini have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
This religion is a cult. If you want to hang out with them fine, but, think very very seriously about joining. Keep asking questions google the shit out of this group there is plenty of horror stories out there from people who been there done that.
The JW religion is similar to scientology in the way it's structured and the methods they use to control members so buyer beware. You owe it to yourself not get swept up in how good it feels and not take this "niceness" on face value. Remember things that appear too good to be true usually are and strangers that are too nice from the getgo usually want something. In your case what they want is to recruit you then brag about it something along the lines of how they converted the tattooed guy with the piercings, yay us, praise Jehovah. Once they have you baptized the honeymoon period will wear off, believe me.
What to Do....Please Help. Awakening JW for a very long time
by CovertsadJW ingood afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
First off, remember you have rights as a person and a father. You have a right to a say in how your children are raised and what they are taught.
It's possible if your wife has been inactive going back to meetings for a while might just cure her of wanting to go at all because they really suck.
You're not the crazy one, every doubt you're having about this religion is rational and normal.