If you have no qualms about being JW at the meeting and "worldy" at home with your "worldly" spouse then why the heck would you want to or even need to be a jw at all?! God, religion is stupid.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Wives With Unbelieving Mates
by minimus ini knew many witness wives with unbelieving mates who pretty much led a double life.
“my husband says i have to go the workplace christmas party.” or my mate tells me i have to make a thanksgiving dinnner.
or “ my mate insists i do things in the bedroom that i know the watchtower has talked against.
by redundantcartworker ini recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
"...we had the kingdom hope and were to be 'dignified'..."
Which is why I hate that word now. It's a shut down word, a silencing word, a feeling-shaming word. A word meant to shame someone into shutting up.
"Dignified" in JWspeak meant : you are not allowed unapproved and unchecked thoughts, feelings and words.
In ex-jw speak it means : you should never ever ever offend or "attack" the delicate snowflake JW with regular human questions and words.
Now, I prefer to leave the controlling of other people's thoughts words and emotions to groups like WT and maybe SJWs.
Rolf Furuli Mental Health
by oppostate inrolf foruli, scandinavian academic and watchtower apologist, has come out with a video at times quoting figures on mental disease from the 1930's and 40's, in support of his allegation that the rate of mental problems and depression is actually only a third of what it is among the entire population.. there are numerous holes in his presentation.
for one, when jw's are da'ed or df'ed they're no longer considered jw's and only active jw's are part of the results.
those who were victimized and suffered the most mental trauma as jw's aren't even considered in the studies he mentions.. watch his video: "the mental health of jehovah´s witnesses" r. furuli, on youtube:.
WT does it's own peer review it's called the writing committee. -
PORTUGAL: Filed a petition to the parliament to erase the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness
by EdenOne inbased on legal arguments that revolve around violations of several articles of the portuguese constitution, and of the law of religious freedom, a petition to the portuguese parliament has been set in motion to extinguish the legal entity that represents the jehovah's witness in portugal and remove this community from the national register of recognized religions protected by law.
the petition does not seek to ban the jehovah's witness as a whole in the country.
the petition denounces the institutional policy of shunning former members as a violation of basic human rights and psychological torture, and asks the portuguese legislators and judicial authorities to take action to stop this abuse, and suspend legal recognition to the branch office entity until the policies of shunning are changed.
Shame on WT for having a "rule" that you must shun disfellowshipped family or face shunning or disfellowshipping yourself. Shame on parents that comply.
DFed or DAed may not have a choice if they are shunned by others as you cannot force someone to acknowledge, greet or show common decency towards you, but, JWs do have a choice whether they shun or not. It might not be an easy choice and there will be consequences but it is still a choice.
Anyone who chooses to stand up and do the right thing will face the consequences of disapproval by others who don't like it.
Rolf Furuli Mental Health
by oppostate inrolf foruli, scandinavian academic and watchtower apologist, has come out with a video at times quoting figures on mental disease from the 1930's and 40's, in support of his allegation that the rate of mental problems and depression is actually only a third of what it is among the entire population.. there are numerous holes in his presentation.
for one, when jw's are da'ed or df'ed they're no longer considered jw's and only active jw's are part of the results.
those who were victimized and suffered the most mental trauma as jw's aren't even considered in the studies he mentions.. watch his video: "the mental health of jehovah´s witnesses" r. furuli, on youtube:.
WT gets away with it because no one big, famous and with credentials calls them on it.
Rolf Furuli Mental Health
by oppostate inrolf foruli, scandinavian academic and watchtower apologist, has come out with a video at times quoting figures on mental disease from the 1930's and 40's, in support of his allegation that the rate of mental problems and depression is actually only a third of what it is among the entire population.. there are numerous holes in his presentation.
for one, when jw's are da'ed or df'ed they're no longer considered jw's and only active jw's are part of the results.
those who were victimized and suffered the most mental trauma as jw's aren't even considered in the studies he mentions.. watch his video: "the mental health of jehovah´s witnesses" r. furuli, on youtube:.
What else would WT be doing with all that falsified, trumped up, psuedo data gathered by unqualified fools from people who don't know they are being surveyed except use it to their advantage?
The book burning has started
by pale.emperor indon't know if this is a global thing but i've just been told by a pimo member of my old congregation that a min servant has been given the task of destroying all old books/literature in the kh library prior to 1992.. could be the elders (or even one of them) on a mission to stamp out dissent as my ex-wife used the same reasoning to her elder dad that i used in my jc: rutherfords books containing failed predictions.. anyone else heared anything?.
the ms who's been given the task is a company man.
no hope of him keeping them or selling them on ebay.. they have some russell books in that library too.
They can destroy the KH books all they want but copies are out there in thrift stores, on ebay and apostate bookshelves everywhere. Images on google show they existed and exist. Everybook they ever published is at Warwick are they going to destroy the ones at Warwick also?
If...if, they are still sending out destroy old books directives this is just so ordinary JWs don't have access to them. Out of sight out of mind.
Another trolley (That's Cart to Americanos), encounter today.
by punkofnice ini couldn't bleedin' well resist it.
there were these 2 jobo blokes standing behind a jobot trolley.
jobo, 'what's that?'.
Careful punk, it always starts with "they were such lovely blokes" or "I don't agree with them but they were soooo nice" or a variant of and next thing you know you're sitting next to your study conductor in a KH putting your hand up and answering "JE -hov-ver" while all the "nice"dubbies" smile patronizingly at you from across the aisle.
A slippery slope my friend a slippery slope 😉
Sign of apostasy
by Ireneus inelders arranged a sort of informal visit by a more capable elder accompanied by another brother who is more qualified than me from academic background.
their purpose was to reason with me as a last resort to avoid a jc.. during the two-hour discussion, i could make my point clear to them: “i don’t think any one particular religion has the whole truth.
it may be existing as bits and piece in all religions and schools of thought.
Them : "This is a sign of apostasy."
You : Damn straight it is, you should try it sometime.
Honestly, this is a rigged game you can never win. Just take what's left of your dignity and get out!
Superbly Written Article in Canadian Magazine
by berrygerry injehovah's witnesses cover-up.
Excellent job all who contributed, thanks.