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JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
2018-04-11-E-BOE--Speaker's Monitor!
by Atlantis in2018-04-11-e-boespeaker's monitorhttps://we.tl/em7bxi5o4oatlantis!.
Example of sensitive data – should I be worried?
by Fay Dehr in### here's a link to a high-quality version of the above form: https://1drv.ms/u/s!amcrvjcxi6m6a2mdhysjdll3m00 ###.
the attached image is the rear of form a-27; this is just example of many forms that contain personal data.
i’d like to know: should i be worried?.
* morpheous - employers want to know what you watch and listen to in your freetime and if you're chaste?
+ JWs are not employees and do not get paid.
Dating as a Jehovahs witness has made me PIMO
by Addison0998 inhey, i would like to share my experience, it is kind of long but i really appreciate whoever reads.
last year i was a devout pioneer sister.
well, i am naturally an imperfect 20 year old women.
Try to gently nudge your boyfriend awake if you want but honestly just make your plans to fade it won't get any better married to PIMI JW. You have your whole life ahead of you don't waste it playing this cult's culty games.
Example of sensitive data – should I be worried?
by Fay Dehr in### here's a link to a high-quality version of the above form: https://1drv.ms/u/s!amcrvjcxi6m6a2mdhysjdll3m00 ###.
the attached image is the rear of form a-27; this is just example of many forms that contain personal data.
i’d like to know: should i be worried?.
This is sensitive info could you imagine an employer wanting to know and store this stuff on you?
Thing is elders have been talking amongst themselves and taking these notes on people's personal lives for years especially if that person ever reached out, or got in trouble, only now it will go onto a database rather than a old school notebook.
New data movement this is what I see as their goals .
by Crazyguy inafter listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
Congs of 120 with 60 attending? A very common report.
I have suspect the discrepancy lies between the "gross" (if I can call it that) amount of publishers in the area regardless of status and the "net" figure of actual publishing publishers is the reality refected in the attendance figures.
With all figures and personal info on computer just imagine the magic numbers they'll be able to produce and use to their advantage. Very facebook of them.
Christ's sacrifice
by dogisgod inso, i am having lunch with a group of women with varying backgrounds.
i asked the circle how many believed in the story of adam and eve and the snake.
no one believed it literally.
The simple concept of sacrificing one to save many that most christians have is not that difficult to grasp if you look at it like a religio/philosphical 'trollycar dilemma" kind of thing but this particluar understanding of a 'ransom" JWs have I always found to be even more convoluted, confusing and problematic.
It opens up a whole heap of other logical questions like who pays the "ransom" to who etc. If the ransom has been paid once and for all time doesn't that mean everyone is atomatically saved? If not why is there other "payments" on top of the "ransom" in the form of obedience to a modern corp/org? If the ransom was paid in full why is there other payments on top of the "ransom" like preaching and meeting attendance etc? I could go on as I had years of boring meetings to sit through and mull over this crap.
But, surfice to say it sounds more like a perpetual hire purchase scheme to me aka extortion and a perfect excuse for control.
Learning New Words
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow lexophiles:.
last night, i watched a cool road movie, the trip, with steve coogan and rob brydon.
they were counseled by steve's dad to take an "anticlockwise" route home, rather than the clockwise one steve had proposed.
Firstly; love love love The Trip movies. Hilarious banter with gorgeous scenery and luscious music who could ask for more.
Had never thought about anticlockwise vs the american version counterclockwise before and now I'm like oh yeah of course, you yanks are so funny. Counter itself is a very interesting word.
I heard an American say quag in quagmire the other day like quack. I pronounce the quag in quagmire like frog quogmire.
Quagmire another interesting word.
One of my favourite words is donnybrook - just love that word.
With the ramped up talk are the governing body trying to coerce Jehovah to bring on Armageddon?
by nowwhat? ini loathe hypothetical questions on this forum.
but i got the honest impression that they are so delusional they can bring on armageddon with all their talk and jehovah will have no choice but to act.
( not that i believe in armageddon anymore).
They just want red herrings and distractionsin the form of bombastic rhetoric so people don't notice what's really going on with them.
Very culty. Very deja yawn.
How to "turn the tables" on still-in witness who pry about our status.
by stuckinarut2 inso many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
I've never had a JW pry about my status because I have never met one honest enough to actually ask what they are dying on the inside to know. These days if I ever find myself in the vicinity of a JW "friend" I know well and the JW decides to talk to me I say pre emptively right off the bat " you know I don't go to meetings anymore, right." Usual reponse is "Oh I don't care about that" says the person that quit talking to me the second rumours about my JWness became suspect. This bold-faced lie of "not caring" is followed by a nervous laugh and an excuse to go.
I am not ashamed of not going and I want them to be absolutely clear I will not be playing their JW games of "let's pretend to nice while I fish for info..."
These people will gaslight you to your face. I can't do anything with that.
What is CT Russell's motive?
by sinboi inwhat is russell's motive when he started examining the bible with a group of bible students?
did he intend to form a cult and to mislead others?
I always got the impression Russell had the idea that he could pluck out what he thought was the best principles and concepts from the bib,e and other ancient texts, other religions, faiths and groups (including secular and fringe), various schools of thought etc from various sources and cobble them all together to make something unique - a super belief.
He possibly (?) started out in a noble search for ... answers ? But as is common with charismatic leaders with persuasive rhetoric people placed him on a pedastal and it went to his head.
No one can say what his true motive and intention was except him, but if he was a charlatan or narcissist he would just lie and the people around him would construct a santized history of the man.