You two are doing great work at the moment, going from strength to strength, keep it up
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Escaping the Watchtower episode one with Jason Droboth
by Christian Gutierrez in
hi guys!
we are so happy to share with you the interesting story of former jehovah's witnesses member jason droboth.
How far will they go?
by Gorbatchov inimagine: you have inside information that could destroy the watchtower corporations.. how far would they go to protect the assets?.
would they kill?
no strange question in blackwater etc days.. g..
They seem to behave more like the Mob than a group of "loving concerned humble bible students just seeking to do the right thing" when threatened so... Do they actually need to kill someone when they have programmed them to "kill" themselves either literally through WT assisted no-blood suicide or WT assisted deep deression from being ostracized from the tribe and persecuted for telling the truth about it?
Either way a death of self occurs literally or figuratively. Becoming "apostate" is the struggle to regain the lost self.
Sorry I slipped into philosophy for a minnie there, back online now though lol.
Are most Jdubs narcicistic? Does the religion breed narcicistic behaviors?
by Whynot in
i read the above posted article and it made me wonder how many narcicistic people join the borg because it fits well with their personality.
i also wonder if being indoctrinated makes you become narcicistic.
Religious narcissism is the worst kind IMO. It's covert most of the time wrapped up fake smiles and "good works." And when I say "good " I mean "good" in the worst sense of the word.
How far will they go?
by Gorbatchov inimagine: you have inside information that could destroy the watchtower corporations.. how far would they go to protect the assets?.
would they kill?
no strange question in blackwater etc days.. g..
It's impossible to know "how far they'd go" since much of what they do is done in secret.
They appear to have no scruples when it comes to protecting themselves against abuse victims legally, all their so-called christian qualities evaporate so quick makes you wonder if they were ever really christian to begin with.
They are Borg first second and third and I don't know where ethics falls on their list of core values if at all which would possibly be their only restraint from doing something completely nefarious.
Bottom line; I think they will do what can get away with to survive but they're not completely stupid either.
I went to this elders home this morning ready for war, just like I said I would
by JunkYardDog ini knocked on his door with 2 bibles and a 1984 wt bound volume in hand.
i was ready for war!
he surprised me and invited me in.
...therefore I am.
"Demons" Living In My Brothers Gym Equipment
by pale.emperor inspoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
He had to ask an elder if he should buy some weights off his brother?
Okay....Nice to know elders are remote demon detectors now.
People who study for years and never do anything can be the worst. They never get close enough to see what the borg is realy like so they don't have a clue. I'm sure they just enjoy the lovebombing that comes with "study" status, it's like a perpetual honeymoon phase for them.
Do you want to play with bears? You are now qualified for baptism!
by neat blue dog inat today's wt study about child baptism, someone commented and she pointed to the picture of the little girl playing with her teddy bear.
she said, 'she may be looking at her bear and thinking about getting to play with bears in the new system.
her parents notice this, and they decide since it's real to her she may be ready for baptism.
Now eat up all your fruit and go and play with the lions and tigers and panda bears sweetie the grown ups have bodies to stack and burn😉
What makes JDubs so gullible?
by Sour Grapes ini think that jdubs are so gullible because they can't handle reality and are fully invested in a future paradise earth where there will be no problems.
i hope they can cope with the 1,000 reign of jesus that will have a ton of more problems than what they have now.. they may be gullible also because they like not having to think.
they are told what clothes to wear, what to eat, what type of movies they can see, where to go on vacation, what type of car to drive, what to answer when answering during the watchtower study, what is permissible sex for a married couple, etc..
Many people just want to fix the worlds problems and in the case of JWs the price they are willing to pay for that is allowing themselves to be indoctrinated and then indoctrinating their children and others who in turn indoctrinate others - you will be assimilated resistance is futile!!!. Their indivduality is indoctrinated out of them by use of fear tactics until they believe they have no personal right to make their own decisions or think for themselves.
They have no present moment to live in and every joy is delayed the future that never comes is the only thing that matters.
Active witnesses? Please help?
by Ahava inhi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
There is no proof the GB is being led by God.
You have more to lose than gain by becoming a jW.
Speaking as someone who actually is a JW, JWs are a very destructive controlling group and many JWs end up with depression because of the level of control and interference in their lives. In fact your mind and your life will cease to be your own. Buyer beware!
Ha ha Punk! An extortion meeting "your money for your life."