Yep, that's the one wake me, thanks for posting it.
Quite an odd little exchange and Bridget handles it well.
something i have noticed from watching many of bridgets videos is.
how many jws hang up on her.
this is what jws are famous for, having the door slammed in their face.
Yep, that's the one wake me, thanks for posting it.
Quite an odd little exchange and Bridget handles it well.
something i have noticed from watching many of bridgets videos is.
how many jws hang up on her.
this is what jws are famous for, having the door slammed in their face.
I listened to one of her phone calls recently where the "brother" answering the phone at the hall claimed he knew were lies...because ...wait for it... he said he knew the articles on JWfacts were "half truths" because he was a contributer!? Whaaaaaaaat?
look at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Plus, none of the GB have enough qualifications between them to run a school fete and granted that might explain the woeful wastefulness of funds that has come to this point but would you seriously leave the likes them to make important business decisions on anything important if WT were your ongoing concern? They serve a purpose because they are useful idiots.
look at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Agree with no apologies and berrygerry the GB are talking heads.
jesus christ, the son of the most high god, jehovah has this to say: "if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
now because you are no part of the world, but i have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
The clue is in the name "Black Spirit"
CTBT = Counting time by trolling.
thank you to those that have passed on "leaked" videos.
one point that i have not seen discussed is "why" apostates are getting these videos.. are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information.
or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?.
Yes I have wondered myself about who, how and most importantly why they (WT) have not made some attempt to go after YT channels showing these leaks.
Why isn't there a leaked video of an internal talk about leaked videos? Does it suit them to "leak" info?
In the latest convention series there is a video showing persecution in Russia. The russian police are filmed right from when they get out of the vehicles and are followed every step of the way through the KH closely by the camera man who gets right in on the action. I though who's filming and why are the russian police not at least attempting to look at the camera man and ask him to sit down and stop following them? So who was filming? There was something off...staged about it to me.
i told someone and they became very angry with me.
we have been friends for many years but lately his breath is eye burning.
he is single so he doesn't have a wife to tell him, dear you need a mint.
Start by asking if you can tell him something because you are concerned about him if he agrees make him promise not to be offended.
Bad breath can actually be a sign of tooth decay or an illness like GERD for eg. Strangely, I had a friend who very bad breath for years they became vegetarian and it completely vanished.
Either way just tell him true friends tell true friends the truth.
jesus christ, the son of the most high god, jehovah has this to say: "if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
now because you are no part of the world, but i have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
Counting time?
don’t know how i ended up here but no one who understands will listen, or any one who will listen doesn’t understand.
i grew up in the “truth”, i was baptised at 17 as it was encouraged by the elders.
i really didn’t understand what i was getting into.
You have discovered what most of us here have discovered ie JWs are a cold, heartless religion and their disfellowshipping process is nonsensical. Sometimes I think it's only their nastiness that keeps them going as a group.
And yes in their eyes you will always be "marked" in some way no matter how hard you try so don't bother trying you will only hurt yourself more by trying to jump through their imaginary hoops because there will always be more hoops with these people.
Try to to do some research on your own and take care of yourself.
You don't need their permission to live nor their approval to be happy.
this article is dated june 7, 2018 and is likely a lead up to the bear ripping the jw bible article.
the wives of jehovah’s witnesses rounded up and imprisoned in russia have written an open letter to a top adviser of president vladimir putin, asking him to stop the campaign of terror against the religious group.“this open letter to you is a cry of desperation.
Great points Mr Roboto!