I like it, very Turner-esk.
Just like life, every silver lining has a black cloud.
my tech guy made my original summery day at sea into a brewing tempest.
sort of like life, yes?.
I like it, very Turner-esk.
Just like life, every silver lining has a black cloud.
firstly, i want to be crystal clear how grateful i am for jwn.
it's been my place of support for over seventeen years and it's the first online space i direct anyone to if they are taking steps out of the cult.
i am not bashing jwn - i love this place and appreciate the hard work and expense simon puts in to keep it going.
I only ask because it seems some posters ( of which, I'm not one btw) seem to expect a kind of "neutrality" " safe space" like we had in our dub daze.
so i just got engaged to my boyfriend of over a year.
my jw parents still don't know about him.
i'm currently faded, so they know i'm not a practicing jw, but i am baptized.
First off congratulatons and not an elder.
Your dad being an elder might be a sticking point to him going, mainly because he needs to be setting a good example not because it's an "offense" of some kind but it may call into question his qualificatons as an elder. It depends a lot on how zealous the Body of Elders are.
Hope you or your family don't try to convert your boyfriend/husband tho.
Good luck.
has anyone noticed at the convention that there is special reserved seating?
the convention that i attended (to keep peace in the family) had seating in the suites of the arena.
all arenas, stadiums etc.
Oo special. God, how JWs love that word and anything that differentiates them from regular run of the mill JWs. Even oo aah ...special seats!
See what happens when people aren't allowed to celebrate birthdays.
firstly, i want to be crystal clear how grateful i am for jwn.
it's been my place of support for over seventeen years and it's the first online space i direct anyone to if they are taking steps out of the cult.
i am not bashing jwn - i love this place and appreciate the hard work and expense simon puts in to keep it going.
This process of opinion drift isn't a mystery, forums tend to follow the ideologies of the most dominant posters and what management allows, then the "follower" posters go along with it and anyone else just ignores the topics they feel are hot potatoes and post on things that interest them.
Maybe people change their minds on issues over time as they experience more of life and information, maybe they always were "right" or "left" leaning but didn't feel comfortable being open about it - hey, it happens in groups, people become afraid to voice a dissenting opinion for fear of upsetting the group.
But tides change and worms turn, shifting sands could be seen as a good thing it means the opinion is not "settled" and things could "change" again.
Is it supposed to be politically neutral here? (Not being smart just asking.)
not completely but the expensive renting of halls or assembly hall ownership.
maybe with streaming they could have assemblies at the kh and stream the program.
i bet they cut costs in a lot of ways.
The question was not whether books will stop but whether assemblies will stop and the answer from me, is NO, I do not think assemblies will stop - not now and maybe not ever.
JWcon up there with Comicon -to them.
has anyone heard of a youtube series called content cop?.
it's done by a youtuber called idubbbz.. it's basically where he laughs at or gets a 'gotcha moment' against youtubers who are too big for their boots or who say/do stupid things.. tana mongeau is an sjw wannabe who's a bit of a fantasist.
long story short, she used to be very foul-mouthed but was upset at the content of some of idubbbz's tweets.
Aw hahaha, these crazy kids 😮
Sure she wasn't in on it? Her reaction while completely OTT and milked seemed ever-so-slightly staged to me like she knew what was about to happen...? Don't mind me, I just don't take anything on face value anymore nor underestimate what people will do for the spotlight.
Anyway, taken on face value, it could have gotten ugly real fast from her security goons, he's lucky it didn't.
if everything is supposed to be about the lives of children, how can they hypocritically fight to take babies and kill them?
what about the children and their quality of life?.
I remember watching a documentary a few years back about a program that was trialed in...in...I want to say India but I don't think it was. Anyway some country where people (especially rural) married young and just kept producing children until they couldn't anymore. They did so traditionally, their parents and grandparents would have lots of kids because infant mortality was so high.
Now, most children born there survived past five yrs and the couples ended up with too many kids to care for. So they trialed sending family education social type workers into the field to visit all the families and explain how if they had too many kids the quality of care and amount of resources for each child would drop as each child was born putting a lot of stress on the family as a whole. They provided free birth control and did follow up visits they were amazed at how the couples took the advice on board and the birthrate/average number of children dropped for that area in a couple of years.
It was very interesting to see what can be done with minimum effort and outlay for a simple amd effective education program.
can anyone identify this ring?
(ideally, a link to a page on the internet with photo and description).
Without being able to see the details close enough, the black area looks like onyx set in a gold bell (ish) shape with a lightening bolt thingy???...on on one side?
Or is it a skull and crossbone shape?
Oo oo... or... is it "Patrick's" head from Spongebob.
Whatever it is it's downright weird when you consider this groups aversion to personal ornamentation with symbols!!!
Well, they are god's chosen "brotherhood" aren't they? And all brotherhoods need a ring - I spose.
not completely but the expensive renting of halls or assembly hall ownership.
maybe with streaming they could have assemblies at the kh and stream the program.
i bet they cut costs in a lot of ways.
I think they are in the stage of trial and error with the videos trying to find the sort of topics and stories that appeal the most and get the most reaction and donations. I definitely think the begging tone of the videos will gradually increase and yes even having an infomercial style "show" dedicated to donating.