Wow, that WT crap really does get in to select places in a persons mind palace. Lol.
Gotta say tho WT does a great job in teaching people how to be blind and deaf to their own crap.
"We don't do that" haha!
i guess you can be physically out, like in a huge way, but definitely mentally in.. serena williams claims she won't be celebrating her daughter's first birthday.. i did know people like that, raised as a jw but never actually baptizing.
that didn't mean they were not messed up in the head though..
Wow, that WT crap really does get in to select places in a persons mind palace. Lol.
Gotta say tho WT does a great job in teaching people how to be blind and deaf to their own crap.
"We don't do that" haha!
regarding morphs laws and its simple expression: its a direct parallel to godwins law on internet debates.
goodwins law states:.
as an online discussion grows longer, the greater the probability of a comparison involving hitler approaches.
So you're comparing yourself to Hitler? .
I didn't say satire is the only way just one way.
I agree they need to be exposed by any way, peaceful protest, media coverage of court cases, social media whatever means possible.
regarding morphs laws and its simple expression: its a direct parallel to godwins law on internet debates.
goodwins law states:.
as an online discussion grows longer, the greater the probability of a comparison involving hitler approaches.
Aw, me thinks the lady protesteth too much. .
"Apostates are obsessed with JWs..." --- Your personal observation and therefore not proof of "hounding" or anything else for that matter.
"The media regularly contacts the branch offices..." "regularly"? ---How often is that specificially, do you have solid figures of how regular is regular from branches worldwide?
"The Netherlands is good example of "apostate" obsession" ----define "obsession" .
"...the media constantly hounds them" ???
Since when? I don't see any evidence of "constant hounding" .
I myself do not feel the need at this time to hold up signs outside a convention ( tho, if I or a family member had been abused I may well feel otherwise) but I respect the right to peaceful protest where the law allows and the courage it takes to do so.
Personally I think the best way to expose JWs to the wider population is by comedy and satire. .
"Every little question" what about any question?
Who gives a f**k what JWs at large think. If you are still controlled by what JWs or XJWs at large think you would never do or say anything.
Regular normal people who don't have JW shut down brains don't know and can't fathom why JW's are such secretive arrogant freaks.
it's been a long way coming.
after 49 years as a jehovah's witness 3 of which in prison as a conscientious objector under very harsh conditions i have finally disassociated myself.
for the past 2 years, i have been partaking from the emblems and that led to an intense persecution, harassment, online stalking and defamation of character.
Good for you JDoc!
Welcome to your life. .
Where exactly can anyone who has reasonable questions and concerns talk to WT reps or the GB and have an honest open discussion and be treated with dignity and respect ?
Oh yeah, that's right NoOne, NOWHERE, NOT EVER! Because there is NO avenue for recourse for victims or opportun ity for reporters to ask questions with this group of religio-thugs!
What about anyone who wants to praise up the Borg and repeat official statements?
Come on in and get the love bombing and a grand tour.