Maybe all this appropriating of monkey culture should just stop!
The monkeys don't like it when anything that describes their predilection for mischief is referred to as "monkey" this and "monkey" that.
that expression is a no-no now.
it is racist and hateful.
some people just need to get the monkey off their backs..
Maybe all this appropriating of monkey culture should just stop!
The monkeys don't like it when anything that describes their predilection for mischief is referred to as "monkey" this and "monkey" that.
i was having a great chat with a valued friend and fellow forum member today on the phone.. we were discussing how deeply we all get affected by jw interactions - even years after fading or disassociating.. you know what i mean.
those days when we run into jws who we considered to be our close friends.
or "loving shepherds" who don't act kindly.
Yes, if you take the illustration of the "narrow road" that leads to "life" (finding the self) you could apply it to the struggle for and maintainence of truth and honesty (integrity)in ones life and the relatively "few" that choose that path.
First one needs to recognise the lies and then have the courage to reject them and walk away choosing this puts you in a precarious place socially and emotionally being at odds with most if not all the people you knew and loved and who you thought loved you. So in a sense a "narrow road."
It would seem at times it would have been much easier in many ways to just keep going along with the lies to get along and appease others like a "broad road" that leads to the "death" of self and the majority choose this.
As you can see I have given it some thought, lol, kind of "hero of a thousand journeys" type stuff. .
Looking back now it's hard to believe there exists a group of people, of which I identified with, who allow themselves to be dictated to as to who they can and cannot show affection to or spend time with. That need permission from their leaders whether they can speak to family member or not and what subjects they can and cannot discuss.
i have just heard that the local needs item next week in the uk is to be about a new arrangement for donating online.
details will be in the september announcements letter due out on sept 3rd.
speculate at will!.
Well with the number of KHs reducing and becoming further to travel to they will need a "loving arrangement from Jehovah" for donating. Just for all those times you can't be there, so loving.
i guess you can be physically out, like in a huge way, but definitely mentally in.. serena williams claims she won't be celebrating her daughter's first birthday.. i did know people like that, raised as a jw but never actually baptizing.
that didn't mean they were not messed up in the head though..
Wow, that WT crap really does get in to select places in a persons mind palace. Lol.
Gotta say tho WT does a great job in teaching people how to be blind and deaf to their own crap.
"We don't do that" haha!
regarding morphs laws and its simple expression: its a direct parallel to godwins law on internet debates.
goodwins law states:.
as an online discussion grows longer, the greater the probability of a comparison involving hitler approaches.
So you're comparing yourself to Hitler? .
I didn't say satire is the only way just one way.
I agree they need to be exposed by any way, peaceful protest, media coverage of court cases, social media whatever means possible.
regarding morphs laws and its simple expression: its a direct parallel to godwins law on internet debates.
goodwins law states:.
as an online discussion grows longer, the greater the probability of a comparison involving hitler approaches.
Aw, me thinks the lady protesteth too much. .
"Apostates are obsessed with JWs..." --- Your personal observation and therefore not proof of "hounding" or anything else for that matter.
"The media regularly contacts the branch offices..." "regularly"? ---How often is that specificially, do you have solid figures of how regular is regular from branches worldwide?
"The Netherlands is good example of "apostate" obsession" ----define "obsession" .
"...the media constantly hounds them" ???
Since when? I don't see any evidence of "constant hounding"