Scriptures? who the hell needs scriptures.
Isnt being a giant talking butt proof enough!
9 through his son, jehovah established an arrangement here on earth that works in harmony with the invisible part of the organization.
why is a visible arrangement needed to accomplish the work described at matthew 24:14?
consider three reasons.. 10 first, jesus stated that this preaching work would take his disciples to the most distant part of the earth.
Scriptures? who the hell needs scriptures.
Isnt being a giant talking butt proof enough!
i'm starting to believe the bethel higher ups are trolling us.
the outright contradictions and stuff like overlapping generation is too ridiculous.
calling out the harold camping when we did the same thing.
it is very difficult to knock a ball into a hole (like golf), throw it into a receiver's hands (american football) intercept it and knock it over the fence (american cricket).
or to put a sattelite at the right time at the right speed in the right direction in the right place to have it orbit another body, so :.
what ingenious natural & process is it, than can get 9+ zillions bodies to get into the right orbit simultaniously or sequentially and have them remain there for billions of years?
You just gotta love a bit of hyperballs (hyperbole).
Space balls you gotta love that too.
may the shwartz be with you
hubby and myself saw son of god today.
it was fantastic.
hubby was silent on the way home.
Always look on the bright side of life Phizzy.
always look on the bright side.
i think there has always been your average garden variety pioneer couples and mr and mrs cobe and back in the day these tended to be a little bit dorky the wife -homely, the husband -fatherly, they shopped at thrift stores and lived in someone elses garage.
but as competition for a slice of the power pie has ramped up over the years what we have now seems to be a whole new ball game.
does ultimate power lie with the men, the "family heads"?
You all make some excellent points.
hoser - That is true what you say, often it is a case of "this town ain't big enough for the both of us" once a new power couple moves in.
Except in our old cong the power families joined forces and became like the mafiosa! It was truly frightening to watch.
cheers everyone
Quote of the Day
"you talk, I'll get the rum" captain Jack sparrow
we have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
That's right losingit a big ole scary-ass video. The emphasis was "everyone is welcome".
we have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
We had the privilege of being shown a vid of some bethel heavies from the branch having a little fireside chat encouraging all to attend the DC.
It just screamed desperation.
hubby and myself saw son of god today.
it was fantastic.
hubby was silent on the way home.
He's not the son of god he's just a very naughty boy
when our cong turned on us like a mob of angry villagers with pitchforks there was no one in our corner.
our crime mainly being we were not local and the local "hood" did not like outsiders.
the circut o/seer (also not local) was very familiar with mafia style antics of the local body and its problems but was at a loss as to what if anything could be done about it for fear he too may end up in the river with cement shoes (metaphorically of course).. the guy while being sympathetic to our plight basically said "be warm and well fed"and set off to a new assignment interstate.. well he rang up out of the blue to see "how we got on" and to "find out if any action was taken by the branch to investigate ".
It was a rude awakening indeed to discover that "Mother" does'nt give a flyin fig about what is happening in the congregations. But it was an awakening non the less and for that I will always be grateful. I liken it to being thrown out of your home because of civil war and when you get to the refugee camp (JWN for eg) its overflowing wth injured, traumatised, displaced people .
2. p. 363; emphasis added) .
(ibid., p. 362; emphasis added) .. to say jesus is mediator only for the 144,000 is actually to deny the possibility of forgiveness of sins for any others.
; emphasis added) .