Detroit DC is NOT filling up? Please book a hotel room!! -letter

by ?me? 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • ?me?

    we have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit DC's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels. and the society is pissed! they are imploring every one to not wait for a NEW list with new hotels, it is not happening. and alot of the hotels have alot of rooms available and it is going to screw it up for them in the future. there were only like 8 downtown hotels available, and a ton of suberbian hotels ... NONE of the downtown ones are walkable for anyone but young couples or single people. we have a NON approved hotel that is close that we booked..

    they also addressed "concerns" that detroit is not safe. "' the society has examined detroit and would not hold a convention if it was not safe".

    me thinks alot of "country folk"from indiana, illinois, and ohio are afraid of the big city and the horrible publicity it has recieved the last few years.

    i like detroit, and have been numerous times in the last few years.

    ANY THOUGHTS? looks like the hype of an INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION is not working on all of us used to driving 15-45 minutes to the DC but now having to drive 2-3 hours and pay about 500 minimum for our stay and food and gas...

  • kneehighmiah

    Detroit sucks. Nobody wants to go.

  • mynameislame

    LOL a city that is in the news every day for its efforts to file for bankruptcy probably isn't a great place for a convention.

    They probably paid the WT a lot of cash to hold a convention there seeing as how desperate they must be.

  • jgnat

    Detroit fascinates me. A shrinking city! I chatted to a co-worker about this and he says the development (shrinking) is doughnut-shaped. The core is fine, the burbs are fine but the middle is eating away in both directions.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    save your money and go to tiger stadium or see the pistons play.

  • EmptyInside

    I know it's especially more difficult for older ones. And it's a financial hardship on many. But,all the C.O. and D.O. and Bethelites will get their rooms for free.

  • Apognophos

    Aw, come on, Detroit's not that bad--





  • baltar447


  • Crazyguy

    Hopefully this happens everywhere.

  • prologos

    APO gnophos: the assemblies are NOT that hot (great balls of fire), this looks like the APO-calypse.

    I would not pay to get beaten up (spiritually).

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