I've never had a JW pry about my status because I have never met one honest enough to actually ask what they are dying on the inside to know. These days if I ever find myself in the vicinity of a JW "friend" I know well and the JW decides to talk to me I say pre emptively right off the bat " you know I don't go to meetings anymore, right." Usual reponse is "Oh I don't care about that" says the person that quit talking to me the second rumours about my JWness became suspect. This bold-faced lie of "not caring" is followed by a nervous laugh and an excuse to go.
I am not ashamed of not going and I want them to be absolutely clear I will not be playing their JW games of "let's pretend to nice while I fish for info..."
These people will gaslight you to your face. I can't do anything with that.