I don't think the borg gives a crap about older women full stop.
But I also think the borg is trying to future proof itself by catering to a younger demographic, I mean, they would be fools not to.
so i went and had a facial yesterday, and the aesthetician (and business owner) was a 30 something women, and we got on very well from the start.
the conversation came around to how many new churches are being built in this area, and i said i was surprised by it all.
she had a very interesting take on the situation.
I don't think the borg gives a crap about older women full stop.
But I also think the borg is trying to future proof itself by catering to a younger demographic, I mean, they would be fools not to.
i guess the gb's idea of writing to the russian government last year didn't help?
now they have their names and addresses in which to raid their homes.. i sometimes wonder if the gb knew this would happen and wanted it to happen to ensure they'd be persecuted thus creating their own fulfillment of prophecy..
Hmmm if they had only followed their own advice "Do not put your trust in men to whom no salvation belongs."
...which was kind of her.
i find i like most christians, even mormons, and jw's.. she sent me a leaflet, which asks: where can we find the answers to life's big questions?
SRM - It's got nothing to do with your attitude or expectations the woman is in a cult and she was expected by her cult leaders to recruit.
i know we often talk of the mind control and how jw's believe what they are taught because they are controlled as to the information they receive, but i think the mind control goes frighteningly beyond simply keeping information away from them.. the jw mind is in lockdown.
it simply cannot accept facts, evidence, reasoning or whatever that goes against what they believe.
they cannot assimilate and consider an argument, it is not that they are being awkward, or willfully blind, their minds are so shut down they are incapable of taking in what is being presented.. i am aware of how, in common with other cults and high control groups the j.w org achieves this state among its members, but how on earth do we open such a solidly closed mind ?.
JWs like to get "reactions" then, they can judge you based on the reaction. They like to think just their very presence causes admiration and guilt from onlookers. Admiration at their being so good and guilt at not being as good as them. Because of course everyone is watching them - very narcissistic!
I find indifference to their beliefs and their culty social games really gets to them. They really have no idea what to do with indifference. As I said they need a reaction any reaction so they can interpret it and label you as either "guilty" or "bitter" or "pathetic loser" or "weak and ashamed" etc etc. If they are met with smiling indifference to their religious beliefs combined with calm assertiveness ie giving them nothing they can "read" it's like they become genuinely intrigued with why you are immune to their guilt-inducing superpowers. Maybe even intrigued long enough for a little seed of curiosity to sprout in their mind.
Other than that a well timed "innocent" question can hang around in their heads for while too.
...which was kind of her.
i find i like most christians, even mormons, and jw's.. she sent me a leaflet, which asks: where can we find the answers to life's big questions?
FYI - The person who sent you the leaflet wasn't being kind she was doing what she has been trained to do, which is, active recruiting for her religion. All JWs are required to report the time they spend recruiting each month.
If she was successful in recruiting you, you also would be required as a condition of baptism to recruit others and report that time as well.
Not much "love" there just adherence to rules. JWs are all about the rules.
i've noticed in the past 10 years that the social support that used to be available in the congs, a shoulder to cry on, elders to help with family/marriage issues these seem to have been purposely withdrawn.
counsel is even heard from the platform that the elders are not there to help people with their problems.. so first in the 80s-90s they take away the congregation get to getters and social events and now they seem to be going one step further in taking away the emotional support for people too.. this will take away an aspect that i'm sure was keeping alot of people in the borg, the community support.
if that's not there and its just about meetings and ministry how many will start to get their emotional support elsewhere?.
I think emotional support that translated into practical support was always a bit of an illlusion. It was there but only to people considered to be of their sort. Cliques have helped each other but screw everyone else. Who is deemed worthy of the elder's "help" seems to be an arbitrary process based on connections, popularity and brownie points for the ones doing the "helping."
They were basically a "keep warm and well fed" religion but I don't even think they bother with that hollow sentiment anymore. I hope this coldness bites them on the bum one day with people walking away but if people are getting their cold and prickly fake love from JWborgcasting now that may just be enough for them.
a year ago the government found that jws from manchester were involved in a child abuse, but the local congregation did everything to hide it and be in the way of the police investigation.
this situation is getting worse now.
Still, it must be very comforting to victims to know that if someone was to ask a JW cart person too many questions they have no probs calling the police and crying harrasment with no "scriptural investigation" required.
So we know they know how to call police on some things with no concern for Jehovahs name they're just very selective about what they report
the video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
Is schoolboys bumping into one another (oh the horror) and male coworkwers touching female coworkers on the back (gasp) so terrible and prevalent to be a thing now? Not only a thing but a sign you need a JW convention just to help you cope with it all.
tas anglicans to sell property for redress.
survivors of child sexual abuse in tasmania will get a payout after the anglican diocese announced the sale of more than 120 churches, halls and houses.. kaitlyn offer - australian associated press april 22, 2018 2:30pm.
I can't see WT opting in to the redress scheme.
you know, disagreeing and with and hating all the cultish beliefs and practices that mark out jwdom doesn;t make it ok to treat them like russia is doing.
this is one time i find myself defending these largely goodhearted but misled people.
if only the gb members and their squad had stayed around to face what they are expecting their followers to face.. https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/life-and-public/2018/04/fsb-starts-detaining-jehovahs-whiteness-kola-dozens-flee-finland.
I don't understand why they would still have some administrative center for organizing meetings when it is now against the law to do so. Why not just read a state approved bible in private if you must, pray in private if you must. What about not putting yourself at risk and not breaking the law. Surley not flouting laws is a reasonable option to staying safe? They obviously have no faith in their jerk god "Jehovah's" ability to understand their circumstances.
There is even the bible principle of "a time to speak and a time to keep silent." This is craziness there is no way I would put myself at risk for this stinking cult or its propoganda ever again.