...therefore I am.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
I went to this elders home this morning ready for war, just like I said I would
by JunkYardDog ini knocked on his door with 2 bibles and a 1984 wt bound volume in hand.
i was ready for war!
he surprised me and invited me in.
"Demons" Living In My Brothers Gym Equipment
by pale.emperor inspoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
He had to ask an elder if he should buy some weights off his brother?
Okay....Nice to know elders are remote demon detectors now.
People who study for years and never do anything can be the worst. They never get close enough to see what the borg is realy like so they don't have a clue. I'm sure they just enjoy the lovebombing that comes with "study" status, it's like a perpetual honeymoon phase for them.
Do you want to play with bears? You are now qualified for baptism!
by neat blue dog inat today's wt study about child baptism, someone commented and she pointed to the picture of the little girl playing with her teddy bear.
she said, 'she may be looking at her bear and thinking about getting to play with bears in the new system.
her parents notice this, and they decide since it's real to her she may be ready for baptism.
Now eat up all your fruit and go and play with the lions and tigers and panda bears sweetie the grown ups have bodies to stack and burn😉
What makes JDubs so gullible?
by Sour Grapes ini think that jdubs are so gullible because they can't handle reality and are fully invested in a future paradise earth where there will be no problems.
i hope they can cope with the 1,000 reign of jesus that will have a ton of more problems than what they have now.. they may be gullible also because they like not having to think.
they are told what clothes to wear, what to eat, what type of movies they can see, where to go on vacation, what type of car to drive, what to answer when answering during the watchtower study, what is permissible sex for a married couple, etc..
Many people just want to fix the worlds problems and in the case of JWs the price they are willing to pay for that is allowing themselves to be indoctrinated and then indoctrinating their children and others who in turn indoctrinate others - you will be assimilated resistance is futile!!!. Their indivduality is indoctrinated out of them by use of fear tactics until they believe they have no personal right to make their own decisions or think for themselves.
They have no present moment to live in and every joy is delayed the future that never comes is the only thing that matters.
Active witnesses? Please help?
by Ahava inhi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
There is no proof the GB is being led by God.
You have more to lose than gain by becoming a jW.
Speaking as someone who actually is a JW, JWs are a very destructive controlling group and many JWs end up with depression because of the level of control and interference in their lives. In fact your mind and your life will cease to be your own. Buyer beware!
Ha ha Punk! An extortion meeting "your money for your life."
Quick hello and recent baby pic.
by Darkknight757 injust wanted to say a quick hello.
this was a pic yesterday on nurses week at henry ford with one of izabella’s primaries.
the first pic was at her nicu graduation.
So happy for you all! Thanks for the update.
The Label Of "Apostate" And It's Effects
by pale.emperor inin my psychology studies we've been examining the use of "labels" and how they influence peoples behaviour.
i sometimes wonder if the gb or their helpers know exactly what they're doing when it comes to psychological manipulation.. it's been observed that by labeling someone or something it changes your entire perception of that person or thing.
it colours it entirely, quite unfairly in some cases.
When I first left the apostate label carried with it a feeling of shame now I could not care less about it, it's a meaningless term used by WT to demonize whistleblowers. The term no longer has any power over me because I know what it is designed to do and refuse to fall for it.
Do Witnesses Experience Racial Discrimination To Your Knowledge?
by minimus inmy experience in the kingdom hall was that racial discrimination and profiling was not typically practiced....that i know of.
i was in a diverse city with every type of skin color and nationality imaginable.. i’m wondering if the witnesses have changed due to the current affairs exposed by the media everyday.
are there discrimination issues in jw land??
Already been touched on but discrimination based on class and position is rife in the borg.
The last cong I attended displayed a very strange form of "discrimination" if that's what you can call it.
In a totally rural white on white area a black family moved in and they were treated like celebrity curiosities in this very condescending cringey way by the normally reserved to the point of cold locals. It was truly fascinating to watch. The children were oh so cute and dare I say it "like dolls" the family were "oh so lovely" and their hands were never missed come comment time.The brother was used instantly and often the sister was the new go-to for demos and everyone wanted to be their best friend. Now keep in mind this was an extremely stand-off-ish cong xenophobic to the extreme if someone turned up from outside the area, never really becoming part of the congregation, so the display that was put on for the new black family was very weird and very creepy.
New brochure about donations.
by Ray Frankz inin this midweek meeting the local needs was a booooring speech about the new brochure on donations.
the wt must think the jws are dying to know how to give their money.. well, it's not new this is disgusting but this time, after i ve been slightly hinting people here and there for a year about the 'abnormal request of money' and remind them that 'the faithful slave wasn't like that until some time ago', this time i saw their faces.
they did get bothered with that talk.
"Benefits from your contributions" lol, "free" brainwashing.