Ah Rutherford what a guy.
"Always wrong but never in doubt" should be on his tombstone.
videos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
Ah Rutherford what a guy.
"Always wrong but never in doubt" should be on his tombstone.
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
V - Do you think Russell and Rutherford were sincere christians just trying to do what the Lord "Jehovah" directed them to do ?
Has WT asked you to write this history, did you need help from them in some areas? Just wondering what WT think of it do they approve?
how often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
There was the urban legend about CT Russell being spririt directed to start a religion based on measurements of the great pyramid......hahahaha ...oh...wait...
There's the one about Rutherford writing a suck up letter to Hitler hahahaha....oo.... hang on
There's the one about some earth shattering legendary scene at bethel breakfast when "the gentile times has ended" was pronounced to all there....hilarious......oo...wait...hmmm...
There's the one about Rutherford going to prison because of bible prophecy....ah...
There's the one about the pivotal Cedar Point Ohio Convention....um....no...
There's the one about organ replacement being cannibalism....I know...like the walking dead...lol...weird....right...
There's the one....
There's the..
Anyway I think all the stories I mentioned are actual WT HISTORY, but, what a LOL COW those craaaaaazy urban legends about them have been over the years, how do they even get started????
an elder in quebec, has just quit as a jw.
he did so by emailing nearly a thousand jw’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.. i have spoke to him quite a bit, interesting guy.
he’s quite the loss to wt, he’s an elder with a serious career in chemistry, a professor no less.. catch his story here, apologies if this has already been posted;.
"He's still awaiting the consequences" - indeed, and they are his consequences, his chips to fall where they may, no one elses.
Totes Good onya mate!
has anyone noticed at the convention that there is special reserved seating?
the convention that i attended (to keep peace in the family) had seating in the suites of the arena.
all arenas, stadiums etc.
When the pie is small and getting smaller you take what small slice you can get.
here are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Conventional western concepts of IQ are overrated anyway there are different forms of intelligence.
an elder in quebec, has just quit as a jw.
he did so by emailing nearly a thousand jw’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.. i have spoke to him quite a bit, interesting guy.
he’s quite the loss to wt, he’s an elder with a serious career in chemistry, a professor no less.. catch his story here, apologies if this has already been posted;.
Cool! Hat's off to the guy. It's called honesty, in case anyone was wondering what this strange behavior is called.
Thanks for sharing this Snare.
hi what will be the next thing that watchtower will cut,if you say the leaked video that fay put up the finance guy from the watchtower was saying that they had spent $26 million in about 6 months.
so if they are getting through money that fast then they are going to have problems.
I'm sure they could scrap the CO arrangement. It would save them a fortune and everthing the CO does they could do using a computer, local brothers and some "special" video talks from the GB for their week of "special" activity.
i have noticed a paradigm shift on this site .
we used to be able to express opposing viewpoints without being subjected to name calling and censorship.
i wish we could return to how the board used to function.
I wouldn't mind if we talked more about the ideas than the current personalities. Presidents, Prime Ministers and celebrities come and go but the issues their words, actions or presence highlight remain constant.
so i just got engaged to my boyfriend of over a year.
my jw parents still don't know about him.
i'm currently faded, so they know i'm not a practicing jw, but i am baptized.
Preparing for a shit storm is probably wise.