WT will sink its own ship due to inabilities to effectively adapt to social evolutionary pressure
The LDS religion (Mormons) adapted and grew despite more overwhelming odds against them. I see no reason why the JWs won't adapt and survive. They finally embraced the Internet and I suspect more and more JWs are getting their leads from visits to the JW website. I also see that the WT is slowly adapting. The 5 day district assemblies of my era have gone the way of the Dodo bird- The WT leaders are gradually paring down to just a weekend of talks. They are marketing more to immigrant groups as they see more increases from them. Cold calling and random neighborhood witnesssing is going to become less important to JW growth in the future. All they need is to get lucky and have some teensy prediction appear to come true, to reinvigorate the sleepy mob in the KH.
JWs, IMO need to somehow drop their no-blood transfusion dogma and the direct shunning of former members- that has to stop. No more breaking up families and killing their kids from lack of blood transfusions. If they do that, I will no longer care much about the JWs. They can fritter their life away studying WT mags for all I care.
I must be an anomaly, as I read the Orwellian world of JWs off the shelf at the library, followed the bread crumb trail and exited all on my own 6 months later- no hand holding required.(1988)