Barbara - Thanks for the information regarding Harry Peloyan. Is he still around?
JoinedPosts by Bonnie_Clyde
1975 For Deniers
by Farkel in1975 for deniers.
most of today's jws were not members in 1975 or in the 9 years prior to 1975, so they were not eyewitnesses to what really went on during that period.
i was a pioneer in that period, and i was an eyewitness to what went on.. those jws who are still active today and who were around in that period will typically say it was the "brothers" who "ran ahead of jehovah" and "read more into" the 1975 prediction than what was actually stated.
To new Christians on JWN
by brotherdan ini wanted to make a few comments to those of you that have recently begun to question or have already left the wt and made their way onto this site.
this site is a great resource to learn how others are coping with leaving the organization and moving on into a fulfilling life.. i wanted to write this post because i think reading something like this would've been helpful to me to understand where a lot of people that comment on this site are coming from.
you are going to hear from a wide range of people that have moved on to a diverse range of beliefs.
Brother Dan - thanks for your post. It's been bothering me for a long time, not so much that there are atheists on this board, they have a right to their beliefs, but that they continually suggest that anyone who believes otherwise is stupid and ignorant. It seemed like many are on a mission and I'm tired of it.
I agree that atheists are probably content, and I know that that most people who believe in God are content. I personally don't come here to decide whether it's smart to believe in God or not. I come here to find out what's happening with the Watchtower and if there's any chance of their demise in the near future.
1975 - Lest We Forget
by GetBusyLiving ini find the topic of the 1975 end of the world scenario facinating, especially since i never lived through it.
do you old schoolers ever feel concerned that people will one day forget about what really went down?
with whitewashed tripe like the 'proclaimers' book informing dubs that it was just the false expectations of over enthusiastic apostates, are you at all concerned that the legacy of bullshit that is 1975 will be a forgotten moment in history blamed on you instead where the blame really belongs?
The Watchtower (7-15-76) tried to pin the blame on the individual witnesses. I remember how angry Clyde was about this. Then the 3-15-80 WT. page 19, admitted that the blame included "persons having to do with the publication of the information that contriuted to the buildup of hopes centered on that date." "Nevertheless, there is no reason for us to be shaken in faith in God's promises."
I thought it was interesting that Ray Franz pointed out that the only reason they went that far in admitting their guilt was because the number of publishers began to decrease steadily after 1975. I also noticed that about 1980 was when the Society began to put a strong ephasis on building new Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. That's when the numbers started picking back up.
New elders' manual - a few more details
by sir82 inper a recent boe letter:.
-- new manual will be softcover.
-- elders can keep their old elder manual if they choose.
My father's elder's manual was always easily accessible. It sat in his bookbag right next to his chair. Now that he's deceased, I have the bookbag along with his manual with all the marginal notes. No elder has every asked me for the manual back, but I wouldn't have given it to them if they had.
Do You Think Sarah Palin Affects The Political Landscape?
by minimus inshe's endorsed many candidates and almost half of them have won.
she does have her supporters.
most governors who suddenly resign are usually dead meat but she seems to be able to follow her own instincts and appears to be doing alright.. what do you think about sarah palin?
I think any "affect" she may have is very quicky offset by her daughter's (and future son-in-law's) very visible personal drama... which is, unfortunately, reflective of Ms. Palin's parenting skills... or lack thereof... in the eyes of many
I wonder if this would have been an issue if Palin had been a male.
In the past, FAKE newspaper coverage of WT "International Conventions" in the US
by AndersonsInfo inmany people that post or lurk here at jwn are too young to remember some of the huge international conventions jws held many years ago, but probably have seen impressive photos such as of the 1958 eight-day convention held simultaneously at new yorks yankee stadium and polo grounds.
especially remarkable was the tremendous newspaper coverage of that assembly and other special conventions held in the 1940s and 50s in the united states.
yesterday, when i downloaded somebodys old scrapbook full of long-ago newspaper articles,,reporting on jehovahs witnesses so-called international conventions, i couldnt help but remember what i wrote regarding extraordinary newspaper convention coverage in my article, how jehovahs witnesses watchtower religion impacted my family history, part 3 and thought id share the information here on jwn for those who are not familiar with how such wonderful coverage came about.
Barbara - I was at the 1958 international convention--all 8 days. I was newly converted and attended with my uncle, aunt, and cousin. I remember being in euphoria hearing about the impact our convention was making on the city and on the world. Had no clue it was all hype. Thanks for the info.
'Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together...'
by bez injust wondering what some of your opinions are on this scripture???
its one that has been thrown at me time and time again when i talk of my decision to leave the 'organization of god'.
as i would not be gathering together with his people and therefore forsaking the gathering of myself together..... (if ya get me!)..
Very often when Clyde, myself, and our son's families get together for a meal, we will comment that we are not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together. And yes, we do "encourage one another."
Do You Think Sarah Palin Affects The Political Landscape?
by minimus inshe's endorsed many candidates and almost half of them have won.
she does have her supporters.
most governors who suddenly resign are usually dead meat but she seems to be able to follow her own instincts and appears to be doing alright.. what do you think about sarah palin?
So what scares the liberal left? Sarah Palin. Why? When she believes in a candidate, she will compaign for them and usually gets them elected and doesn't worry about the money. She is a no-nonsense get-in-done girl which I find refreshing, but many people are more comfortable with politics as usual.
Many people are tired of the smooth politicians who can read off a teleprompter when people ask questions that are rehearsed and give answers that are rehearsed. Granted off-the-cuff is is a very dangerous approach -- a thing that most professional politicians would avoid like the plague.
WT Spending
by brotherdan ini know this topic has been discussed here before, but i still cease to be amazed at the spending that the wt does to build it's facilities.
this is an issue that jws like to brag about.
today i received an email regarding the open house of the new casa grande az assembly hall.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason churches are not taxed is because they are deemed charitable organizations. Maybe it would be a good thing if churches who don't consider themselves charitable (like the Watchtower) would be subject to taxation.
Help apriciated - Where in WT publications does it say, that even close family member should be shunned if DF/DA
by Albert Einstein iniam happily out for more than a year, my jw wife is basicly out as well - she didnt attend last 2 assemblies and didnt go to a meeting for about 4 months.... my wife s family is all in and very zealous.
when visiting my mil, we avoid jw issues, but she usually pops up some topic.. last time she disagred, when i said, that wt encourages shunning within the family.
(we live in central europe, and here really most jw do not shun df/da family members, general rule is just to avoid "spiritual discussions" with them).
"Keep Yourself in God's Love" page 208, 209, "In other cases, the disfellowshipped relative may be living outside the immediate family circle and home. Although there might be a need for limited contact on some rare occasion to care for a necessary family matter, any such contact should be kept to a minimum. Loyal Christian family members do not look for excuses to have dealings with a disfellowshipped relative not living at home. Rather, loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping."