Things got better in our marriage--I was the second to leave. Unfortunately, Clyde went through hell because he started his fade years earlier. I believe we would be divorced now if I was still a JW. However, it wasn't to appease him that I started investigating, but it sure did make it easier. I don't think I realized how much the "truth" was hurting our marriage until I left the "truth." For many years I thought the problem was HIM.
JoinedPosts by Bonnie_Clyde
What happened to your marriage after you stopped believing?
by JerkhovahsWitless ini know some posters here went through or are going through some painful things right now because of no longer believing when they have a husband / wife that still does.
others were able to free the minds of their spouse.
i'm assuming the latter is a lot more rare.. anyone that wishes to share their story, please do.. i'm looking to pass the info on to someone who doesn't totally believe, but may marry a jw.
Is the Governing Body really Jehovah's mouthpiece?
by dgp inon another thread, african gb member wondered whether the members of the governing body really believe what they preach.
and that led me to this thought:.
unless i misunderstood what i have read, the governing body claims that jehovah communicates with them and tells them what to do.
Moshe said:
I have asked many JW's, would their opinion about blood transfusions change, if they found out that 50% of the GB voted to make it a pure conscience issue.
That reminded 1978(?), when I first read the WT Q&A that certain blood fractions were OK, I remember thinking...."Isn't that like giving a pinch of incense to the emperor? I thought, they can do what they want, but I will NEVER compromise." But compromise I did. Up till that time I had been very diligent about asking my doctor if the vaccines my children were getting had any blood in them. I also asked at the meat counter whether there was blood in the sausage or if the chickens had been strangled. After 1978, I forgot all about it.
Before It's Too Late ...
by The Berean inwhile i dont usually submit long-winded posts ... this one might well be worth it for those who do not fully realize the emotional and financial hazard involved in living as though the world, as we know it, is about to end:.
first let me say, bob and mary, i will call them, are a decent and caring couple who have been married forty or so years.
they were both raised as jehovahs witnesses and have consistently lived their faith.
Stories like this can be told over and over again. Some people never figure out that they've been conned. Others find out too late....too late to turn around. We see lots of JW's who are still "in" who are depressed and struggling.
Personally, I was 56 years old when I figured out I had been duped (42+ years in the borg). My first thoughts were, "I've gone this far--might as well stick with it." Then I thought, "But, I better get out before it's too late." So glad I did even though it meant losing most of my JW relatives.
How many of you were baptised at a young age?
by lepermessiah inone thing this site has made me reflect on the baptism practice in jw land.. many of us were raised in the religion, thus you were given the pressure early on to shoot for baptism as a goal.. i remember feeling bad because i waited until the ripe old age of 14 to take the plunge.. looking back, i realize that when i was 14, i didnt even know what my favorite color was, let alone have enough knowledge to make a life altering decision.
yet, growing up in that climate, i would say anyone who waited past their early teens to get baptised was viewed with great suspicion and was likely to be viewed as "bad association".
kids who took the dip at 8-9 years of age were viewed as "wise beyond their years" and the like.. how old were some of you when you were baptised, and what are your feelings on the matter?.
I was 14 but nobody pressured me. I really felt I was dedicating my life to Jehovah, and that's how the baptism questions were worded back then.
About a year ago, my daughter-in-law's niece decided to get baptised at age 11 over the protests of her JW father who thought she was too young. However, the mother went to the elders who paid daddy a visit and "set him straight." So much for headship--apparently the elders are the head of the family.
Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 25 January 2010
by LUKEWARM in*** lv chap.
16 pp.
183-195 oppose the devil and his crafty acts ***.
You have likely heard numerous baptism talks at our assemblies and conventions. Yet, no matter how often you have been present on such occasions, you likely still feel moved each time you witness the moment that those sitting in the front rows of the auditorium stand up to present themselves for baptism. At that instant, a buzz of excitement ripples through the audience, followed by a burst of heartfelt applause.
I thought JW's are now instructed not to applaud at the baptism.
I found no mention of Jesus in this material, Jehovah was mentioned 13 times, but the Devil or Satan or wicked spirits were mentioned about 18 times. Would you say the Devil and his demons are an obsession?
JWs don't leave the organization over doctrine
by doublelife incan anyone help me with a quote from a publication studied in '09 that had a box that said jws leave over selfish reasons but not over doctrine?
i think it was studied in the bs but i can't find it and i already tried the search feature.
i remember someone posted about it at the time it was studied.
Clyde and I left the organization because of conduct--the conduct of the Watchtower--joining the UN, forcing families to shun their relatives, the blood transfusion ban, their egotistical bantering that we had to give them our total obedience, their putting a guilt trip on young people if they went to college....I could go on.
Question from readers - Generation
by Albert Einstein inwt question from readers wt 11/15/2011.
is it proper to use the term "iam 3rd generation witness" in the light of the new understnding of the term "generation"?.
no, it is unscriptural now.
Hey Fatfreek - I had a Hattie in my geneology who started it all with her sister in the early 1900's--I know it was before 1910 because the sister died in 1910. Some of my relatives have children who are now 7th generation witnesses. Brother John Bohnet (mentioned in the Proclaimer's book) is the one who witnessed to them.
A talk by Bro. Butts emailed to me: His experiences are such BS
by Magwitch indo you think any of the following experiences are true?
they are so far fetched they are almost humorous.
title: let's all make it to the finish line...[sr from patterson] bro.
Another BS experience I heard at a meeting from a visiting speaker. I think it was in Africa. A young man living with his parents accepts "Bible truth" and his parents throw him out of the house. He has no way of support, but decides to pioneer. He doesn't have anything to eat for an entire week. Soon he is invited to serve in a local branch home. He feels guilty about having three meals a day, so decides voluntarily to only eat one meal a day.
Another JW Report from Haiti - this is sick....
by Bonnie_Clyde in .
two paragraphs were really bad:.
"we suspect not a few of our young brothers and sisters attending universities may have died when those buildings crashed to the grounds with everyone in them.
Two paragraphs were really bad:
"We suspect not a few of our young brothers and sisters attending universities may have died when those buildings crashed to the grounds with everyone in them. One nice experience--one sister was scheduled to attend a lecture on psychology and she decided she did not want to hear that stuff. As soon as she got outside, the entire structure collapsed before her eyes!
Visible proof where 'higher learning' takes you--right into the ground!! Now if any want to attend university--they will have to move to another country--as all their buildings crashed to the ground!! And believe me--their parents will work to send them there--that is the god they have confidence in--Jehovah is a sideline one!"
Later it mentions the DR branch sent them a doctor and an emergency clinic has been set up in the class room behind the assembly hall. I wonder where and when that doctor got his education and why Jehovah didn't strike him dead for attending classes.
strange experience by a Br. from the GB at assembly
by inbetween inwas on summer, experience went like that:.
"a couple from russia, sold even their house in order to be able to attend an assembly in germany.....".
basically no more information given.
Hey - Clyde quit his job because they refused to give him time off to go the assembly. That's what we were encouraged to do. Of course.... that was before we were married and had kids. He was young, strong, and work was plentiful, so he just got a new job when he got back. I'd shudder to think of trying that now.