We had some that would go to yard sales. They would take their time looking around, buy stuff and then leave a magazine and they would count their time.
flowerpetals post and thread reminded me of some of the scams we would use to try to show the maximum numbers of hours spent in "service" for the smallest amount of effort.
here's some of the ones i remember...just wondered if any of you had any other memories.. .
We had some that would go to yard sales. They would take their time looking around, buy stuff and then leave a magazine and they would count their time.
i have decided not to d.a.
although they treated me like shit, made me feel like a worm, they are not going to get anything that they want.
i really really want to da myself, but, that is the end of it.
Everyone has different reasons to disassociate or not to disassociate. I personally chose to diassociate myelf because I didn't want any connections to them at all. I chose to leave, I refused to have them kick me out. I don't know if I would have made that same decision if I had lots of family members in the organization. Luckily for me, I don't have any family that are jw's. It is so nice to have my family back.
would you pee for someone to pass a pee test for a new job?
i was asked to do so.
i could pass with flying colors.
No, I wouldn't do it.
while browsing one of the other forums, i ran across this letter that a jw son wrote to explain to his mom why he is shunning her.
i decided i would answer it and deal with some of the issues that arose as a result.
thought i'd share my thoughts with all of you...
(((((((((((( Estee )))))))))))))
Thanks for the post. I know that must have been difficult to write. It is so horrible how they just tear families apart, of course they would deny that. His letter to him Mom was so harsh, cold and cruel. Your letter was so calm, warm and touching. I feel for you. I have two children and they mean the world to me. I can't imagine not having them in my life.
i was wondering if i become a jehova's witness tonight and die tommorow, will i go to heaven?
Welcome to the board!!!
To answer your question.....not according to the jw's.
dunno if you've already seen this before, but its pretty funny.... just keep watching... the dorky lookin guy at the end is pretty amazing .
That was so hilarious doodle! My daughter and son are going to love it. Thanks so much for sharing.
a bald man with a wooden leg gets invited to a halloween party.
he doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg so he writes to a costume company to explain his problem.
a few days later he received a parcel with the following note: .
A bald man with a wooden leg gets invited to a Halloween party. He doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg so he writes to a costume company to explain his problem. A few days later he received a parcel with the following note:
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and with your wooden leg, you will be just right as a pirate.Very truly yours, Acme Costume Co.
The man thinks this is terrible because they have emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a letter of complaint. A week goes by and he receives another parcel and a note, which says:
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and with your bald head, you will really look the part.
Very truly yours, Acme Costume Co.
Now the man is really upset since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head so again he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint. The next day he gets a small parcel and a note,which reads:
Dear Sir,
Please find the enclosed bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your ass and go as a caramel apple.
Very truly yours, Acme Costume Co.ok, i'm sure this topic has been covered before, but i'm new here, so indulge me.
what do everyone's screen names mean?
some are pretty self-explanatory, but a few have me intrigued.
Awww man... I changed my avatar a little while ago and it's not up yet. So I still have my funky purple ant with the green shirt and sneakers. Keep an eye out for my 2 little cuties. They are tuxedo cats.
did you ever wonder how you would look with a shaved head?
did you ever shave your head, or do you think you would look nice that way?
i wouldn't dare.....probably it wouldn't suit me well.. did you ever consider doing it?.
Hopefully I'll never have to find out.
ok, i'm sure this topic has been covered before, but i'm new here, so indulge me.
what do everyone's screen names mean?
some are pretty self-explanatory, but a few have me intrigued.
My name is for the double dimples I have on my cheeks.
By the way get your mind out of the gutter, I am talking about the ones on my face.
My avatar are my two little kittens I got a couple of weeks ago. Their both girls....Buttons and Chyna.Awwwww!!!!