A Decision On DAing.

by shamus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I have decided not to D.A. myself. Although they treated me like shit, made me feel like a worm, they are not going to get anything that they want.

    I really REALLY want to DA myself, but, that is the end of it. I have written a letter, but am not going to send it in. It's not worth it for that money making corporation to have what they want.

    Take that WTBTS. I hate you.


  • sens


    Thats cool....all in your own time hun.....cut them off before they do it 2 u xxx

  • shamus

    Actually, I don't care if they cut me off. I don't care. When they come to my door, I will tell them just what I think of them. If they don't like it they can stuff it.

    I read one poster here had the elders come to his door and he wouldn't give them his last name. They said as they were leaving that that wasn't a good enough answer. He said that he didn't give a shit what they thought, and they could just go stuff themselves. That is exacly what I'll say.

    I'm not hiding from them.

    I'm not caring what they say or do.

    They can suck my big toe. (did you think I was going to say something different? )

  • Odrade

    ((((Shamus)))) I can totally empathize. On the one hand you probably feel like you don't want anyone thinking you are even an "inactive" JW, and it would be great to really tell them off. On the other hand you don't want to play by their rules and submit to an authority you no longer recognize. Believe me, I've been having the same argument in my own head. There's an outline of sorts for my own DA letter on my computer, but I won't send it. If they're going to throw me out, they'll have to do it all by their little selves.

    FWIW, I look forward to your posts. You're a majorly different, and I think happier, person just since I came on this board in July. You already are breaking their bonds. That's a huge "in your face, (or suck my toe) WTS!"

    Yay! Shamus!


  • shamus

    Thanks, Outrade,

    I am happier. The reason why I was going to DA myself was to close this thing up... but a certain poster, who the hell was it?? posted something in another thread. It was like 3 pages long about how the WTBTS wants us to DA. I don't want anything that the WTBTS wants. So, they can kiss my ass.

    I will not hide myself, either. I will be me, Brian, the same old brian. When they come to my door, I will tell them what I did, what I do, and they can kiss my ass. If they say they're going to DA me, DF me, or whatever, I shall tell them that I don't recognize their authority. They are only men. End of discussion.

  • sens
    They can suck my big toe. (did you think I was going to say something different? )

    lmfao....behave plz

  • simplesally

    (((((Shamus))))) Glad U wrote the letter --- for yourself.

  • gumby


    Your not pissed or anything are ya?

    It's too bad these elders do not have the knowledge we have of their organisation.......they are to be pitied, although I'm sure you don't see that at this point in time. I hope the best for you......just don't do or say something you'll later regret.


  • jayhawk1


    I feel much like you on this. I wrote a letter, and then kept it to read for myself. Then I threw it away. Why? Much like you, I don't want to give Watchtower the satisfaction of giving them what I want. I also don't want to burn any bridges. Just in case there is another here in my area that knows me, I want them to feel like they can talk to me to find out why I am never at the meetings. See, you could be just what another person needs to hear to leave the cult too. And finally, if I ever wanted to go to a meeting to dig up some dirt, I am still just an "inactive" JW.

    However, I for those who choose to officially DA, I certainly understand. Just in my opinion that letter does not give a person any more freedom than just going inactive and doing what you want to do. I guess it is just for mental health only. However, for the Watchtower that letter is exactly what they need to help them keep the members they have. When Joe and Jane JW know they should never talk to you, they won't.

  • JT

    the issue of da is often time a hotly debated one for some but for me it is simple.

    if we were imprisoned in a communist country, would it really matter how we escaped, be it tunnelling our way out, befriending a guard who let us slide by, the bottom line would always be the same to GET FREE.

    one of the most important thing a person needs is TIME, TIME TO HEAL and for each person they have different degrees and needs for healing-

    one should not be looked upon unfavorably or more favorably because of the manner in which they chose to escape, for the first time in ones life they are finally able to do something thier way, regardless of what jw or ex jw think

    there is no one rule fits all each persons circumstances are as different was we are with our personlities

    the most important thing that we can do here on the net is to provide folks with the needed information so that they can make WISE Sound choices -- not Emotional ones that they regret

    for some walking into the hall on the night that they are reading their DA letter is for them the greatest thing since sliced bread for others it is not, each person must weigh the pros and cons

    and this is where we come in, by using our Exp and Knowledge of the org and how it operates we are able to shed some insight into how things REALLY WORK

    just think of how we all felt upon reading the inner workings of the GB from rays books most of us were like "What He!! is This"



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