the issue of da is often time a hotly debated one for some but for me it is simple.
if we were imprisoned in a communist country, would it really matter how we escaped, be it tunnelling our way out, befriending a guard who let us slide by, the bottom line would always be the same to GET FREE.
one of the most important thing a person needs is TIME, TIME TO HEAL and for each person they have different degrees and needs for healing-
one should not be looked upon unfavorably or more favorably because of the manner in which they chose to escape, for the first time in ones life they are finally able to do something thier way, regardless of what jw or ex jw think
there is no one rule fits all each persons circumstances are as different was we are with our personlities
the most important thing that we can do here on the net is to provide folks with the needed information so that they can make WISE Sound choices -- not Emotional ones that they regret
for some walking into the hall on the night that they are reading their DA letter is for them the greatest thing since sliced bread for others it is not, each person must weigh the pros and cons
and this is where we come in, by using our Exp and Knowledge of the org and how it operates we are able to shed some insight into how things REALLY WORK
just think of how we all felt upon reading the inner workings of the GB from rays books most of us were like "What He!! is This"