Thanks Stan. That thread provided a wealth of information.
JoinedPosts by AnnOMaly
The new children's book.
by l3gi0n ini was reading through the new kids book released at the assembly, and couldn't help but notice the chapter on birthdays.
it went on to explain that people were beheaded at birthdays, and that god never said to celebrate them.
it then quoted the catholic encyclopedia as stating "only sinners... make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born" .
Critical thinking - Alternative Explanations
by Noumenon inignored explanations of the phenomenon in question.
in many situations it is tempting to believe that because an explanation is consistent with the known facts it must therefore be the correct explanation.
this is especially tempting when the particular explanation is the on which we would most like to be true (egs, jesus returned in 1914. the gentile times start in 607ce.
Hey Stilla, nice catch!
Found it on p.9, btw.
Lurkers! What Happened to the Puritans?
by metatron inyes, what ever happened to the puritans?
in the us, these were the guys with.
the funny belt bucket hats who ate turkey with the indians (oops, native americans).. they were religious fanatics who thought the end was soon, just like some folks.
What happened to the Puritans?
Well, the JW Puritans discovered the internet. Then they became lurkers. Then they learnt some stuff. Then they went mainstream.
(Very perceptive post, Eu!)
The new children's book.
by l3gi0n ini was reading through the new kids book released at the assembly, and couldn't help but notice the chapter on birthdays.
it went on to explain that people were beheaded at birthdays, and that god never said to celebrate them.
it then quoted the catholic encyclopedia as stating "only sinners... make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born" .
This is the full quote from the 'offending' paragraph on p.155.
"It is true that at such parties today, people do not chop off someone's head. But the whole idea of celebrating birthdays started with people who did not worship the true God. The Catholic Encyclopedia says about the birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible: 'Only sinners...make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born.' Do we want to be like them?"
I thought it only fair to point out that the writer did qualify that the 'sinners' were referring to the participants of the Bible celebrations. But even so, the use of the quotation is misleading.
Watchtower now ID's JW's as the locusts from hell in Revelation
by elamona inhas any one seen the following website?
if so please disregard as i'm sometimes way behind everyone else and think i've found some new and great thing just to learn that everybody else already knows about it.
it's a well documented encounter a gentleman had with a witness on the telephone who must have been so horrified by what she learned that she never called him back like she was suppose to.
Hi Elsewhere
'Apollyon' in Rev. 9 simply means 'Destroyer.' 'Apoleia' in Mt. 7:13 means 'destruction.' I don't think the NWT has 'modified' anything, in this case.
However, it is a matter of interpretation who that Destroyer is. OK, the 'Revelation Climax' book contains a lot of hooey and some of it is even out-of-date by WTS standards, but whether the Destroyer is Satan or Jesus, it is INTERPRETATION, not WTS deception that may be at fault in this instance.
The right age to get baptized?
by shotgun ini've always wondered why it was ok for jesus to wait until he was 29 to get baptized in symbol of his dedication while jw's are pressured at such an early age.
do you suppose joseph was always on his case...jesus get up its time to go to the temple.....why didn't you comment today?.......when are you going stop hanging out in gallilee with all your friends and get baptized?.
is this just another control aspect of the wtbts, handcuff you to the org while your young and make it almost impossible to leave later when you mature?
There is no 'right age' to get baptized. A person has to be mature enough to know what they are doing.
How many really know what they are doing when they are kids? So many have been baptized too young and either fizzled out or once they've grown into adulthood and are trying to get a life, have felt trapped and done something to invoke the disapproval of the congregation.
When I was baptized I recognized Christ as my Savior, repented of my sins and wanted to dedicate my life to God. I do not regret it, though I was only 15.
There is an added twist to today's JW baptisms which is a concern and would affect any who contemplate baptism: That *second* 'contractual' question!
"Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?"
Tut tut! That shouldn't be part of the deal!
Silentlambs Anniversary and Future Projects
by blondie in.
my anniversary
today marks the one year anniversary of an event that happened in my life that forever changed my perspective on who i am, on
Since when is the "truth" a precipitator for taking a person's salvation?
Who says your salvation has been taken? MEN! How dare they!
"...for with what judgment [they] are judging, [they] will be judged" - Matt. 7:2
Happy Anniversary, Blondie.
How would you explain jws to a non-jw?
by Gadget inin the past, when i've been talking about being a witness they haven't really understood just how much of an impact it has on your life unless they've been one too.
whats the best way to explain it to someone who has never been a witness and had little contact with them?
i'm more thinking of how much control there is over your life, and the reason why a lot of witnesses feel down and suffer from depression, ect.. gadget
>>Gadget, I can do it in one simple word....think "Steppford"<<
That's funny! One of my favorite movies. It particularly applies to those families where the brother has recently been appointed as an elder.
They often become 'pod people'!
You can't really describe it. You just have to BE there.
First Concert!!
by LDH injust thought i would let you all know, my 13 y.o.
is going (with my best friend) to the summer sanitarium concert tomorrow night in the s.f.
bay area.. she's seeing metallica, linkin park, and limp bizkit!!!!
Hi Eu, Blondie, all
Thought it was worth mentioning, that when I went to my first gig, I was a 'good' little elder's daughter and it was with my father's consent.
Not all JW parents are cultish and controlling.
(Rare as white ravens, maybe)
First Concert!!
by LDH injust thought i would let you all know, my 13 y.o.
is going (with my best friend) to the summer sanitarium concert tomorrow night in the s.f.
bay area.. she's seeing metallica, linkin park, and limp bizkit!!!!
I went to my first gig when I was 16 - heavy metal. The heat, the decibels, the smell of sweat, leather, patchouli oil, even, wierdly enough, the smoke. *sigh* Good memories. I was with my boyfriend (future husband).
(Btw, Good Charlotte are cool :-) )