"..could I myself be considered manipulative if one day I choose to stop supporting my wife's WT fixes?"
You sound like a saint so far. She's making a lot of demands, expecting your financial support while she's "working so hard" in field svc. You've been patient, understanding and tolerant, probably more so than the people in her congregation. You say your wife's resolve is weakening...maybe she will come around to your side.
It might take her a while after leaving the Troof to realize what she put you thru. For now, it certainly seems reasonable to ask her to contribute something. Can't she get a part-time job and pay a few bills?
I grew up in a divided household circa 1975. My parents had a lot of bitter, violent fights. After 15 years of fanatacism my mom finally got fed up and left. She still reads her NWT bible and talks to the sisters who make endless return visits. She's found other interests and made new friends over time. My dad's still a drunk asshole tho
WHat i'm trying to say is: you sound like a loving, caring man and I hope your wife realizes that soon. She will no doubt be very needy emotionally if/ when she makes her final break from the WT. A part of me wants to say "hang in there" but I know how frustrating it can be
(almost as frustrating as trying to figure out how to turn of this @#$% yellow highlighter) =suz