VERY SPECIAL ... just like you said ... WEIRD
JoinedPosts by frenchbabyface
How weird is this?
by RR inwhile sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot.
while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
what direction is your foot going now?
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
oh Andrej ...
I have no idea what to believe, as far as a traditional Dr. How about them telling you the following, we'll cut your leg off and then maybe you'll be okay (15% survival rate, thats if he makes it through the surgery)
That was the information we needed to understand what it was about ... In my opinion now ... just let your father take any decision He wants about that ... every kind of hope now can help to stay longer (psychology) ... Now the most important think is to know how He will be able the handle the physicals suffering and hope that he will find good DR and even nurses who are not frankly against JWs cause they can be mean just because of that ! ... Because of this make sure when he will be in hospital that he will always be surrounded by lots of people (able to say Hey ! TAKE CARE OF MR ... PLEASE !!!)
Patio said a lot already ... about what you have to know ... and take profit of every minutes you can spend with your daddy ...
Take care, have faith in love, and again be strongCorinne
Who here has a way with women?
by obiwan inok, i'm know 'm going to take a beating here ( at least i hope so ).
i am interested in knowing what other guy's "skills" are.
can you be in a room of women only and get them to talk to you?
Nosferatu you seems to be an EXPERT :
… The trick is not getting them to talk to you, but going up and talking to them. Women rarely make the first move, it's the guy that has to do all the work. If you observe male/female interaction at, say, a bar, you'll see tons of guys looking at women and talking about them, but few go up and talk to them.
…When you approach a group of women, go for the ugliest one first. Strike up a conversation with her. Befriend her. Then, move your way to the less ugly one and converse with her. What's going to happen is the one you're aiming for is going to get a bit jealous. Her interest in you is going to go up.
To be honest, when a man is talking to a group of women (most of the time) you already know which one he is interested too … And Even though I feel I’m the one … if he is not able to make it clear … HE’S DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL !!! whoever he is
And if I’m interested in a man if he is trying to make me jealous in any way … HE IS DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL !!! … TO GIVE ANY CHANCE TO PUT ME IN THIS POSITION … WHAT IS THAT ??? Basically my reasoning about that is : you want her, take her … I’M OUT right now! … There’s no reason for me to fight against that (why?) … and if he was trying to win something with that kind of jealousy game … WELL … to me it’s a weak way, and I just can’t give it any credit!!!
I’m used to fall in love with men who are able to taking care of me (always have been my friends before …)So basically I agree with uzzah :
One could always try simply talking to women with the idea of genuinely being interested in another human being, their life and experiences instead of "having a way with them"
And about how he looks … Well it all depend on how I see him (chemistry) … but I have to say something about those who have no confidence at all in themself … The question is WHY THE WOMAN YOU ARE WITH IS WITH YOU … ? BE CONFIDENT (means Strong … That what’s a woman need) IF YOU CAN’T TAKE OVER THAT … means that she will have a big job to deal with … It can’t work this way !
Wanna see me stick my foot in my mouth? Its a question for you women,
by William Penwell ini had posted this on another thread but it was a little off topic so someone ask me to start a new thread and get the discussion going on this topic.
i do not mean to offend you ladies out there and i really am not sexist as i really love all of you.
i have had it told to me by people of your sex, they don't understand us guys.
That was quiet interesting ...
My point of view :
Yerusalym : While the above is a bit facetious you'd do well to remember that men and women simply think differently...handle problems differently...etc.
and it all depend on who and when ... (Experienced or non Experienced, funky, classy, horny, funny, sensitive and unsensitve ...) So much varieties ... for well ... So much varieties.
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
Sixofnine ... thanks !!! All Promises ... hope and die (terrible)
Andrej : hope you've read all of this very carrefully !!! You know lots of people get in real med trouble because of that and most of the time it's too late when they realised it !
and What's a medication with no name ?
how comes that from 1930 this kind of med is not already known in the whole world as treatment to hill from cancer
FORGET ABOUT THAT ... PUSH YOUR FATHER a little bit on that HE NEEDS REAL DR and PR and TREATMENTSTake care ... and please keep us INFORMED
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
Ok nothing about any kind of natural chemo BUT :
overviews about sarcomasa resume :
Bone and CartilageGeneral Information / Anatomy / Function / Statistics
- Different types of bone sarcomas appear to favor different age groups - many kinds of primary bone sarcomas are more common in people under 20 - in particular, osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma - also known as peripheral neuroectodermal tumors (PNET)
- Primary bone cancers make up less than one half of one percent of all cancers. It is more common for other types of cancer to spread to bone
- Bone sarcomas can occur in any bone in the body but commonly involve bones around the knee and shoulder.
Soft Tissue Sarcomas
General Information / Anatomy / Function / Statistics
- These tumors form in the soft tissues of the body - that is, the tissues outside the bones.
- Can occur anywhere in the body
- They occur mostly in two groups: young children and young adults onward.
- Soft tissue sarcomas tend to spread locally, and via the bloodstream to the lungs
- In sarcoma patients, it is very important to know whether it has been spread to distant parts of the body
Revised April 2000
a resume
Chondrosarcoma treatments- Chondrosarcoma is a cartilage-growing tumor that arises in the bone.
- Tends to occur in middle-aged individuals
- Bone swelling and pain are most common symptoms
- Tumors rarely require radiation or chemotherapy
- A highly malignant variant, mesenchymal chondrosaroma may be treated like osteosarcoma with chemotherapy and surgery as initial therapy.
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
ok ... I couldn't wait to know more I've checked by myself about orthomolecular medicine
Actually I've heard about it before but in an other way : for example the Dr told me that Anthony should eat a lot of tomatoes ... they didn't tell me why !But this the kind of medecine which is interesting
before : to avoid cancer
and after : to help your body to not developpe it again
No application to get rid of a cancer ... yet ...Now I'm gonna check about the "natural chemo" if I can find something ...
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
Was wondering why I didn't have any news from you yet and in reading your post again I realised that you said :
He has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan. This Doctor seems very confident that they can get rid of this.
Maybe you only did expect information about that : Well ... I don't know ... but ... get rid of bone cancer which have been diagnosed to be cut off - means probably that it is too late to save the leg - so I would also pay attention to the fact that his pelvis is already reached by the cancer ... cancer means that more you have bad cells more fast the cancer grows ... So please I guess your DAD feels scomfortable with the idea that he can hill without surgery (but surgery means cut off the bad cells away to not let them grow faster and faster ...) Your father should ask more Dr about that ... (cause cancer does not only kill - but it is very, very, very painfull)
Chemical chemo is already not always good enough to get rid of a little sarcoma (to much risk to get new metastases who can appear everywhere in the body) ... So ... Please check this Dr curriculum ... and ask to other Dr and Pr. And to those who read litteratures about that "natural" chemo. It seems that "Haindreain" (sorry if I didn't spell it right) read/knows something about it ... I'd like to know myself cause (Anthony is the third one in my entire familly who had it) Anthony was the only one lucky enough to still have is leg. What's the name of the DR ? Is there any literrature about this on Internet ?
I look forward to know more about you and this natural chemo ... -
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
minimus : it'll probably backfire
Take care ... most important : YOUR KIDS
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej inmy dad is a jw and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone.
since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery.
he has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan.
by the way how old are you ??? (which is very important to, before giving counsels !!!)
Where are you from ??? (it's important I may ask to the IGR for you if our Pr and Dr are operating there ... and where cause Pr DUBOUSSET for example is going very often in JAPAN !!! they might going everywhere
And I've forgot !!! to PM me my hotmail address co12chat@homail .com / then I'll give you my reel e-mail address ... and my phone number ...