The third horseman of the apocalypse will be keeping an eye on oil prices.
JoinedPosts by sarcen
How will gas prices affect the Watchtower Society?
by truthseeker inezekiel3 posted an interesting tidbit about max larson stopping the printing... .
president of the wtbts max larson formally stops the press at jehovah's witnesses' printery in brooklin, ny.
pictured below is press #4. with the sale of the furman street building and shipping methods changed to road freight, jws seems posed to evacuate their brooklin headquaters.
Whats happening in America's colleges?
by Brummie ini'm no way anti usa as some here have the custom ;) but can anyone explain the reason for this new book?
if you have been to university would you agree with this author?.
As a wet-eared conservative going into university 3 years after ex-ing the JWs, I had a steep learning curve to academically survive the Normandy-scale barrage of liberal flac. However, there are ways to learn to negotiate the bullets, learn to talk the talk, take what you need from it and not actually injest or inculcate it like JW bullshit. Liberal rhetoric is all about "laying bear" the device, magic or mechanism of how certain groups retain power. That's unfortunate for Caucasian males and whoever else the liberals decide to call privileged because the power those groups enjoy starts to errode. The erosion of pre-existing power doesn't mean those groups have to like it. If Ben Shapiro is the stereotypical "angry white male", then the alternatives are this: conservative religious assholes nosing in your business, or liberal agnostic assholes nosing in your business. To someone who has decided not to believe in moral obligation towards a God or "his" representative, the liberals' point cannot be contradicted. What the hell does a deistic universe care about what you do with your own body, or what transsexuals do with theirs? If he is the "angry white male", then his problem is not that liberals promote ideas that allow everyone to exercise choice. It's usually only an asshole would be offended by someone making their own decisions. No, he's being stung by the ebbing power of the white male, visibly shearing away from the powerful patriarchal models that our fathers set. The fact that my father was an elder asshole that was offended by anyone, including his wife, exercising choice, does not mean that I instinctively desire the powerful and priviledged patriarchal model to completely evaporate. As an organism, it is my Darwinian prerogative to appreciate and attempt to preserve whatever advantages are conferred by whatever genetic, gender, etc attributes I have. HOWEVER. There is only one way to ensure that the asshole patriarch never again plagues the Darwinian organism, however advantaged it may itself be by perpetuating the role: it must divest itself of all the trappings and lies of inherent, God-given, authoritative, legitimated power.
How Greepeace loves to kill millions of innocent people...
by Elsewhere inwho has saved more human lives (estimated at over one billion - that's billion with a b) than anyone else in history as a direct result of his work?
who won the nobel peace prize in 1970?
who still teaches at texas a&m at the age of 90?
One more aspect of dependancy is that the U.S. has warehoused tonnes of the breeder seeds from the original indigenous crops in the lands where GM goes to. As GMs are pushed, the local govts. (eg Thailand) make GM compulsory even for peasant subsistence farmers who were accustomed to maintaining multiple complementary species. As they are increasingly compelled to rely upon one crop, their indigenous species die out, leaving the U.S. with the original genetic capital that enabled the GM. Also, while the GM have been so far safe for consumption, the pesticides that are absolutely required to make the GM grow are not subject to the same rigorous quality control, and pesticide-related diseases are not unheard of. One other thing related to whoever said the third world could lose a few people: I'm the opposite of a bleeding heart, but it has to be acknowledged that the third world/"developing world" would not be so populous without the investment capital that the first world/"developed world" had to pour into them to keep smoothly running the colonial legacy economic machine of extracting their raw materials which enables as many of "us" to sit in front of a monitor. No overpopulated "third world", no computer for "everyone" (in the first world). However "simply" "overpopulation" might be brought under control in the third world, it doesn't shine a candle to the consumption of the first world. And the most immediately interesting question on consuption is oil, which enables United States food subsidies. (There are issues other than colonial legacy, including rights of women, but that's a different topic.)
The Idea of God.
by Blueblades inthe idea of god is either a fact,like sand,or a fantasy,like santa.. the idea of god has guided or deluded more lives,changed more history,inspired more music and poetry and philosophy than anything else,real or has made more of a difference to human life on this planet,both individually and collectively,than anything else ever has.. to see this clearly for yourself,just try this thought experiment:.
suppose no one in history had ever conceived the idea of,rewrite history following that premise.the task daunts and staggers the imagination.
.from the earliest human remains----- religious funeral artifacts-----to the most recent wars in the mideast,religion----belief in a god or gods----has been the mainspring of the whole watch that is human history.. if the idea of god is a fantasy,a human invention,it is the greatest invention of all human history.. there are only two possibilities,"to be or not to be",that is the question.. blueblades
Here's one secularist-humanist standpoint, neither atheistic, agnostic or deist. One has to subscribe to evolution for it to work, however. Take with salt, as needed.
1. Big bang.
2. Condensation of matter from pure energy.
3. Formation of physical laws, including Newton's I-III.
4. Newton's II causes autocatakinetics (self-assembling structure)
5. Autocatakinetics causes biologic evolution.
6. Biologic evolution results in sentient, perception-response life forms.
7. The complexity of any given life form is subject to its available resources, plus parameters.
8. If humans evolved on one planet, what would be the complexity of a life form that had orders of magnitudes more available resource?
9. A HYPOTHETICAL life form sufficiently advanced COULD HAVE appeared to our human ancestors as "infinite", "eternal", Alpha and Omega, superlative, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, ad infinitum.
10. There's nothing in the accepted validity of biologic evolution that precludes life forms growing into the maximum potential of their environments.
11. The universe is at most 15 billion years old, at least 26 billion light years across, and comprised of at least trillions of galaxies. If a HYPOTHETICAL 'god' life form arose, it has had the means (energy and matter), motive (Newton's II and autocatakinetics), and opportunity (at most ~14 billion years, since matter distilled into recognizable form at 1 billion years)
12. Ergo, the age and mass of the universe could hypothetically support a life form that humans would interpret as a "god".
13. A HYPOTHETICAL god existing in our space-time in no way invokes some kind of craven, cowardly, timid, fearful, servile, subservient, slavish, compliant, deferential "moral obligation" to listen to its statements.
14. Evolutionary self-preservation might encourage a life form to sacrifice freedom through the construct of religion, but religion itself, i.e., the idea that we OWE some superhuman entity, is a complete fiction.
15. A HYPOTHETICAL god with sufficient power to kick our ass back to eucaryotes does not, through some axiom of "might makes right", deserve slavish obedience or deference. Evolution is all about extinction.
16. It may be that human independence in its own evolutionary experiment is worth far more than self-preservation through slavery. "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heav'n." -Milton
real life sex sex question
by NEWWORLDSLACKER intonight i posted on hippikons thread about what type of sex are you having ?
and it got me thinking important is sex to a relationship ?
what are your thoughts , is it possible to have a stable marriage without it?
I'm only out of my twenties and have a difficult time getting the machinery working. We have good memories of adventurous sex with all kinds of food and locale, and I know she remembers that and wonders where it all went. I feel bad, sometimes very bad, that I can't fulfill my wife's needs as easily, so I just try to be mindful of other ways to keep her happy. And a lot of that can come from just the intimacy of talking and sharing a good laugh, and keepign the mind young even if the body goes other places.
I have a question for the forum: Just because miracle intimacy drugs are available, is there some moral obligation to take them if nature isn't doing what it used to? Or is it morally upright to just take nature as it has occured, and do things as you're able? In other words, is it reprehensible to not be a sex machine if the technology and means is out there?