I heard that the witnesses used to smoke back in the day.
is this true? If so, what was the reasoning behind this?
i heard that the witnesses used to smoke back in the day.
is this true?
if so, what was the reasoning behind this?.
I heard that the witnesses used to smoke back in the day.
is this true? If so, what was the reasoning behind this?
takes place in gotham city.
joker has access to all his weapons etc.
goes up until someone dies.
Takes place in Gotham City
Joker has access to all his weapons etc
Goes up until someone dies
who would win?
whether or not you realize it [ many of you do ], words have power.
think of the power of the human voice.
think of a beautiful song, or a symphony.
So so true
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
The only thing I am worried about is my relationship with my rents. I have a feeling that if I fade they wont speak to me again. Armageddon doesn't really come in my mind in my day to day life. So you could say that I'm a witness for the wrong reason.
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
But I wouldn't be going to the meetings anymore. How can they df me if I don't go?
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
Thanks guys for you comments and support.
i have another question:
say for example I fade. i stop going meetings, stop field service etc. so basically I'm weak or inactive. 5 months down the line, someone from the hall sees my having a cig. Would I be df'd?
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
@Angus beef I have had one my friends go to the elders about me before. When I asked him why he did that his answers was its a way of keeping the congregation clean. If that was me I wouldn't do anything. What I don't get is people like serial killers will have parents that still love them but smoke one cig, get drunk once, swear once and family and friends you have had all your life will just leave you. That really annoys me. Why is that?
@snare&racket you know when you try to make yourself believe something that is true? That's how I am. I have many issues with the JW lifestyle which I probably will mention later on but honestly, I would like to make my own decisions in life. Just to clarify, I am not saying everything I have learned in the truth is false. Most things make sense ahd I believe it. But right now, I want to make my own decisions.
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
I want to fade to be honest. I would like to be in control of my own life really.
I have another question: Say if I start fading, I start to do things that you can't do as JW. Would I still get DF'd or would the elders have to talk to me first?
it appears that many of the best music threads have been purged.
i can't imagine the formula that would eliminate such wonderousness while preserving "involuntary muscular contractions", but so it is.. the first offering.
it's with regards to disfellowshipping.. is disfellowshipping a legal procedure?
like is there something i can use to prevent this from happening to me if it does happen.. no jokes about me being a bad little boy.
i need honest answers to this.
@KateWild thanks for that.
@Angus Beef I was asking those two questions. If she doesn't go the meetings anymore, why would people from the congregations still hang out with her.
The only thing that springs to my mind is that the friends I have at the hall, I have known them since I was very young so I have grown up with them. Has anyone got any experience of leaving but still hanging with people you have grown up with still?
@LisaRose I am 23.
@Frazzled this is an honest question.
Now guys what about conduct. If I am fading, what does my conduct have to be like?