Has anyone solved it? The Easter Challenge was apparently proposed by Dan Barker (circa 1991). His challenge was quite simple and reasonable. In each of the 4 gospels, begin at Easter morning and read to the end of the book. Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20-21. Also read Acts 1:3-12 and Paul's version of the story at 1 Cor 15:3-8.
It's about 165 verses.
Without omitting a single detail from these separate accounts, write a simple chronological narrative of the events between the the ressurrection and the ascension: what happened first, second, and so on; who said what, when and where these things happened.
It's permissible to make educated guesses about the time of day since the gospels are not clear on this. The narrative does not have to be a perfect picture but rather give one plausible account of all of the 'facts'. The important thing is that NOT ONE SINGLE BIBLICAL DETAIL BE OMITTED...
I couldn't do it...
Anyone else ever try this or seen a response to this question?