Was the OT books of the bible an attempt by the priestly class of the Hebrews to build a religion. I have discovered that some of the 10 commandments may have come from Hammurabi's laws. Tithing 10% coming from the Egyptians and Phoenicians, the God EL which is named in Genesis as the supreme god came from the Canaanites, several of the verses and stories in the bible taken from other cultures. Circumcision from Egypt, Resurrection from egypt, Cherubs and moving through the air chariots from Zoroastrians and older, and the list goes on. The seven headed Dragon from the creation myths of Babylon and Assyria. So do you think that what was really going on is a priestly class of Israelites were trying to get a religion started for themselves and to gain power and wealth much like the Egyptian priests?
A new religion??
by Crazyguy 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Where is El at in Genesis?
There more time goes by, the more I see that everything I used to think about the bible was completely wrong, so that make sense to me. Rather than being a special people chosen by God, the Hebrews were just another culture, no better than any other. They had no special knowledge or superior way of life. They were capable of some good things, but also the horrific slaughter of innocent lives, they were very much a people of their times.
When you look at the book of the bible with no preconceived notions, this is obvious. I saw a chart detailing what the definition of a family was according to the bible. It could be a man and the woman he raped, as long as he compensated her father. It could be a man and his wife and concubines. It could be a man and the wives of the men he killed in battle. This is not the moral values of an all knowing and loving God, this is just what the men of the time thought was just.
I have recently been reading a book about philosophy in ancient greece. It is amazing how many points of similarity there is to christian doctrine from pre-christian writings. I mean the general christian outlook, like if the world is good or bad, mans relation in the world and to god, the existence of en evil deity, sayings and wisdom of jesus, the status of the poor and sick and so on.
I would recommend "the bible unearthed" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_Unearthed for some of the recent findings.
Most of what the Hebrews, and xians by extension, have is stolen from pagan religions. Just about every character was either a pagan God (in other words, a Demon), or depicted some aspect of soul development. Every account in that damnation book was stolen from a pagan legend and corrupted so it would become worthless to build one's soul. Even the flagship thing that xians offer was stolen from a number of pagan Gods that shared many characteristics. In other words, Jesus was a stolen concept and people were forced to believe in that thing as a real being.
And it was the Draconians that forced this on us. It was draconians, of which joke-hova is the head, that created a people that would further the will of that thing to communize the whole world and bring slavery and misery on everyone (after which everyone would simply die off or be destroyed). Those draconians are, by the way, above the grays and reptilians (who do much of the dirty work). Draconians are behind the political correctness movement and the taking offense of anyone that questions "official doctrine". Draconians are behind the concept of protected groups--of which they themselves put themselves in as a blind to enslave the whole human race. Draconians are behind the invention of that thing that they call Jesus. The grays and reptilians do much of the dirty work here, too, but it is really the draconians that are behind the whole mess we are in.
As for Satan, He was against this from the beginning. It was Satan that took a fondness for the human race, and acted to save it from this trashing from the draconians. Many of the Nordic race took Satan's side--but not all (the ones that took joke-hova's side are what we call angels, and they are downright filthy). These Gods and Goddesses, of which Satan is head, are working for your enlightenment. Willful ignorance, stupidity, and simply deciding that the Establishment is good enough are the only sins--which all comes down to stupidity. Instead, we all need to work toward our own salvation within our own limits, instead of leaving it in the hands of a fictitious character on a stick or a monster that wants communism as your final reward.
Objectivetruth, EL is the name used in the bible for god or gods, elohim ,elshaddi, etc. Sorry the spellings off. But this is were names like BethEl and IsraEl come from. Now Jews and Christians will tell you that the word El just means god but if you go a search of the name and the city of Urgarit or just type in the god named El you'll get a whole other understanding. Also in most curent bibles the word El has been replaced by the word god so this is why you may not find it in your bible.
CrazyGuy...you are at the tip of the iceberg...
Here's one for you... Isis Ra El.....combine the three words and you get Israel (Research that)....while you're at it Sol, Om and On....which literally means Sun God of On...On being the city the Greeks call Heliopolis (The city of the sun)....the truth is stranger than fiction..
oh and another one, Maat ( my tag name)...since you mentioned the 10 commandments... :-)
if you thought the WTBT$ lied about theior rendition of the bible...you ain't seen nothing yet...
I really would like to burst your bubble but unfortunately, you are stuck in it. I really do feel sorry for you. Based on your post, it's clear that you have much to learn about the world you live in.
What you see if a civilization forming over many centuries from Stone Age to Bronze Age, from nomadic tribes to agrians to city builders. They developed codes and monetary systems and political dynasties and of course a State Religion like all of their neighbors.
Thanks Mat, I have been looking in to that a bit not solomon yet some language pros refute the conection of Is Ra El to the obvious. I'm still looking and if you have any good links thanks. I'm just trying to figure out the motivations of the people the Hebrews and why the books of the bible were written and if Israel means what you think it means were is the connection, and if so why change to another god named yah or yaw or Yahweh.
And speaking of yah there maybe a conection with yaw of the canaanites from the city of babylos, were some of the kings used names with Gods names as thier own.