I'm wondering where the subject/title of these outlines originated? I'm pretty sure they can be categorized in the book of Homilies...
First Book of Homilies
The 'Former Book' of homilies contains twelve sermons and was mainly written by Cranmer. They focus strongly upon the character of God and Justification by Faith and were fully published by 1547. The homilies are:
- I. A Fruitful exhortation to the reading of holy Scripture.
- II. Of the misery of all mankind.
- III. Of the salvation of all mankind.
- IV. Of the true and lively faith.
- V. Of good works.
- VI. Of Christian love and charity.
- VII. Against swearing and perjury.
- VIII. Of the declining from GOD.
- IX. An exhortation against the fear of death.
- X. An exhortation to obedience.
- XI. Against whoredom and adultery.
- XII. Against strife and contention.
Second Book of Homilies
Title page of Cranmer'sBook of Homilies
The 'Second Book' contains twenty-one sermons and was mainly written by Bishop John Jewel. It was fully published by 1571. These are more practical in their application and focus more on living the Christian life. The title was The Second Tome of Homilees: of such matters as were promised, and intituled in the former part of homilees. Set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery parishe church agreeably (2nd ed. in which no. 21 was added; Imprinted at London: In Poules Churchyarde, by Richarde Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie). This volume includes:
- I. Of the right use of the Church.
- II. Against peril of Idolatry.
- III. For repairing and keeping clean the Church.
- IIII. Of good works. And first of Fasting.
- V. Against gluttony and drunkenness.
- VI. Against excess of apparel.
- VII. An homily of Prayer.
- VIII. Of the place and time of Prayer.
- IX. Of Common Prayer and Sacraments
- X. An information of them which take offence at certain places of holy Scripture.
- XI. Of alms deeds.
- XII. Of the Nativity.
- XIII. Of the Passion for good Friday.
- XIIII. Of the Resurrection for Easter day.
- XV. Of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament.
- XVI. An Homily concerning the coming down of the holy Ghost, for Whitsunday.
- XVII. An Homily for Rogation week.
- XVIII. Of the state of Matrimony.
- XIX. Against Idleness.
- XX. Of Repentance and true Reconciliation unto God.
- XXI. An Homily against disobedience and wilful rebellion.