Many religions gloss over their own histories and cherry pick doctrines. Some are more blatant. Obvious cults are blatant. Scientology makes members pay for the next level of information, and hides the information from the public and their own members by legal means (their lawyers are notorious) and by claiming that if you aren't ready for the information it can be dangerous. By the time members learn about Xenu, it's a sunk cost issue. They are less likely to leave at higher levels because they've invested a lot of time and money (they also collect collateral on members to control them)
However other groups are pretty open about every belief regardless of public offense, like Westboro.
It is a pretty broad brush to paint with, but it's hyperbole and shorthand on a site about a cult, written by someone volunteering their time to an effort to spread information about that cult. I wouldn't read too much into it past its purpose to talk about JWs.