I am pretty agnostic but I do believe in spirits. There has been a few times in my life where I’ve heard what is CLEARLY footsteps walking up the stairs and around the upstairs of the house I live in, when there is defenitly no one else at home. I know what footsteps sound like, I’ve been hearing them in this house for years from everyone, and a few weeks ago I clearly heard them. It’s creepy but I just try to ignore it and I think it will ignore me, who knows. I also work at a nursing home where people die quite often, and people who tell me about how they would see ghost, I never believed it. But one day I was in an empty room by myself washing my hands, I looked up in the mirror and I saw behind me an old man walking, I ran out so fast! I swore I know what I saw, but who knows. I feel like there’s defenitly things we don’t know about this world and universe