This is true. There does tend to be a lack of education among JWs. Low income and depression as well...
JoinedPosts by dynamiterose77
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
I had a complicated relationship with food myself... opposite of over eatting. It's complicated because I know it didn't stem from one thing. My mom grew up exceedingly poor, and though she didn't realize it I think that when we asked for a snack and she'd always say "Those are for lunches" or "Thats dinner" "I was saving that"... kind of made food off limits. At the same time she had body image issues and was always dieting (not eating) so... for a long time it was just what I saw. Then somewhere along the line it became a way to attain a type of perfection... I was convinced that god hated me because I did everything wrong, even though everything I was doing wrong was out of my control... at least I could have food under control. I somewhat remember wondering if I could survive on water and raw veggies like shadrach meshach and abednego... Then as time went on, not eating became my reaction to any stress.
Even after I left... when things got bad with my ex I stopped eating... and started adding drinking alone into the mix.
All of that nonsense, I'm pretty sure, wrecked my system... I have a hard time losing weight now that I actually have to.
Anyway... the JW stuff definitely played a part in my depression/stress and that figured into my eating habits for sure.
I also had a huge sad moment when someone in the thread mentioned illness and pioneers... I knew several that died of cancer... One of them, like was stated, wouldn't slow down and go to the doctor even though she was clearly sick. Instead she started drinking mushroom tea when her hair started falling out and she swore by it. She was diagnosed with bone cancer, finally, and died only a few days later. Several others wouldn't go have things checked until it was too late too.
With mental illness, I think it is true that many JWs just ignore it, which causes things to go rampant. Depression particularly... "What do you mean you're sad? PARADISE!!!! BIBLE!!!"
No... sorry... I'm sad because I'm sad. It is a valid emotion. Making me feel bad about it just gives me more issues.
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
I didn't read every comment because after a few I remembered some things and just started laughing.
A. Whenever we were out in service, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME, everyone eventually started talking about food.
B. Every service trip involved a trip through the McDonalds drive through at some point... or donuts.
C. No one ever walked at a pace that would burn more than a calorie. It is what I call "The Witness Shuffle". People rarely pick up their feet.
D. There was an elder and his family that were straight up obese, they made a point to have an ice cream cone every day. They baby sat us once, at their house, they wouldn't allow TV but they sat around eating every scrap of crispy fat from the bottom of the baking dish from dinner.
E. The people that did go to the gym all "fell away" or were disfellowshipped at some point...
I never even bothered to think of any of this...
by dynamiterose77 infine line between idolotry and branding... just sayin.... .
i'm just seeing a lot of home-made or print on demand site items with logos pasted all over.
as an art director, i laugh, because it's hideous.
I don't get on here terribly often enough... You all are hysterical. (product ideas are awesome!)
Meant to post on this but I've been busy with the kids. It was the first week of school last week and on the first day my tattoo and I got a dirty look from a woman with a name badge with blue box right on it... because its not good enough anymore to have a quiet conversation with the teacher about your beliefs regarding the pledge and holidays, now you have to make a display of everything. Sorry, I was taught that we were supposed to display humility and not be all flashy and in everyone's face about everything.
Also... are "pioneer school gifts" a new thing... I know someone that has been posting a lot about them. (pinterest boards etc.)
by dynamiterose77 infine line between idolotry and branding... just sayin.... .
i'm just seeing a lot of home-made or print on demand site items with logos pasted all over.
as an art director, i laugh, because it's hideous.
"In fact it should be considered to be worse, as it is idolising an organisation instead of Jesus."
Good point...
by dynamiterose77 infine line between idolotry and branding... just sayin.... .
i'm just seeing a lot of home-made or print on demand site items with logos pasted all over.
as an art director, i laugh, because it's hideous.
Fine line between idolotry and branding... just sayin...
I'm just seeing a lot of home-made or print on demand site items with logos pasted all over. As an art director, I laugh, because it's hideous. But, as a former JW... well I also laugh.
Weren't we all taught that religions of the world wore symbols of faith but JWs did not? No crosses, no stars of david, yin yang, etc... But... seriously... all those things are, from a modern way of looking at it, are branding. I'm seeing gold buttons being sold with how is that different than wearing a cross?
Between the logo branding, the gaudy silver bible and these news stand things I'm seeing more and more, its obviously more of a corporation than ever.
"It's not religious..." Wait... What???
by dynamiterose77 inmy friend, mike works as a massage therapist, and there is a woman at the shop that is super-jw-woman and is constantly hounding him with things.. today, he's messaging me and he tells me that she was trying to push a brochure or something on him.
he said he'd really rather not read a religious pamphlet.. so... she says, "it's not religious... it's from god.".
isn't that kinda what religious means?
Clarification: The woman wasn't a client, she works there. Also, she's the owner's mother (who apparently isn't a JW) and he asked that everyone just ignore her. Mike throws all the watchtowers she leaves in the break room into the trash.
She actually got quite volitile with Mike over a bible passage that she claimed wasn't true. She called the elders, loudly, and apparently got told the same thing Mike told her, because she got quiet and looked completely shamed.
I'll ask Mike about what passage it was.
"It's not religious..." Wait... What???
by dynamiterose77 inmy friend, mike works as a massage therapist, and there is a woman at the shop that is super-jw-woman and is constantly hounding him with things.. today, he's messaging me and he tells me that she was trying to push a brochure or something on him.
he said he'd really rather not read a religious pamphlet.. so... she says, "it's not religious... it's from god.".
isn't that kinda what religious means?
My friend, Mike works as a massage therapist, and there is a woman at the shop that is super-JW-woman and is constantly hounding him with things.
Today, he's messaging me and he tells me that she was trying to push a brochure or something on him. He said he'd really rather not read a religious pamphlet.
So... she says, "It's not religious... It's from God."
Isn't that kinda what religious means? Is this a new thing? some way of getting people to read material by saying it isn't religious?
I'm so confused...
Anyway, he told her he was highly uncomfortable with her pushing it on him and she finally went away... at least until next time.
Illuminati End-Times Deviled Eggs
by Nathan Natas ini never cease to be impressed by the clear thinking and iron-clad logic of "true buhlevers".
it almost made me writhe with desperation because i am an atheist.
almost... but actually i'm writhing with laughter.. .
oh man... I'm dizzy with crazy. That nonsense math does it every time.
No TARPS Allowed (or large umbrellas).
by problemaddict inmaybe this was already covered here.
i've been absent a bit more than usual.. at qualcomm stadium, home of the chargers and the "special arrangement" with san diego which means they use the venue for free, you are not allowed to bring a tarp in the 80 degree sunshine, nor a large umbrella.. mercifully however, you may bring a small one person umbrella you can hold or perhaps vice to the seat, but if someone asks you to take it down, you are to oblige.
san diego is freaking out over this i can assure you.
Dodgers Stadium was AWEFUL in the heat. (There was also the stupid parking lot that took forever to get out of, so you would swelter in your car) We didn't have any cover for several years. But, when we finally did, we were nice enough to share with people...
I remember they would have everyone take them down during the dramas... I'm ridiculously pale... I blister in seconds. My regular everyday sunscreen is SPF 70... Even with that I burn and am prone to heat sickness. It was aweful. I was so ridiculously happy when they stopped going to Dodgers and went to Long Beach Convention Center. Air conditioning...