Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).

by BucketShopBill 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BucketShopBill

    Please don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about. I am asking this question because Jehovah's Witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "God's Blessing", "The Truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings. I watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a Elder or Circuit Overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little". Usually the brothers and sisters who worked-out got discouraged and soon tacked on weight. The Watchtower does not promote a healthly lifestyle, they guilt anyone who try's to make themselves look good by claiming "you must be sacrificing Theocratic Activities" if you have time to work out at the gym.

    My COBE weighs 340lbs, he's super hateful towards sisters who are overweight and even make's fun of people fatter than him. There were nine brothers on the last BOE I was part of, almost every one of them was fifty-plus pounds overweight, why?

    I know people who use to read four or five books a week before joining the Watchtower, soon due to the atrophied brains bossing them around, they too took the path of least resistance. Not all Witnesses allowed their bodies to fall apart, some did continue to work out and study even though people made nasty remarks about them. It's stylish to be unhealthy, complain about your health but don't you dare talk about your gym membership or rugby games you love playing!

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    It's definitly an issue among witnesses. I am still in and I can definitly spare a few pounds. that's one of my goals as i leave the Borg. To get much healthier. I think a lot of it comes down to not viewing this as the real life.

    i know that there was some kind of edict was sent down to all COs within the last few years that they need to lose weight And be healthy. One CO (azar) was huge. Last I heard he lost most of the extra weight. I think all traveling brothers were told to either be at there optimum weight or they were no longer going to be COs.

  • BucketShopBill

    We need to destroy the lie that "This is not the Real life", once I backed out of this place, I dropped three suitcases of weight. The empasis of eating all the rich foods, eating out instead of fixing my own food killed me. I hit close to 300lbs and now am around 223lb after becoming "irregular", it was the best choice I ever made.

    How can a 340lb COBE make fun of a sister who weighs 260lbs? How can he make insults and call a brother who weighs 450lbs a "fat piece of shit"? Sorry for the language, this COBE has no idea he is so fat, he had gastric bypass surgery and lost the weight for four years and it came back with thirty percent interest rate! How can anyone make fun of another person suffering from the same ailment or emotional problems.

    Our COBE has the weirdest gray hair (he's 53 years old), it's from the weight-loss drugs he took before the gastric-bypass, now the doctors are not willing to prescribe him those drugs because he is still eating like a Pig. I will post a photo of him with his face blotted out, you tell me if you think it's ok for a JW COBE to be so hateful to other JWs suffering?


    To me, it seems the Witnesses don't worry about their health now, because they think all will be corrected in Paradise. My Bible Study conductor had very high blood pressure, but he told me he wasn't concerned because he was wanting to live in Paradise Earth as soon as possible. How is neglecting high blood pressure any less damaging than smoking tobacco? So overeating is perfectly acceptable but smoking one cigarette will get you expelled. Makes no sense at all. The only solution for health-minded JWs is to GET OUT of the religion as soon as possible! Your life depends on it!

  • BucketShopBill

    I know more people who lived to their high 80s and 90s who enjoyed cigars, a few cigarrettes. Very rare do you see people who weigh 300lbs live past 75 years old, some old Eastern Block women in the Caparthian Mountains have extra body weight but those women work their asses off even at the age of 90. There's a book "How to live to be 100" where the author has access to different regions were people have large life expectancy rates. These ladies make their own plum moonshine, work, work work! JWs, I notice many of them when they get past a certain age, they don't work around their homes, they sit on their ass all day waiting for the New System to come.

    There was a Russian woman the friends like to make fun of, she loved to eat and weighed 300+ and all her peers told her "your going to die if you eat like this." She outlived most of them by ten years, she died last year at the age of 97 years old, guess genetics saved her.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It would also depend on your local culture. I live in Australia's equivalent of LA and find most jws like to keep fit. They seem to have no more large people or even fewer than outside.

  • Dis-Member

    Maybe he's the entire 'Body of Elders'.


  • bigmac

    i am a fat git

  • abbasgreta

    I remember the result of a survey done in the 90s, which concluded that the highest rate of M.E sufferers (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - can be extremely debilitating) was shared between one other group (forgot who) and female Jehovah's Witnesses aged 18 - 40.

    We had 3 female sufferers back then in the cong. (One genuine case, she was bed-ridden - the other two seemed able to turn it off and on at will - one used to lie on a reclining bed-chair at the back of the k hall, then when the meeting ended, folded it up herself and drove herself home. The other also lay flat out for the 2 hours she was occasionally present as well. As she was my sister-in-law, I know she found it quite easy to sit on a hard backless bar stool all evening at the pub getting rather 'plastered').

    Alchoholism is a real hidden problem too. My 84 year old mother, a jw for 57 years has been an alcoholic for the last 40 of them (since my Dad died - she was convinced she would 'have him back' within a couple of years. The PO used to visit her around 11am off the ministry and she used to hide her glass of whiskey- one of several a day - between her armchair and the sideboard! This must still happen. I used to 'counsel' her on her drinking - it was so frustrating, she used to slur whilst glaring at me, "I can find my nosshe with my indecks finger, zo I'm not drunk".)

    I knew at least three more, one a girl of 19 (she happily recovered very quickly when an MS asked her out (good job that prior he had never 'worked' with her on a Saturday morning as her breath could have ignited a match) - they eventually married). Also two married women in their early 40s. One of these had sadly contacted Hepatitis B via a forced- upon- her BT when she was a child. She married at 19 but due to her medical condition she 'had' to wait until the Noo Sistem to have kids. Hit 40, could have adopted in the meantime but resolutely declined - convinced one day 'soon' she would have her own, then suddenly realised at that age she may possibly never become a mother either way and spiralled into deep depression and alcoholism. The other was a circuit 'Barbie' in the 90s, who one day woke up and it was her 40th birthday. At 18 she thought she would never see 25. Now she herself had an 18 year old daughter and wore tighter dresses and higher heels than her daughter whilst they both 'paraded' at the assemblies, still trying to 'compete'.

  • OneEyedJoe

    As has been said, there's not much point in watching your weight if armageddon is coming 'soon' and you'll be perfect. Also, have you looked at the pictures of paradise lately? They're all freakin vegans! Gotta get your steak, bacon, meat-lovers pizza, etc in while you can!

    The other factor, I suspect, is that being in a cult is stressful. There are no breaks, constant (boring as hell) meetings and constant fear, obligation and guilt. Not to mention the cognitive dissonance one suffers while living 100 years after the start of a generation that would see the end. All that stress can drive people to eat or drink excessively.

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