Hello @Andersoninfo !
I know that one of my friends already arranged the translation for you.
If you need anything else please let me know.
Rgds, Miguel.
source: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/los-testigos-jehova-dieron-ordenes-para-ocultar-los-casos-abusos-menores-5660189#.
tuesday, november 29, 2016.
google translation:.
Hello @Andersoninfo !
I know that one of my friends already arranged the translation for you.
If you need anything else please let me know.
Rgds, Miguel.
source: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/los-testigos-jehova-prefieren-pagar-multas-que-entregar-los-documentos-abusos-que-piden-los-jueces-5660360#.
tuesday, november 29, 2016 - 21:28 cet.
google translation:.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016 - 21:28 CET
Google Translation:
A baptism ceremony of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016 - 21:28 CET
In the United States, the country where he was born and is headquartered organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, and where there are more than 14,000 congregations and about 1.2 million faithful, the courts are open in at least 20 cases complaints Sexual abuse of minors. In all instances these are demands in the civil justice system, not the criminal. And they all have something else in common: the organization has refused to provide internal documents in which the guidelines on how to deal with this problem are collected.Even if the refusal involves paying harsh penalties imposed by judges.
In June a judge of San Diego forced the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to pay $ 4,000 for each day that the organization did not provide the documentation required in the application filed by Osbaldo Padron, a man who says he suffered sexual abuse at the hands of A local leader of the Witnesses in California at age 7.Among the documents requested it contained one of the letters sent in 1997 to reponsables of congregations around the world - published by this newspaper - ordering create an internal file with all cases of child abuse. Although a copy was provided during the process, it was so edited that it was useless. "Watchtower clearly has control over the documents," he wrote in imposing the daily fine the judge, who spoke of "obstinacy" in breaching the legal requirements.
"They are demonstrating a willingness to risk a lot of money to keep the secret documents", he notes in a telephone conversation Trey Bundy, a reporter for the Center for Investigative Journalismthat takes more than two years publishing information on cases of child abuse within The Jehovah's Witnesses. "The big issue is the secret file with names" related to cases of pedophilia, says the journalist. "Several times they have refused to give those documents and the question is: if the courts can not get them, how are they ever going to be made public?"
The existence of a file with the names of the pederastas of the organization is not called into question. In fact, the April 1, 2014, during one of the trials in the US, a senior Witnesses, Richard Ashe, admitted that he had been collecting information and had electronically filed. But the problem, according to Bundy, is that there is no mechanism to force the Jehovah's Witnesses to make public this or any other document.
Part of the explanation for this impossibility is that trials so far have taken place in civil justice. If instead they were tried before the criminal justice and a prosecutor would like to see the documents the police would come into play, which would have the tools to force them to make them public.
At the moment, neither the Department of Justice nor the FBI is investigating it. Justice has not answered the calls or the mails of Bundy for two years. According to the journalist, the authorities have not contacted any of the "hundreds of people" who handle cases of abuse or other lawyers or journalists who follow the issue. In Australia or the United Kingdom has been the Government who has taken a role active in research, but in the US, the country with the world Jehovah 's Witnesses, "the government is not doing anything" as Bundy. "All the directives leave here, so it must be investigated here," he reasoned.
source: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/los-testigos-jehova-dieron-ordenes-para-ocultar-los-casos-abusos-menores-5660189#.
tuesday, november 29, 2016.
google translation:.
Source: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/los-testigos-jehova-dieron-ordenes-para-ocultar-los-casos-abusos-menores-5660189#
Google Translation:
Baptisms of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Palau Sant Jordi in 2006.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016 - 21:39 CET
The letters written by the Watchtower New York to branches of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world gather instructions that the dome of this religious organization , with more than 8 million followers in the world has for decades to avoid that cases of child sexual abuse in your community come to light.
The newspaper has recovered these missives which destroy - led ordered those responsible (the "elders") of each of the 1,400 Spanish congregations dependent Christians Jehovah 's Witnesses,the branch in Spain. Several extestigos endorse that were obeyed in their congregations and a world leader on this organization as the American Barbara Anderson has confirmed to this newspaper that its content is a simple translation into Castilian of the original writings from the United States.
"In the early 1990s knew they had a serious problem with pedophilia , " Anderson, who then worked as a researcher for the magazine 'Awake' ( 'Awake'), which is printed for all devotees explains. The most important thing in these missives is what "they say"emphasizes Anderson. Something as simple as "warn the police" does not appear in any of them. His refusal to report these crimes to the authorities is something that just berate them the government commission of Australia . A policy of concealment that fits complaints filed in Spain by Miguel Garcia or Israel Perez . Also with the story of Piris Noelia, a woman located by this newspaper, has reported that she was raped by eight years and then threatened into silence.
In the letter sent in 1992 to the leaders of each congregation "digging up the memories" of abuse victims with "a quiet life" it is advised. If , however, these "throw whimpers anguish" (citing biblical scripture from Psalm 55:17), elders "can help" to "bury bad experiences."
Original letter of the 23 of March of 1992 that was sent translated in Castilian to the old ones of Spain.
1994 shows a clarification in which it is dropped that exist "laws that force to report of the abuses to minors". However, instead of indicating that this is what should be done in congregations what the elders are commanded is "immediately available " with the "Department of Legal Affairs of the center".
In 1995 he insists that when an accusation of pedophilia appears, the elderly "should immediately" with the "Legal Department".
In 1997 the organization wants to know all cases of abuses that exist.To this end, he orders the elders to send a "report" in which, in addition to the personal data of pederast and victim, questions such as "How long has the person committed the sin?" s) victim (s)? "," what degree came? ". Such information" should be sent to the central "inside" an envelope color cane. "Such information" should not be made available to anyone outside the Matter, "he remarked.
In 2002 the letter introduces a relevant nuance. "Our position is this: Elders take care of sin and secular authorities, of crime. In order not to obstruct justice, the elders should not prevent or hinder any secular investigation of dishonest abuse of minors." However, the instruction on how to deal with a case of child abuse is always:"Contact with the Department of Legal Affairs". This body is responsible for providing "timely guidance in order to report the crime to the competent authorities".
Letter showing that an internal pedophile archive was being built.
In 1998, it was clarified that these reports on cases within each congregation should be sent to the center even if the pederast had committed the crime "before being baptized" as a witness.
In 2006 and 2010 it again urges elders to "inform the Department of Legal Affairs" to any case of child sexual abuse.
In 2012 it ordered that all letters with instructions on this crime (previously cited in this notice and for the years 1995, 1997, 1998, 2006 and 2010) should "be removed from the permanent archive of letters on procedures and destroy them ." It is added that "no one should keep originals or copies of any such letters". The content of this new letter clarifies for the first time explicitly that "under current Spanish legislation , " the elderly who attend an allegation of child abuse "may be forced" to make it known "by the authorities, as appropriate". The main order, however, remains unchanged: "Call the Department of Legal Affairs immediately."
The last letter, dated August 1, 2016 four months ago -he admits that "in some jurisdictions" the person who has knowledge of a crime of abuse "is obliged to inform the authorities." The only specific order on what To do is-again-to contact the plant.
The public commission in Australia has warned that hiding these abuses endangers children and found that only the Body of Eldersdome -the United States has "authority" to change these instructions because "not tolerated" That no branch has another way of acting.
Anderson explains that he has been collecting letters to different countries, such as Canada or the United Kingdom. "They are always the same," he says. However, as emphasized by an old man who remains in confession and requires anonymity, the "pattern" is always treat each case "a sin" and not "as a crime." And "of course" not reporting "to the competent authorities".
The spokesman of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, Aníbal Matos, has not denied the existence of these letters with instructions on how to handle cases of pederasty, but he wanted to emphasize that the policy of the organization is to "urge" the affected family "to Denounce "this offense. The institution will take the initiative when the victim "is a child who is in a situation of defenselessness," he stressed. The latter, however, in Spain has not occurred to date. On the existence of a file with the names of all the sexual aggressors, Matos has emphasized that "it does not exist as such" and to call it "leads to misunderstandings". The letters addressed to the elders were intended to "help where it was possible to help," not to hide abuses within congregations, he insisted.
source: http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2016/11/25/actualidad/1480078910_010669.html?prod=reg&o=cabep&event_log=fa.
(video included, with witnessing of israel flórez lopez, abused as a child).
google translation:.
Thanks Hecce :)
press release, colectivo #abusostj.
barcelona, nov. 24, 2016 .
jehovah witnesses and abuse.
Sorry Hecce, I just saw your answers here... Posted a full story in a another post.
People in my friends groups were texting me this morning. It seems to have done a great impact.
source: http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2016/11/25/actualidad/1480078910_010669.html?prod=reg&o=cabep&event_log=fa.
(video included, with witnessing of israel flórez lopez, abused as a child).
google translation:.
(Video included, with witnessing of Israel Flórez Lopez, abused as a child)
Google Translation:
The parallel justice of the Jehovah's Witnesses
Former members of the organization denounce that this religious entity recognized by the State conceals cases of abuse of minors and other crimes after judging them internally
Officially, according to the register of religious entities of the Ministry of Justice, there are 110,000. They have been registered since 1970. Their own estimates raise the figure to 200,000. Jehovah's Witnesses are known, above all, for two stereotypes: their cold-blooded preachers and their refusal to receive blood transfusions. A third and delicate feature is returning, in the last days, to the present. They face, in Spain and other countries, multiple police and judicial denunciations for not acting against cases of sexual abuse within the congregations. They deny it, but internal documents show that the organization has a kind of parallel justice, governed by biblical principles and in which, without going to the authorities, it is judged, supervised and sentenced (or acquitted) to the members who have committed Some sin. Although this sin is also a crime.
"Documents relating to an allegation of sexual abuse of children ... should be stored in an envelope that will be kept indefinitely in the confidential file of the congregation," says one of the confidential documents of Jehovah's Witnesses to which EL PAIS and shows what procedures are followed in this organization when they encounter cases of this type.
The circular, dated August 1, 2016, was drafted by the Governing Body, the leading leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses in New York, and sent last summer to the headquarters of all countries. From there, the leaders of the Spanish congregations (known as the Elderly Corps) were sent to them, who were ordered to follow the guidelines described in the letter and then file it in absolute confidentiality. This is how the Witnesses work: the leadership of the leadership drafts the guidelines to follow, the internal rules, and each congregation must scrupulously observe them.
"In all cases, the victim has the absolute right to report abuse to the authorities," the document states. But, from there, the circular does not return to refer to the law and bases all the instructions and orders in internal protocols of action. "When an indictment of child abuse arrives in the ears of the Body of Elders, two of them must immediately call the Department of Legal Affairs to receive legal advice. (...) After receiving advice from the branch, the Body of Elders will name two of its Members to conduct a Bible-based investigation of any allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. They must scrupulously follow the procedures laid down in the Scriptures ... If the Body of Elders determines that there is sufficient biblical evidence for the formation of a judicial committee, the coordinator will communicate it."
The document also refers to the sentence received by a pederast, which will at most be permanently expelled from the order, although in most of these cases the expulsion is temporary until it shows repentance, as can be read in the same documents . That is to say: a pederast would not only be denounced in the Jehovah's Witnesses, but, with repentance, he will be absolved and pardoned.
The Civil Guard investigates complaints
Israel Flórez Pérez belonged to Jehovah's Witnesses until 2008. He currently resides in Toledo and is 43 years old. When he was five he was sexually abused by a relative, also a member of the confession. He put it in front of a mirror, undressed him and made him contemplate a scene that Israel only understood years later. It was not until 1999 when he decided to tell it. "I did it because I realized that it had happened to many more companions when they were children", he says sitting in the cafeteria of an avenue of Toledo. "I then went to some leaders of the congregation. And they did absolutely nothing. They hid it. Two years later, another Witness abused my wife and, again, they stopped him. That's when we realized we had to get out of there. "
Flórez decided, along with other ex-members of the Witnesses such as Juan Bourgon, Miguel García, to found the group 'AbusosTJ' to share experiences. "In total, we have already filed some 20 complaints of abuse and abuse, but almost all of them have been prescribed." Some of them reported their case a few days ago in El Periódico de Cataluña, currently the Civil Guard investigates these complaints and the Barcelona court has opened And in the case of Noelia.
Manuel is the fictitious name of another member of AbusosTJ who for many years was in the dome of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain. He is the leader in the shadow of this rebellion against the excesses of the organization. It ensures that Jehovah's Witnesses have registered in Spain more than a hundred cases of sexual abuse of minors within the confession. All of them would have been tried domestically and filed away from the reach of the authorities.
Where they are coming to light is in Australia. There, the government announced last July that it is investigating 1,006 cases of sexual abuse that would have been hidden by the organization. Manuel takes this research as an example. "There are about 66,000 members in Australia and more than 1,000 cases are being investigated. In Spain there are almost 200,000. A little math and logic can give a staggering figure. " There have also been dozens of complaints in the United States in recent years.
They deny that they have hidden cases of child abuse. Aníbal Matos is the spokesman for the Office of Institutional Relations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain. We are received with kindness at the organization's headquarters, a group of low and spacious buildings located in Ajalvir, outside Madrid. With a quiet voice and security, Matos asserts that they only judge "what is considered a sin, never a crime." And he adds: "If any brother incurs a case of pederasty, the first thing we do is urge the victim and his If they refuse, out of shame, because this sometimes happens, we have a moral and even legal obligation to go to the authorities. "
The reality is that, since Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, a single abuse of minors has never been reported, as confirmed by the order's own spokesman. The members of 'AbusosTJ' contradict Matos' explanation. "They never go to the police. They submit the case to an internal tribunal, they impose the sentences - which consist of temporary expulsions of the confession - and forgive, "Manuel says.
Florez adds: "Jehovah's Witnesses have hidden several hundred criminal offenses and abuses. They encourage the victims to hide them. Victims of sexual abuse have had to listen that to go to the worldly law would be to betray Jehovah. We received a lot of pressure to keep quiet. " Matos retorts again: "We are based on biblical laws, but this does not justify or protect against breaking the law." And he attacks: "The ex-members sometimes distort reality, reinterpret the facts because something has bothered them and that is why they are gone."
Diego Hidalgo, a resident of Lleida, was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses for many years and served as a congregation leader and internal judge of the organization. He says that "there is a record where they keep cases of sexual abuse." "They are stored in cane envelopes, where the case reports are stored under seven keys," he says. "Do not be surprised that they are being emptied right now if they suspect that we are talking about this. Do not believe in the justice of the State because there is a phrase in the Bible of St. Paul that says: 'Dare any man take his brother before The justice of a man? "They will never go to the police, they will discourage it whatever the crime, they say that if you do, you will stain the name of Jehovah.
Flórez, who was abused as a child and asked not to go to the police, smiles bitterly: "As the Police some day in the headquarters or in the congregations and get these envelopes ... It is going to put together a fat good ".
Vigilance tower
Jehovah's Witnesses define themselves as a Christian, millenarian, antitrinitarian and anti-ecumenical confession. They carry out a heterodox interpretation of the Bible and were founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1881, in the United States. Its central legal seat is in Brooklyn (New York), in an enclosure called the Watch Tower (Torre de Vigilancia).
According to their own data, they are present in more than 150 countries and have about 8 million members worldwide. In Spain they are distributed in about 1,400 congregations. 'Shepherd God's flock' is the title of the book - edited by the organization itself and only accessible to the leaders of the order - which serves as jurisprudence for Jehovah's Witnesses. It explains the procedure for forming judicial committees, appeals and convictions that consist of the exclusion of the guilty.
This parallel justice has consequences. "People suffer because they can not express their problems. It is a vicious circle: those who hurt you take care of your justice and offer you support. It is traumatic. Brutal, "explains Flórez. His own sister, Naomi, suffered one of these trials. When the process had been going on for several months, Naomi committed suicide.
It happened on August 21, 2015. Five years earlier, he had decided to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses. In doing so, the congregation stopped interacting with her. Together with the divorce, Noemi finished alone, with 3 small children and a pension of 400 euros per month. The stage, seasoned by the pressure of his parents, made him return to confession last year. As she had been divorced - something considered a sin - she was submitted to a Justice Committee. Noemí entered into depression and the support that received was of spiritual type. "The Committee gave him the help of a Witness who was neither a psychiatrist nor had a basic education. My sister stopped eating. They made a mental cocoa. He felt guilty, he depended on the Committee, he had no one to go to ... He could not get up from that, "says Israel in a choked voice. "I do not say that Naomi would commit suicide for that, but what I have clear is that it was fatal."
The organization's own jurisprudence, the book 'Pastoreen el herba de Dios', collects what should be done when there is a risk of suicide. He does this on page 89: "On occasions when the accused threatens to commit suicide, it is best to suspend the hearing and focus on helping the person to regain his or her balance. They must assure him that the desire of the committee is to help her, and then to deal with the subject of depression and suicide using the Scriptures. "
The same book, on page 85, makes it clear that this judicial system, apart from the rule of law, must be preserved in secret. He says: "If a journalist or a lawyer representing the accused communicates with the Elders, they should not provide any information about the case or confirm the existence of a judicial committee. Rather, they will give the following explanation: 'The physical and spiritual well-being of the Jehovah's Witnesses is of primary importance to the Elders, who have been appointed to shepherd the flock. This pastoral work is done in a confidential way. "
A page later, the book adds, "If the authorities demand reserved documents or ask the Elders to testify about confidential matters of the congregation, you should call the branch right away."
Diego Hidalgo, after passing through the organization and his work as an internal judge, now devotes himself to "deprogramming" Witnesses, as he explains sitting in the living room of his small apartment in Almacelles, Lleida. "My first case was with a woman from Galicia who refused to receive a blood transfusion. Jehovah's Witnesses consider it a sin to receive blood from others. Her health worsened, so the family called me and I had several talks with that woman until I convinced her. " The family offered Diego a generous sum for his work, but he refused. "I do not do it for money, I do it to help."
Since that first meeting, in 2008, Diego has helped about 40 people get away from Jehovah's skirts. A few years ago he decided to give shape to his work in the form of an association, which he called 'Liberados', and which he presides over today. The process is often repeated in each performance: the family calls Liberados, Diego meets with the Witness and makes him hesitate. "A person abducted, fanatic, does not attend to reasons. So my first encounter is always in biblical terms. Debate with the person using biblical arguments to make him understand that his religion is not true, that his beliefs are not found in the Bible as they have led him to believe. Once inoculated the doubt already begin to attend reasons ".
Arantxa Martínez, a 22-year-old from Madrid, was "deprogrammed" by Diego two years ago. "I thought about leaving the race, because the Witnesses are asking you not to study, that it takes time to read the Bible. So my parents worried and took me to talk to him." Arantxa remembers that he did not attend to reasons, but Diego made him think things over. "He used the Bible to show me that they deceive us with interpretations. I am a very believer, but from that day on, I went away from them."
Sometimes, Diego has to send these people to the psychologist or even to the psychiatrist. "The State is supposed to act against this sect: they are against the law, against the Constitution and against Human Rights, and they are protecting them, the State is guilty of That this is happening. It is a tolerated sect. "
Then, sitting in his living room, he reads a paragraph from the book 'Shepherd God's Flock', the internal jurisprudence of the organization: "Is it wrong to love our relatives?" "Of course not, but we must love Jehovah more. And if he is worried about the behavior of an expelled relative, tell him to Jehovah, let him go with him, and remember: to always obey is the best option. "Diego closes the book, shrugs and shows the palms of hands.
Members of Jehovah's Witnesses, who are called brothers and sisters, can not receive blood transfusions, can not smoke, get drunk, be adulterers, homosexuals, can not vote, join a party, trade union or association, can not Reading apostate literature or relating to people who have left the confession. Even if they are your relatives.
Nuria is the fictitious name of a young woman from Madrid who spent her childhood as a Jehovah's Witness. "My parents were and since I use reason, I was until my parents left, when I was about 10 years," says sitting on a terrace in the Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés. "From that time I remember that I could not celebrate birthdays. And that hurt a lot. Every time a classmate brought treats for his birthday I could not accept them because they came from Satan. " The other children made life impossible for him. "I was a weirdo. I was always alone and they harassed me. "
At Christmas he did not receive gifts either. "My parents tried to compensate for it in some way, so they let us choose a toy from the catalog for good grades. I remember that one year, when returning to class after Christmas, we were sent to write with the gifts we had received. And I had to leave it blank. "
Nuria has also recorded in memory the photo album of her parents' wedding: "They were married by the Catholic church before entering the order. So my grandmother, who is a Witness, cut out all the catholic crosses and symbols of the photos. The photo album of my parents' wedding is shattered. "
Nuria's mother, who also asks to hide her name, remembers her stage as Witness with some bitterness. "When you are a Witness you are a sheep and the rest of people are goats. And we avoided getting together with goats, "he explains. "You withdraw, you become locked in yourself. I changed the character. Everything seems sinful to you, it is impossible to integrate yourself into normal life. You are not part of the world, you are a sacred people. "
press release, colectivo #abusostj.
barcelona, nov. 24, 2016 .
jehovah witnesses and abuse.
PRESS RELEASE, Colectivo #AbusosTJ |
Barcelona, Nov. 24, 2016 Jehovah Witnesses and abuse. An aspect unknown in Spanish society. Victims of alleged sexual abuse and other offenses speak out loud and clear. The faith "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" is relatively unknown to Spanish society, except for the typical home visits to talk about God or to hand out magazines and propaganda pamphlets about the cult they exhibit in the streets in more than one Spanish town. A group of dozens of citizens, some of us who are still active in this faith, have united to give a voice to a situation totally anomalous in Spanish society. Recently, various media sources have reported recent and older cases of child abuse, harassment, bullying, parallel justice and "asocial" attitudes tolerated by this faith. Among these are: Miguel Garcia, Badalona: sexual abuse, harassment, bullying, parallel justice. Our group includes different people who have brought lawsuits and filed complaints before the Civil Guard, National Police and Mossos d’Esquadra. We will not remain silent; we want reparation and justice. We will continue to publicize more cases and help those who dare to speak out discreetly and respectfully. This is not a war against Jehovah Witnesses. On the contrary, our struggle as a group is that, in 2016, anyone is free to believe, and by extension, also change their religious views and ideology without fear or coercion of any kind. We will especially fight to change the methodology and child abuse in this faith. We do not understand why someone does not notify authorities when they know about a case of abuse. Our children's health and lives are in danger. Finally, we will fight to ensure that there is only one legal system in Spain. In 2016, it is astonishing that "courts of honor" still exist where cases are tried weekly, along with other criminal offenses, with no guarantee of justice and are not reported to the authorities. |
Contact us for more information: Colectivo #AbusosTJ
Mobile: +34625216469 (from 6pm)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/abusostj
Email: [email protected] (immediate response)
Twitter: @abusostj
http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/cinco-denuncias-testigos-jehova-5632503 .
guillem sànchez / barcelona.
Yes, darkspilver... The Judge sent this "part" of the piece to the Central Registry of the Ministry of Justice to report it to Belgium.
A total denial panick method....
http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/cinco-denuncias-testigos-jehova-5632503 .
guillem sànchez / barcelona.
Good point darkspilver...
If you check both Castillas and Catalan versions there is a different point. Castilla mentions one month and Catalan since end September... Factually both are correct. My police complaint was done end September, so around month and half...
My police report went to the Judge but as abuse claim was more than 10 or 15 years ago this part is prescribed. Anyhow as a bigger case is now open with Noelia case, my claim has not yet being fully discarded but temporary archived waiting more info from this part of the investigation.
Regarding the last two points, it was largely answered in answered in the same post.