If this isn't an example of behaviour like the Pharasees displayed, then I don't know what is!
"They bind up heavy loads on the shoulders of men"
"They disregard the law by means of their traditions"
"They make the word of God invalid"
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
If this isn't an example of behaviour like the Pharasees displayed, then I don't know what is!
"They bind up heavy loads on the shoulders of men"
"They disregard the law by means of their traditions"
"They make the word of God invalid"
dear tony morris and all the management at the unicorn ranch,.
since i know you are avid readers of our delightful posts here on jw discussion, i thought i would take the opportunity to ask you a few key questions but first a little background info about me.. when i joined your outfit many years ago i was a schoolboy and believed what your organisation told me to believe (i was not very bright) and i expected the end of the “old world system of things” to come in my youth as you had said.
of course it didn’t, it still hasn’t and i’m sure this fact must hang heavily on your conscience.. my father told me that jehovah’s witnesses break up families and defending the watchtower up to the hilt, i told him, ”rubbish!” how disrespectful of me.. i declined the offer of college education as you had suggested and later gave up my job to become a window cleaner, my father threw me out of his house for giving up a career and joining such a family- breaking cult but i wouldn’t listen to him, i just got on with it and pioneered like a good obedient jw zombie.. later still i got married and had three children, alas, i only have one of my children who speaks to me freely as one warm rational human to another, the other two remain jehovah’s witnesses.. ok governing body and other managers, i admit we mock you here, it may not all be justified but once you also wake up and leave the org, then you too will get to be as angry as we are, then you too, will understand us.
It may be too difficult for ToMo3 and his mates to read this...as their heads are too far up their own backsides...
i don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
It is actually a GOOD thing that the Society and the GB act in such hypocritical ways!
It will help more and more Witnesses awaken to the fact that the org is a dangerous cult....
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
OK, I have watched it right through now, and sadly I think it is legit!
I think it is actually a video designed to show them the CORRECT way of handling things! I had hoped it was a video showing how NOT to handle matters...but alas...they really are that arbitrary and legalistic and full of self importance!
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
Is this one of those videos where they show what NOT to do, then use that as a basis for discussion in the elders meeting??
The GB have done that in the past. (remember that video a few years back showing the wrong way to console a sister who lost her husband to death?)
i don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
Yes, it is simply mind blowing to see the audacity and brazen hypocrisy that the GB / Society is showing!
well i have heard various comments about them on here, so last week i decided to do an internet search on them.
i was quite surprised to find there was an inc in my local area and ironically only meters away from the kh.. it was very interesting to say the least, and in the short time i was there i could quite understand how they get there reputation as a high control religion if not a cult.
in some respects i think they are probably more jw than the jws.. let me explain how my visit went.
This is their version of childhood indoctrination:
i’ve been here for many years.
the tone seems to be different in this place.
not so many pissed off exjws .
Good thread Minimus.
As with all forms of grieving, there is a process:
The stages of grief apply to awakening from the grips of a cult.
There is the Denial, the Anger, the Bargaining, the Depression, and the Acceptance.
Most here on this forum are more level headed than other communities, and have travelled the path of grief.
I look back at my early days here, and see that I am a far more balanced, and hopefully mature person that I was back then...
maybe some of you remember me, maybe not.
for general information i am now 19 years old, and living by myself.
for the past 1 year (more like 1.5 years) i have been quietly fading out of the hypocrisy of this organization, but since i still live in the town i grew up in it has been hard, and filled with different challenges.
How are things going CitizenofEarth????
secret documents reveal sex abuse scandal in jehovah's witnesses church.
Wow ttdtt!
Thanks for posting those links and the scans of the letters!
I randomly looked through several of those, including the one from the Circuit Overseer, and others from the Branch office, and what did I notice?? Of course: NO WHERE did the society or its representatives direct that the Law Authorities be informed of these issues!
Does the Society simply not get it?? Are they that insular and self-righteous to neglect telling the Police about these matters?
They are clearly more concerned about keeping their "reputations" in tact, and "protecting Jehovah's name"...But failing to see that their inaction is actually having the OPPOSITE effect! It brings reproach on them!
I want to give full praise and credit to whoever revealed these letters!! Well done and Thankyou to this brave and honest hearted person!