I don't recognise this religion anymore!
i remember getting my ass beat .
in 1987 / 1988 for listening to atlantic star.
they had a song called always.. my mother sat me down anmd told me listening to music like that would just rile up my emotions and make me look for a girl to fornicate with.. like at the age of 10 i was going to take it to that level.. my mother later banned r and b from our home.... i find it all hilarious now, but a friend of mine actually sent me a link to the jw broadcast and said i had to watch this.. i told him there was no way, but he said just start at the 50:40 mark.. i do not believe that this is what the org is doing now???.
I don't recognise this religion anymore!
genesis 6: 9-139 this is the account of noah and his family.noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with god.
10 noah had three sons: shem, ham and japheth.11 now the earth was corrupt in god’s sight and was full of violence.12 god saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.
13 so god said to noah, “i am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them.
As has already been pointed out, the Nephalim were recorded as STILL existing years after the flood.
SO, either Jehovah didn't kill them all in a big flood, OR the bible writers cant be trusted to tell the truth!
Which is it?
Either way, it makes "Jehovah" a liar...
atlantis recently leaked hours of videos recommended only for immature audiences, in this case bethelites, so i thought i'd share just a few highlights of things that stood out to me, along with some screenshots.. some minor renovation/cleaning was done at patterson, including white paneling in the auditorium and cleaning out the plant alcoves under the stairs, one of which was said to have a big spider cave.. .
there was the bethel office picnic, with lots of activities and pizza.. .
I see that they had an alter in the pics ready for a burnt sacrifice!
Maybe a virgin bethelite to satisfy Jehovah's / The GBs blood lust??
the principles that we glean from god’s word should move us to avoid wearing clothing that is tight-fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative.
that would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates private parts of our anatomy.
nobody should feel uncomfortable or forced to look the other way when seeing how we are dressed.
And of course, back when baggy trousers were in fashion, we as young brothers were told off for "following the trends and fashions of the world"
So, a JW just cant win!
a witness can’t celebrate and give gifts on a birthday except on the day they are born.
giving a baby shower is ok as well as gift giving—- but only once!
soooo dumb!.
Good observation!
could be good for a laugh , .
if you have an hour to spare.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bj66ja-iua.
this post hopefully will get you thinking about therapy, along with good mental and emotional health if you are dealing with the traumatic choices associated with leaving jw's, or if you are considering leaving.
because it is a trauma.. imagine a married couple in their late 30's.
because they took last weeks watchtower seriously, they have decided to talk to an elder in their congregation because they have practiced oral sex on each other, and feel a need to confess and get "spiritual help.".
Great thread!
Yes, stepping over appropriate boundaries is THE definition of a high control cult like JW.
It breaks down the individual members ability to think for themselves, hence creating the infantilised situation where the Society has to tell each one how to think and behave.
last night's memorial talk in my cong went into graphic gruesome details about the torture of jesus and how the stake killed people.
i mean medical level graphic description!
step by step details of each injury and how it killed!
It is supposed to guilt the listeners into thinking "oh wow, if he endured all of that for me, then I had better respond ..."
roll call for the benefit of newbies and lurkers.
in one sentence tell why you left the org.
not 2 sentences.
Inaccurate and harmful doctrines based on an ancient book that is full of totally inappropriate content.
sorry for the use of "the spouse" and "s" (for spouse).
still trying to protect our identities.. well, i started questioning everything about 2 years ago.
woke myself up.. the spouse wasn't thrilled at all.
Fantastic news!
Yes, once the FOG (fear obligation guilt) has been lifted, and events like the memorial is seen as the ritual that it is, life gets better and better!
You could even say, that "the light gets brighter"!