Agreed Doubtfull1799!
Great post Dubstepped! Thanks for sharing.
so, i have a guy that is emailing me after listening to my podcast series "this jw life" about my life story before, during, and after being a jw.
this guy happens to be an elder and pioneer serving where the need is greater.
i love this guy.
Agreed Doubtfull1799!
Great post Dubstepped! Thanks for sharing.
many people like to boast about “jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”.
there are even scriptures that say words to that effect.. however, if we look at just his actual conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!.
firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people.
Many people like to boast about “Jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”
There are even scriptures that say words to that effect.
However, if we look at just his ACTUAL conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “Bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!
Firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people. He made it clear that they were unique, valuable and precious to him. He demanded that no foreigner be able to freely mix without them renouncing their heritage and culture.
He then went to great lengths to make his people feel entitled and superior to all other races and nationalities. Their laws and culture made it clear they were of a higher standing.
To reinforce this, massive genocidal wars were committed and celebrated- with the aim of ridding the world of those “awful” foreigners! It wasn’t a campaign to settle a difference, it was a campaign to wipe out their very being, genetic lineage and even the memory of them!
Fast forward to modern days:
If Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true religion of Jehovah, he obviously still dislikes many ethnic groups. This is evident by the fact that “the truth” has not been preached in many densely populated continents . Eg China, Africa etc. So they are not as worthy of life?
Clearly God loves white Anglo Saxon people or people in first world lands.
No point quoting scriptures to disprove this. After all, one’s works demonstrate their feelings....
Loving indeed! Ha!
i know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do not have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!.
how can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?.
other christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously!
I know punky ...I know....
But it really dilutes their claims about wanting to "share Gods word" when they are more concerned with $ rather than people's lives....
(now I know the bible is nothing except a collection of ancient ramblings, but JWs make it out to be THE ONLY WAY to draw close to God and survive...)
Its almost as if jws have the special relationship with god and do not want to share!
i know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do not have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!.
how can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?.
other christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously!
I know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do NOT have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!
HOW can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?
Other Christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously! They invest huge sums of money to give out "gods word"
If the "word of God" is life saving and so vital, it should be a priority to get as many as possible into peoples hands!
But here we have the so called "one true faith- Jehovah's Witnesses" without bibles on the carts!
If that doesn't scream "CULT" then nothing does....
i have watched tons of youtube videos of our exjdub friends approaching and talking to the jdub manikins at their carts as they give a great witness to the world by sipping their hot lattes, updating their social media, chit chatting to each other, and the most important thing of getting their time in, counting their hours.. when the jw's see someone approach with a camera they do several things, they will turn their backs on the person, or look at the person with a frown and act like the person isn't even there.
the witlesses refuse to answer simple, clear, and precise questions.
when i was an elder i loved to get into discussions and debates with trinitarians, priest, clergymen and those who were born again.
In my part of the world, they set up the literature cart under a tree, along a fairly deserted cycling track near a river.
Literally very few people walk past!
It is THE most pathetic thing to observe, as two jws sit in fold up chairs in a lonely spot in the middle of nowhere, with just a few ducks to look at and talk to....
Still it's better than the spot they used to use: two middle aged brothers in large overcoats would sit near the netball courts while teenage girls in short skirts ran around playing sport! Now THAT looked really creepy!
well i got to waste another day.
for the sake of still in family i attended the circuit assembly.
they say a joy shared is doubled, and a burden shared is halved.
GREAT points Pale! Well said
well i got to waste another day.
for the sake of still in family i attended the circuit assembly.
they say a joy shared is doubled, and a burden shared is halved.
Duuuuuude! Wow! How did you stomach sitting through all of that?
I feel smothered just reading your review! I feel like I was there.
It really seems like "wash rinse repeat"....
going through a box of old records in my garage i came across this 45 by the great crowd.
it was given to me in the early 70's when i was living in crestline, ca.
i had no way of playing it because i haven't had a turntable in years so i googled it and found this link.
So maybe THIS track can be used by jwbroadcasting one month?
I mean, they have just used a "Barry White" esq sexy times track in the april broadcast! Now they can use this rip-off of "hair" ballad tracks!? or more like "age of Aquarius / let the sun shine in"!?
going through a box of old records in my garage i came across this 45 by the great crowd.
it was given to me in the early 70's when i was living in crestline, ca.
i had no way of playing it because i haven't had a turntable in years so i googled it and found this link.
That was amazing on so many levels! Thanks for sharing.
What a great snapshot of the huge ballad tracks of '71-73! Wow!
I have never heard of this before.
BUT yes, they actually use "theocratic" language and terms!
#mindblown #groovy
the video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
Instead of the 'sister' at work being "touched inappropriately", why didn't the video show some member of the congregation wrongly touching a young person ? I mean that HAS occurred WITHIN the organization, - so it would be a more realistic storyline!
Try writing a convention talk to actually deal with that elephant in the room!