Has anyone else seen the movie "confessions of a teenage Jesus jerk"?
Im still processing it, and trying to work out my thoughts....
I would be interested in others thoughts.
has anyone else seen the movie "confessions of a teenage jesus jerk"?.
im still processing it, and trying to work out my thoughts..... i would be interested in others thoughts..
Has anyone else seen the movie "confessions of a teenage Jesus jerk"?
Im still processing it, and trying to work out my thoughts....
I would be interested in others thoughts.
i had to go into a office close to a supermarket on a very high traffic expressway with next to no persons on the street anyway ever near.
i see this jw lady about 65 yrs old standing there alone with 2 bags of groceries staring at the catholic church one side across the interstate road and the kh across the other side of the highway.
cross bronx expressway.
Ok this abusiveness has gone on too long.
Simon, can you check in on this thread?
i had to go into a office close to a supermarket on a very high traffic expressway with next to no persons on the street anyway ever near.
i see this jw lady about 65 yrs old standing there alone with 2 bags of groceries staring at the catholic church one side across the interstate road and the kh across the other side of the highway.
cross bronx expressway.
Nicely said Dreary!
i had to go into a office close to a supermarket on a very high traffic expressway with next to no persons on the street anyway ever near.
i see this jw lady about 65 yrs old standing there alone with 2 bags of groceries staring at the catholic church one side across the interstate road and the kh across the other side of the highway.
cross bronx expressway.
Threads like this simply make any lurking JWs run away in fear of "mentally diseased apostates"
has anyone else noticed that in the wt study articles the main point they want you to remember is always somewhere around paragraph 11-14?
it's like a formula.
intro and overview paragraphs 1-4. basic wt stuff 5-8 (not controversial).
Brilliant observation.
I guess it is the same as the public talks:
Intro for a 5-10 minutes about some problem in the world, then 10 mins of bible verses contorted to try and fit the theme, then 10 mins of utopian feel good magic formula solution, along with direct guidance on what each person must do in order to survive into the utopia...
a bradford man's sex offence against a little girl was kept quiet for 23 years because elders of the jehovah's witnesses church persuaded her parents not to report him, a court was told.. robert lee's crime in the forest of dean was not revealed until the victim had grown up and went to the police, gloucester crown court heard on friday.. .
both the victim's family and lee were jehovah's witnesses at that time, said prosecutor kerry barker.. he told the court that having avoided justice, lee, formerly of coleford, but now of alexandra road, bradford, went on to commit further child sex offences in 2008 and 2016.. lee, who used the surname howarth at that time, admitted indecent assault of the girl in march 1995 in coleford when he was aged just 17.. sentencing lee to two years jail suspended for two years and ordering him to sign the sex offender register for 10 years judge ian lawrie qc said he was 'concerned' at the church's advice to the mother not to report him.. he also placed lee under a 10 year sexual harm prevention order.. “i've raised concerns about how this came to the attention of your church authorities and was not reported.
I agree! Individual elders who failed to report these crimes to the police should be charged.
If this happens more and more, it will mean that individual elders will be more likely to go with their conscience and report - rather than waiting for direction from the branch office!
As we have often said, if the crime was Murder instead of child abuse, they would not hesitate going to the authorities! Child abuse should be in the same category!
i think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jehovah%27s_witnesses%27_handling_of_child_sex_abuse.
well, i offered in one of his threads to have him on the show and posters seemed excited at the possibility and we got it done so now you can hear from the man himself on the newest episode of "shunned".
one of our very own stepped up to tell his story, well, aside from myself of course.
it was great getting to actually speak with him.. this is my first international interview for the podcast.
Great work as always Mike! Thank you so much
We would be more than happy to support your work via Patreon. Will set it up soon.
I loved the way Mark (Pale Emp) was "outed" by his family member and harrassed by the elders when they said "does the name Pale Emperor mean anything to you?" It is so similar to my story!
Speaking of which, I am Sooooo close to sharing my full story with you on your podcast if there is a chance...
i posted here weekly until a year ago when my mum died of a mild form of lukemia which is easy to treat with 2 blood tranfusions a month.
you can live to 100 with treatment, but no my mum chose to die a faithful witness after 2 years of chemo and hell for her family and doctors.
her chemo doctor cried when she only had weeks left to live knowing that she could be saved with one bag of blood!
My heart goes out to you mate!
It is nice to see you back here. WE are here to support you.
Much love.
geoff jackson speaking at a france dedication:.
then he said (i'm quoting him best i can remember, but you'll get the idea): "imagine if next week i go back to us and you see in the news that the whole gb was arrested for no reason.
how'd you react?
Its a great tactic of the GB to try and spin the current wave of legal and media attention into something "positive".
Keep trying GB.