Heya CC!
Welcome back to cyberland
greetings, friends:.
my trusty and very old dell died a few days ago; a friend's gift of a toshiba has gotten me here.
fortunately, it uses windows 7 like my old pc.
Heya CC!
Welcome back to cyberland
here is one thing that really annoys me.. i live opposite a large hospital.
there is a pedestrian crossing connecting the hospital to the other side of the road.
it is at the end of the crossing that the dubs have their literature cart.
Casually go and do some "street epistemology" using the "socratic" method
for anyone who didn't have the pleasure of attending the assembly , they has a video of a venezuelan man who with 20 years experience was asked to sign a card stating he was a member of a political party to keep his job.
he choose to become a day labour with three kids to feed.. i work in a union shop with a few jws and we had to join the union to remain employed.
i have never been to a meeting.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, most countries have requirements stating that in order to be a citizen or have a passport, one must agree to pledge loyalty to the country.
The GB must be arrogant and downright stupid if they are going down the path of the Mexico/Malawi scandal yet again?
gdpr congregation record of processing activities: https://1drv.ms/f/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gx7oc1gksxolaeae.
...and associated files.... .
letter to boe dated january 6, 2017: https://1drv.ms/b/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gxyqlciog-dt815_.
So I have sent in my third letter. The first was ignored and the second only prompted the receipt of a three line response from them basically saying "we have nothing".
So, this one, while polite and formal, is strongly worded to highlight that they have an obligation to provide the data I have requested. If not, further action will be taken. ( i have quoted all relevant legal sections and documents that pertain to my right to this data)
I have sent it via registered mail so that they can not ignore it.
I will post more details and perhaps even copies of the letters soon.
the governing body and watchtower publications make clear there is only one official website that jws should go to about their religion.
they do not approve of independent pro-jw forums.
this would also fall in line of there being no independent study groups, on the internet, or elsewhere.. for that matter, they do not approve of jws posting on behalf of their religion on social media, “apostate” websites, or anywhere else on the internet.
Good thread.
Yes, when it suits them, individual JWs will do their own thing!
They will promote their own social media activity that goes DIRECTLY against the dictates of the GB.
How many Instagram posts are there with JW promotional activity with hashtags like #bestlifeever arrrggghhh!
so this years convention was all about:.
1) neutrality means not taking sides.
jws must not have any opinions about politics, even if it affects you or your job or your social class directly.. also .
Wow...it seems that they are getting more and more desperate!
Is it because we are all "out" now that this sort of rhetoric stands out as the trash it is? Or is the GB getting more intense and desperate??
'satan's coming after us'.
screenshot from video.
shawn bartlett, the records management overseer for the jehovah’s witnesses, explains the organization’s new record-keeping policies during a 2017 seminar in britain.
Ah yes! The ALMIGHTY god JEHOVAH seems incapable of preventing SATAN'S legal system from enacting the laws of the land??
The "One who can make the stones cry out", or who can "resurrect the dead" cant seem to stop the wave of justifiable legal cases?
Maybe he is "cleaning up his house" and using the "superior authorities who stand in their relative positions by him"
Come on JWs! wake the heck up!
If it takes "Satan's WICKED system" to make Jehovah's people do the right thing, then that says everything!
i got invited as a +1 to someone's house yesterday to watch the fireworks.
i'd never met the hosts, and it seemed that most of the people in the group only knew one or two other people there.
yet i felt more genuine friendship from everyone there than i ever felt at any jw gathering.
So freaking hilarious @wake me!
the latest trend seems to be that you can't go to any store without being asked for money.. no, not the money for the things you went in there to purchase, extra money for the store to donate to charity.. yes, that's right, the big-name stores, often making $millions in profits, ask you to give them extra money so that they can give it to charity and get some publicity about how awesome they are so that they'll look good to their customers, like, erm, you.. it seems to have ramped up more in the last year or so and frankly, it pisses me off.
if i want to donate to some cause, i'll give the money straight to them.
i hate that it puts people on the spot to guilt them into donating and imagine some people on a tight budget may give even when they can't really afford it.. often you don't know what the charities really are (it's vague like "to help children") or how the money will be spent or even how much will go on the people it's supposedly to help (charity is a multi $billion industry, some just exist to pay themselves).. so what to do?
I get it!
Mcdonalds does this with their "helping hands" day.
They ask people to donate $2 to their own "Ronald Mcdonald house". This is a charity that they have set up.
GREAT! Good on them. But they should just fund it without guilting customers into donating.
is the average jehovah's witness selfish and self-centred?.
i know, i know...many will object and say "no - preaching is the most selfless thing a jw can do.
it saves others lives...".
Is the average Jehovah's Witness selfish and self-centred?
I know, I know...many will object and say "NO - Preaching is the most selfless thing a JW can do. It saves others lives..."
They may even compare themselves to ancient Job who served God faithfully (so the story goes)
But, if we really think about it, how many JWs would keep going preaching if the GB said it was "optional and did not need to be reported on a report slip each month" ?? I would bet VERY FEW if any!
Also, the basic tenants of the faith is that of REWARDS for faithfulness. IF a JW is faithful and spiritual, they will be given the opportunity to live forever in the paradise. How many would live the life of a JW if no paradise was on offer??
What about the idea of the mass death of BILLIONS at Armageddon? How does the average JW rationalise the teaching that EVERY person who is not a faithful, active JW will be slaughtered? Even little babies of worldly people who are simply living the best life they can? But since they do not take magazines or become JWs they somehow deserve to die??
So I propose that most JWs are inherently selfish and in the faith because of what it offers them...