Thanks @wake me!
yeah, it just struck me that “God” is the ultimate negligent parent when it comes to helping his children SOON.
how often have we heard jws (and christians in general) speak about how “god will step in soon and fix earths woes”.
a thought came to mind that i would love to calmly say to the person that says we should “wait on god”.
if your child looks up at you with big eyes, and a pained look on his face and says “daddy, i’m so hungry.
Thanks @wake me!
yeah, it just struck me that “God” is the ultimate negligent parent when it comes to helping his children SOON.
music festivals are supposed to be entertaining events for young and old alike ,so why is it that so many youths and one`s in their twenty`s & thirty`s are being treated for drug overdoses at these venues ?.
their is so much information about the dangers of using drugs at these events or anywhere else ,why do they do it ?.
they put their own life at risk and traumatize those that try to treat them ?.
So I love going to live music- even festivals.
Sadly people will always take pills-so the idea has been floated here in Australia to have pill testing facilities with trained specialists who can let the kids know if the drug is safe. This would be without any fear of prosecution.
The idea of taking pills there has never appealed to me, but for those who do want a trip, at least this testing initiative would keep them safe.
how often have we heard jws (and christians in general) speak about how “god will step in soon and fix earths woes”.
a thought came to mind that i would love to calmly say to the person that says we should “wait on god”.
if your child looks up at you with big eyes, and a pained look on his face and says “daddy, i’m so hungry.
How often have we heard JWs (and Christians in general) speak about how “God will step in SOON and fix earths woes”
A thought came to mind that I would love to calmly say to the person that says we should “wait on god”
If your child looks up at you with big eyes, and a pained look on his face and says “daddy, I’m so hungry. May I have something to eat please?” And your reply is “yes - soon”.
Your little boy then asks “when daddy- I’m starving”
Then you dont feed him for 4 days ; and yet reason- “that was soon- it was sooner than next year- what’s his problem?”
What sort of parent would we be?
So God says “Soon” and yet never says “when”
the final part of the october, 2018 annual meeting has now been released of jw org tv.the following includes a transcript of mark sanderson's speech for those that don't want to listen to the broadcast.. we have long held that the land of decoration is the "spiritual estate of jehovah's people"... now brothers what can we say about all these events that have taken place (referring to recent events in russia) in such a short period of time?
well, truly, if you're a student of the history of god's organization, you can say these events are unprecedented in our history.
we've never seen a country or a territory with 175,000 witnesses of jehovah go under ban.
I agree with Jidders:
I always thought that BABYLON the GREAT was supposed to be destroyed FIRST, and THEN Jehovah's people would be targeted??
So it seems that they are now changing the order of things around?
Aussie Aussie Aussie - oy oy oy!
i just cant begin to express my reactions to this....just watch it right through and see what i mean.....
It was a congregation approved performance in Colorado I believe. The youtube uploader is a genuine JW
Perhaps during the international convention time.
It is up there with the "Happy at Bethel" video that did the rounds a few years back.
watchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
I tried to embed an image of a person "busy" on a treadmill...sorry if i didnt do it correctly. But you get the idea
watchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
i just cant begin to express my reactions to this....just watch it right through and see what i mean.....
I just cant begin to express my reactions to this....Just watch it right through and see what I mean....
watchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
And dont forget, if you are not doing enough, you should feel GUILTY about it!
It is the old FOG method again: