I was pondering the way the society condemns anyone who looks for "spiritual food" outside of their approved channel. As we know, JWs are ONLY to go to the approved website, and research material.
This illustration came to mind.
Lets say we have a 5star fancy restaurant, and a new clean food truck. Both kitchens prepare a meal.
If the food is simply assessed on its own merit, and the source of its production is ignored, it can be deemed as healthy, safe, nutritious and tasty. Or it can be deemed as not fit or dangerous.
If however we are swayed by the appearance of the establishment, and dont go further by testing the food and checking the kitchen, we could make a serious mistake.
What if a masterful chef prepared food in the food truck, but a filthy cook threw something together in the 5 star restaurant kitchen?
So too when it comes to FACTS about the Society. Or "The truth about the Truth" if you like.
If the information is factual it is factual!
Of course the GB tell all JWs to only eat their food- which is full of distortion, errors, whitewashing, propaganda and lies. But they also accuse us "apostates" of doing the same!
So surely the food itself needs to be checked- not simply thrown away because of where it was made!?