We recently haven't heard much here about the Caleb and Sophia cartoon series.
Is it still running? Or have the GB realised how pathetic they are?
we recently haven't heard much here about the caleb and sophia cartoon series.. is it still running?
or have the gb realised how pathetic they are?.
We recently haven't heard much here about the Caleb and Sophia cartoon series.
Is it still running? Or have the GB realised how pathetic they are?
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
"Thanks for your kind intentions. I appreciate your comments about the value of humility. It is indeed so vital to humbly keep examining our faith, free from arrogance or pride. To do so with a keen focus on truth and honesty is also so important. I hope you are keeping well. Love...."
we’ve all heard them all our life.
my two biggest stupidest ones i think are, “ we can really tell the end is almost here with the way people drive on the highway.” and a girl who said she wants to hurry up and marry her boyfriend because she’s scared if the end comes before their married, she’ll have to wait 1000 years to marry him.
oh and also a poor old lady saying that she hopes jehovah wipes away the memory of her disfellowshipped sons that he will have to destroy.
We will still be able to use all the machinery to clean up the new world.
Machinery that runs on oil based fuels no less ? wtf? who is going to produce that??
... you are told to trust the slave as you do jehovah and jesus..
...if the organization needs to constantly tell its members how "happy" they are!
... you are told to trust the slave as you do jehovah and jesus..
...if the organization fits the BITE model perfectly!
Behaviour control
Information control
Thought control
Emotional control
some people are of the opinion that it doesn't make any sense to be proud of one's nationality because we had nothing to do with where we were born.
the decision wasn't ours.
they opine that it's ludicrous to be proud of our countries' prior achievements if we had no part in those achievements because we weren't even around then.
Australia has some terrible things in its past. But it has progressed well, and no doubt will continue to do so.
So, yes, I am "proud".
I am also very appreciative of the life we get to live here in this country. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the many, many things that could very easily be taken for granted.
I feel that this appreciation is a far greater feeling to be valued. Never take the lifestyle we get to live for granted.
i was informed by my jw father tonight that the reason i don't go to meetings is because "of a guilty conscious".
i just done an eye roll and walked away.
i just can't make this stuff up..
When my father asked me why we didn't attend anymore, I replied:
"well Dad, I thank you for raising me to value the qualities of Truth and Honesty. It's for this reason that I can no longer attend meetings. Truth and Honesty is not present there."
greetings, fellow lexophiles:.
last night, i watched a cool road movie, the trip, with steve coogan and rob brydon.
they were counseled by steve's dad to take an "anticlockwise" route home, rather than the clockwise one steve had proposed.
How did I miss this thread before?!
I love words like "antiquity" or "historicity ". The way they are articulated and pronounced is very cool.
i was informed by my jw father tonight that the reason i don't go to meetings is because "of a guilty conscious".
i just done an eye roll and walked away.
i just can't make this stuff up..
Oh yep! I've heard all of those, including "he must be ashamed for some sin" and "he just wants to pursue worldly materialism "
For all who have had such things like that said, be reassured that EXACTLY the same sorts of comments are said by ones who leave other faiths such as Mormons, Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims etc....
It is standard "high control cult speak 101"
many people like to boast about “jehovah being loving and impartial toward all”.
there are even scriptures that say words to that effect.. however, if we look at just his actual conduct and actions , and not accept the words supposedly written by his apologetic “bible writers”, the facts tell us something else!.
firstly, he chose one special nation and race of people.
Jesse Jackson?? Huh? Am I missing something there 'loveunihateexams'.?