My playlist includes many, many New Age tunes from artists like Jonn Serrie, Enya, Steve Roach, Constance Demby, Michael Danna, Tim Clement, Susan Cianni, and William Aura, as well as better known artists like Pat Benetar, the Go-Gos, Jane Wiedlin, Bananarama, Avril Lavigne, Juliana Hatfield, Liz Phair, Celine Dion, and Lorena McKennit. There is another whole playlist filled with music from the Waveform catalog and similar tunes, electronica with various tempos, some just instrumental, others with accompanying vocals. Lately, I just let Media Player shuffle among everything, so in the few minutes I've been online checking my mail, I've heard Steve Roach, Vanessa Williams, and just now, a tune called Dallam by a group named I-Sense.
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
What on earth are you listening to? (winamp/media player users)
by El blanko inif you have winamp or media player installed - what is on your playlist at the moment?
like a child runnin' wild - curtis mayfield.
we are here - banca de gaia.
Field Service Quota?
by Unclepenn1 indo jw's have to keep a quota to remain active?
does anyone have any wt article or km that tells the rank and file what is expected if they are going to be a publisher, vs a pioneer, or anything like that?
The idea of a certain minimum acceptable number of field service hours to qualify for any position in the congregation seems to be at variance with the Bible record of what was said to take place in the first century.
According to Ephesians 4:11, people were selected and used in the congregations based on their abilities or gifts, "And he gave SOME as apostles, SOME as prophets, SOME as evangelizers (apparantly not ALL), SOME as shepherds and teachers.
The account in Luke 21:2 regarding the poor widow who dropped "two small coins of very little value" into the congregations "treasury chest" seems to indicate that if one are doing all that they can, then that is sufficient.
Not surprisingly, the "quota" is just a rule made by men.
Accepting one's own mortality and JWs
by seattleniceguy inthe lyrics to the song "dust in the wind" say in part:.
same old song.
just a drop of water in and endless sea.
As reconstituted "dust" however, it is interesting to speculate on what forms that "dust" took before taking its current form. Where have all those atoms been, before being "you"?
What form did it have 100 years ago? 1000 years ago? 100,000 years ago, etc?
And, what forms WILL it have in 100 years, 1000 years, 100,000 years, etc?
I will shop at WalMart only if I know exactly where I can grab what I'm looking for and then get out. The nearly constant pages for employees over the loudspeakers is completely distracting.
I much prefer Target. The environment is much calmer, and it is more relaxing to shop there. Target is pleasant to just walk around and browse for different items. For me, this is very much worth a few cents, or even a few dollars difference in the total price at the checkout.
Illustration of burning cities while JW's rejoice?
by gaiagirl ini remember once seeing an older watchtower publication, i believe it was a study book from the late '60s or early '70s, in which one illustration showed a city with large buildings in the background, all burning and in ruins.
in the foreground, a group of well-groomed jw's smile joyously and raise their arms in praise to jehovah, apparantly thanking him for destroying civilization, but at least allowing them to live.
the picture was a little unsettling at the time, and now with the threat of terrorism, even more so.. does anyone remember which publication this image was from?
Thanks to everyone for their contributions to this thread. I think the picture I was remembering was the one shown from the "Mans Salvation From Worlds Distress" book (it was an older book, with black/white illustrations, to which color accents had been added.) Special thanks to Wild Thing for the link showing that particular picture.
But some of the other pictures were even creepier than I remembered. Uggh!
Illustration of burning cities while JW's rejoice?
by gaiagirl ini remember once seeing an older watchtower publication, i believe it was a study book from the late '60s or early '70s, in which one illustration showed a city with large buildings in the background, all burning and in ruins.
in the foreground, a group of well-groomed jw's smile joyously and raise their arms in praise to jehovah, apparantly thanking him for destroying civilization, but at least allowing them to live.
the picture was a little unsettling at the time, and now with the threat of terrorism, even more so.. does anyone remember which publication this image was from?
I remember once seeing an older Watchtower publication, I believe it was a study book from the late '60s or early '70s, in which one illustration showed a city with large buildings in the background, all burning and in ruins. In the foreground, a group of well-groomed JW's smile joyously and raise their arms in praise to Jehovah, apparantly thanking him for destroying civilization, but at least allowing them to live.
The picture was a little unsettling at the time, and now with the threat of terrorism, even more so.
Does anyone remember which publication this image was from?
Do you believe in "same sex" marriage?
by Carmel inyesterday i tuned into espn sports radio and listened to a semi-political debate on several issues.
when "same sex" marriage came up one of the talking heads refrained that "all marriages are same sex.
" you get married and have the "same sex" over and over again!
I absolutely support same-sex marriage for the following reasons:
1) Marriage is not about gender or producing children. Marriage is about commitment. Gay and lesbian couples can be just as commited, if not more so, than heterosexual couples. Think about it. One can have heterosexual relations without committment, and one can even produce children without being committed to the other parent. What makes the difference? Why do some choose to marry? Because they are committed to their partner. One chooses to marry someone to whom they commit the remainder of their life.
2) Marriage is not a "God-based" arrangement, and did not begin with the culture which produced the writings which later were collected to form the Bible. People all over the world, even those who did not claim to be "Gods chosen people", were joining themselves together in committed relationships for thousands of years before the "thou shalt not" writings of the Biblical patriarchs. In many of these cultures, there was no bias against same-sex relationships.
3) "Gods" word does not condemn same-sex marriage, or for that matter, homosexuality. Rather, some nomadic fundamentalists chose to prohibit ALL sexual activity outside of certain narrowly defined parameters. These writings are not the words of God, or even a god. They are just the writings of men, who claimed to speak for God. The same thing happens today, with people and organizations such as Jerry Falwell, and with the Taliban. They make a claim to act in God's name, then cite some "inspired scripture" to justify their hateful actions.
4) Failure to provide full marriage benefits to same-sex couples is simply hate-based religious discrimination, directed against those who don't share the same religous beliefs. Laws which discriminate against those of a particular religious belief are unconstitutional.
Armaggedon comes - at a set day and hour or as a result of circumstances?
by truthseeker ini have been thinking about this question for some time.
considering the society's past deceptions and false dates about armaggedon, i never gave the timing of this "day after tomorrow" event too much thought.. and then i got to thinking, well, maybe there isn't a set day or hour for the end of the world.
the few examples that jehovah gave a specific time for a city to be destroyed was nineveh (40 days) and jerusalem (the 70 weeks of years).
I heard various JWs express conflicting opinions on this topic. An elder once told me privately "If you speak to one of the Governing Body, THEY now know when the end will take place". It was frequently repeated that Jehovah had set an appointed date, and that, while Jesus had not known that date during his life on Earth, he knew it NOW that he was reigning in heaven.
However, others would sometimes say things like "The tribulation can't begin until the message has been preached to ALL the nations, so we better get out in service so as not to hold up Armageddon".
So, either the date is set, or it is flexible and waiting for something else to be finished.....which was it???
I'm not sure what UFO's actually are, as I've seen some odd things which I couldn't explain scientifically (for example, the Marfa Lights.....documented for over 100 years, seen them myself, watched them for a good long time, and I can't figure out WHAT the heck they are).
The old view defined the basic unit of life as a cell, and therefore that the development of life was a "very unlikely miracle". The problem with this is that the things we associate with "life" are displayed by simpler units than cells, such as DNA and RNA. And these form spontaneously. The current view is more like, "Life is something which develops wherever conditions allow it". Microfossils in the rocks indicate that life appeared on THIS planet almost as soon as she was cool enough for liquid water to exist on the surface. Given the number of other stars existing in the Universe, it just seems that, without doubt, at least SOME of those stars have planets with favorable conditions for life. Statistically, the probability is vanishingly small that there is NOT life elsewhere, or phrased another way, staggeringly large that life DOES exist elsewhere. In a universe so large, at least some of those life forms might be expected to display intelligence, perhaps some greater than our own.
by tresbella inhey!
ever read the wt and awake articles and get tired of seeing words and prases like "the society's counsel on..."
How about:
"Waiting on Jehovah" (would make a good title for a film)
"Spiritual food at the proper time"
"This Old System of Things"