Another wiccan/neopagan/mystic with a lot of science as well. Maybe I'll start my own religion, "Pagan Scientist"?
JoinedPosts by gaiagirl
Are there ex-JW who have become anismists, polytheists or pagans?
by Dave_T inas you can see i am still a newbie and it looks to me like most of you are either die-hard christians or atheists.
so i was wondering if some of you had become animists, polytheists or had converted to another sort of paganism.
(am i the only one here?...
The Bible is roughly as "inspired by God" as "The Iliad". Every culture creates its own mythology to give special meaning to their history. The Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians and Greeks all had their own mythology, and certainly the Hebrews created theirs, once they invaded Canaan and became a nation. It is clear that much of the Bible was not original to the Hebrews but borrowed from older sources. The "dividing of the waters" was common to older Egyptian and Sumerian stories. The rainbow story used to claim that the rainbow was Ishtars necklace which she tossed into the sky. Think about the legends concerning American history, such as Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, John Henry, etc. Centuries from now, people may belive that these and people really lived as well.
Halle Berry's new man
by MsMcDucket in .
he's canadian and he's a supermodel.
his name is gabriel aubry.
I don't really keep up much with celebrity romance, but why is it assumed that "no man wants to stay with Halle". Perhaps SHE broke off the relationships, upon finding personality or character flaws in each of her previous boyfriends. She should be able to reject someone she finds unsuitable, rather than "settling" for someone who isn't completely satisfactory in every way.
Vote on my avatar!
by spoils_useful_habits invote on my avatar, if the 'nays' have it, i'll take it down......if the 'yays' have it i'll keep it.
i'll tabulate the votes after a day or so.
Just an herb with some medicinal properties, use as you see fit, or don't. I vote Yay!
Were All God's Animals 'Good'
by Satanus inin genesis, god looks at all the animals that he created and he pronounces them good.
yet, the species that exist today are less than 1% of those that existed. were they 'bad' in god's eyes, practice for him?
One of the books released in the '70s or '80s showed color image of a Tyrannosaurus drowning in the rising floodwaters just outside the ark, along with many other people and animals which provided a size comparison. Can't remember the title of the book, but can clearly remember the picture showing the top of his head, eye, and part of his snout and mouth.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
by eyeslice injust finished reading the five people you meet in heaven by mitch albom.
basic story is that a guy dies and has to meet and learn five lessons on his way to his personal heaven.
who would be your five(they have to be dead of course)?
1)Hypatia, the director of the library at Alexandria, who was murdered by a Christian mob because she was a woman who had the nerve to teach men, and because the information contained in the library where she worked disproved many Christian dogmas. 2) Pytheas, a Greek who sailed possibly as far as Iceland about 300 B.C.E. searching for the source of tin ore used to make bronze. 3) Democritus, who in 425 B.C.E. described the Milky Way as a cloud of stars with planets around them, and specified that only SOME of those planets were capable of supporting life. 4) Boadicea, the Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders in the first century, at roughly the time some of the gospels were written, and that Paul was writing some of his letters. 5) Carl Sagan, astronomer and scientist.
What are "Christian Principle's?
by jeanniebeanz ini hear this all the time.
he/she has good christian principles.
how are christian principles any better than, say, societal or cultural principles?.
The term implies that there was something original about the teachings of Jesus, when many Bible scholars have noted a remarkable similarity between teachings of Jesus and those of Buddah and others who lived centuries before. Perhaps the best known so-called "Christian Principle" is the Golden Rule, roughly "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Following is a list of the writings of some who said essentially the same thing: Pittacus (circa 650 B.C.E.) "Do not that to your neighbor which you would receive ill from him." Thales of Miletus, (circa 585 B.C.E.) was quoted as saying "Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing." Confucius (circa 500 B.C.E.) taught "Do to another what you would have them do to yourself, you need only this law, it is the foundation of all other laws." Sextus (circa 406 B.C.E.) wrote "What you wish your neighbors to be to you, be also to them." Aristotle (circa 385 B.C.E.) said "We should conduct ourselves toward others as we would have them act towards ourselves." Aristippus (365 B.C.E.) wrote "Cherish reciprocal benevolance, which will make you as anxious for anothers welfare as for your own." Isocrates (circa 338 B.C.E.) taught "Act toward others as you desire them to act toward yourself." So in this instance, what is widely considered to be a "Christian principle" is seen to have been actually a widely held view among pagans first, only adopted by Christians much later.
Overheard in a public library
by under_believer inwhen i was a kid, my parents (strong in the truth: father elder, mother regular pioneer) encouraged me to read.
in reality, they could hardly have held me back; i come from a long line of bookworms, including my father.
books were like water.
The situation as you described it would make a very good Hardy Boys (or Nancy Drew) cover: imagine a dimly lit corner of the library, a 13 year old, dressed in Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew style clothing, with a stack of books backing away from a sinister appearing adult who is staring with "Jesus Eyes" (perhaps glowing a little in the dim light) : )
Did anyone you know fade before YOU did?
by gaiagirl injust curious as to whether anyone had the experience of a friend or associate at the kingdom hall fade away or discontinue attendance without having been disfellowshipped first?
i did have that happen, and i wondered why they suddenly weren't around anymore.
what were you told by others regarding this absence?
Just curious as to whether anyone had the experience of a friend or associate at the Kingdom Hall fade away or discontinue attendance without having been disfellowshipped first? I did have that happen, and I wondered why they suddenly weren't around anymore. What were you told by others regarding this absence?
DaVinci Code & "Mankind's Search for God"
by proplog2 inthe watchtower doesn't want its members to see the da vinci code.
probably for the same reason they don't want its members to read their book "mankind's search for god".
they went to the trouble of researching and publishing this attractive well illustrated book.
"Mankind's Search for God" is the only book (other than a NWT) which I kept when I disposed of my box of JW literature. Although biased to cast other religions in a poor light (i.e. how they don't follow the Bible according to JW interpretation), if one reads between the lines, some idea of what those other religions teach can be seen.