Why is the sky blue? Does the bible explain that one too?
How about...
Your a dumbass!
i am not a jw so i don't have any stories about the organization.
but i would love to hear about your reasons for leaving.
Why is the sky blue? Does the bible explain that one too?
How about...
Your a dumbass!
i grew up as a witnness, and was baptised, but currently not attending.
recently a witness woman stopped by my house.
she offered the magazines.
Ummm...so what is your point? Do you have one? I'm sure you do feel bad about 911 but what does that have to do with the woman who stopped by your door? She says she isn't surprised by with what happened on Sept. 11th. ???? This makes this person "cold"??? Hardly. Get over it. I am no longer a JW having been disfellowshipped over 3 years ago but I'm not surprised of what took place on 09/11 either. Guess what!? It's reality! There are people in our world that have hate for others and that's exactly what took place on 09/11. This doesn't mean I support what happened and I'm quite certain that the JW that visited you, didn't mean for you to overreact and take it wrong. Now I know you have much better things to do with your time than to over analyze what a simple JW said to you at your door. Don't you? Yes...you do.